Page 14 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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2016 and started work on the creation of the Strategic Plan     walls  with  their  unique  graffiti  while  allowing  for  sensitive   In continuation of our focus on integrating innovative digital
               DEAN AND CHIEF                                  for 2023-2028. The Strategic Plan forms the basis for planning   conversations that flowed naturally. We also undertook whole   tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning, this year
                                                               and  decision-making  across  the  school  and  is  a  critical   school  Comprehensive  Sexuality  Education  sessions  for   we  have  chosen  Toddle  as  our  Learning  Management
            EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                  document that guides day-to-day operations at DAIS. Through     students  and  parents  and  Cambridge  Well-being  check  for   System  (LMS).  It  serves  as  a  dynamic  hub  for  curriculum
                                                               a series of discussions among the Senior Leadership Team and
                                                                                                                               Classes 3 to 12, a preventive approach which will give a deeper
                                                                                                                                                                                      documentation,  communication,  content  sharing,  and
                                                               various  stakeholders,  five  new  strategic  directions  were   insight into continuing to support our students.       assessment  management,  enabling  our  educators  to  create
                                                               proposed – Culture, Teaching and Learning, Well-being,                                                                 engaging and interactive learning opportunities for our students.
                                                               Environment, and Partnerships. Strategic Plan 2023-2028         Students  were  deeply  involved  in  all  Round  Square  events,   As part of strengthening our administrative, procurement and HR
                                                               of  Dhirubhai  Ambani  International  School  takes  due        being encouraged to take agency and ownership of the various   systems  and  processes,  we  have  implemented  SAP  for
                                                               cognizance  of  the  new  curriculum  model  and  pedagogical   activities,  demonstrating  inquiry,  creativity,  and  leadership,   procurement  and  PeopleFirst  for  Human  Resources.  Through
                                                               practices  that  are  in  the  initial  phase  of  implementation.  It   with a focus on collaboration, instead of competition. Student   these various automation and digitalisation efforts, we are
                                                               factors the unique features of the new, world-class campus–     leaders  hosted  the  virtual  Postcard  'Music  and  Moods',   empowering our staff to leverage the power of technology to
                                                               Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School. By clearly articulating the   environmental initiatives such as Earth Day and World Food   focus on their core responsibilities and make their work more
                                                               objectives, strategies, measures of success, resources needed,   were focussed on hope for the future. Extending our existing   effective and impactful.
                                                               the names of people who are responsible for various actions,    initiatives of waste segregation and plastic recycling resulted in
                                                               the timelines, and an evaluation plan, the Strategic Plan 2023-  programmes  like  the  'Recyclathon'  and  'Eco-bricking'   My sincere gratitude and appreciation go to our Founder and
                                                               2028 envisions DAIS achieving its objectives in a culture of    through 'Reimagine plastic'.                           Chairperson, Mrs. Nita M Ambani and our Vice-Chairperson,
                                                               excellence and in pursuit of continuous school improvement.                                                            Mrs. Isha Ambani Piramal, for their visionary and inspirational
                                                                                                                               Model United Nations (MUN) nurtures student interest in global
                                                               Additionally,  this  was  also  a  year  of  transformation.  More   socio- economic and political affairs, develops skills to identify   leadership. We take this opportunity to convey our sincere thanks
                                                               importantly, the focus has been intensely on implementing the   issues  and  diplomatically  articulate  realistic  solutions  for  a   to our Board of Governors. Heartfelt gratitude also to all our
                  Mr. Abhimanyu Basu                           change. Adopting the PYP framework from July 2022 was an        peaceful world. Students are encouraged to think of amicable   Heads,  Deputy  Heads,  Programme  Coordinators,  Curriculum
                                                               important  transition.  The  teachers  embracing  a  growth     solutions  to  a  vast  range  of  issues  such  as  human  rights   Coordinator,  Sports  Director,  Director  of  Technology,  MUN
                            Dean and CEO                                                                                                                                              Director, Round Square Coordinator, the Student Care team, the
                                                               mindset, learning along with their students, and making space   protection,  infringement  to  sovereignty,  climate  change,
                                                               for student agency was a transformative experience for all. I am   sustainable development goals, peaceful use of atomic energy,   College  Counselling  team,  the  Learning  Centre  Team,  and
        DAIS has completed 20 years, and this gives us a sense of   humbled  by  the  commitment  and  motivation  of  the  DAIS   and  promoting  good  health  worldwide.  Over  25  of  our   especially, to all our Faculty and Administration Team. They have
        immense pride. Looking back, this journey of two decades has   faculty, as we strive to do better and be better. Our classrooms   students  have  won  accolades  as  Best  Delegates  in  several   worked  tirelessly  to  provide  the  best  of  education  to  all  our
        been  eventful  with  milestones  of  our  experiences  and   made a gradual shift from content to concept-based learning.   conferences. This year, our high school students have made us   students as we got back to regular on-campus instruction this
        accomplishments. We started our DAIS journey with a vision of   Learning  became  less  teacher-directed  and  more  student-  proud  by  receiving  Best  Delegation  award  at  the  Rome   year, post the covid-19 pandemic.
        establishing a happy school with an Indian mind, an Indian   centred,  and  a  culture  of  inquiry  was  fostered.  Summative   International Model United Nations Conference (RIMUN) 2023.   At DAIS, our constant endeavour is to inculcate sound values,
        heart, and an Indian soul. Right from the inception in 2003, the   assessments changed to continuous formative assessments.                                                   integrity, and strength of character in our children. All these
        school's  objective  was  to  establish  highest  standards  of   Parents' involvement increased significantly through multiple   Our students have enthusiastically participated and won many   attributes  shall  drive  them  to  set  goals,  be  motivated,  act
        excellence  in  all  performance  parameters.  Furthermore,  we   presentations, learning walks, parent-teacher meetings and,   Robotics  competitions  throughout  this  year.  The  team   optimistically, and take pragmatic action. In pursuit of our goal
        aimed to strengthen our co-curricular and sporting activities   finally,  culminated  in  a  recently  concluded  student-led   mentored  many  NGO  FTC  teams,  who  won  awards.  DAIS   to develop DAIS students with sound values, and make them
        including  Round  Square,  Model  United  Nations,  and   conference. DAIS officially became an MYP Candidate School    students  also  performed  extremely  well  at  the  WSRO   attain  their  hopes,  we  are  all  set  to  host  the  “Festival  of
        community  service  programmes,  across  the  school  for   and  Class  VI  students  started  learning  through  the  MYP   Nationals, MANAK Inspire Awards, WRO Nationals and the   Hope” in the DAIS campus on 31st May 2023. The Festival's
        students' holistic development.                        framework from January 2023. Through MYP, our students are      WRO  Internationals,  held  in  Germany.  Ishaan  Mehra  and   theme:  'How  Technology  promotes  diversity,  inclusion
        Thanks to our efforts on all-round development of every DAIS   making deeper conceptual connections with the content they   Keshav Mohta of IGCSE Grade 10 came first in their category at   and equity' is a celebration of the resilience, creativity, and
        student in academics, co-curricular engagements and sports, we   are learning and transferring their understanding not only to   the WRO International Finals 2022.           determination of our youth. This shall provide a platform for
        earned the reputation of being one of the world's top schools   other  subjects  but  beyond  the  realms  of  the  classroom.   On average, the Class of 2023 had a university acceptance   students and teachers to express their innovative ideas and
        consistently over the years. We are proud that our commitment   Engaging  sessions,  where  they  learn  together  and  build   rate  of  44%  of  their  applications,  and  53%  of  the  class   share  their  unique  perspectives  on  technology.  Together,
        to high standards of excellence and our emphasis on systems and   bridges of understanding, truly made our school, in the words   achieved more than 50% acceptances. 47% of the Class of   students shall explore new ways to create a more inclusive and
        processes, DAIS was awarded joint accreditation by the Council   of our Chairperson Smt Nita M Ambani, “a happy school,   2023  were  offered  a  place  at  their  top  choice  university,   equitable  future  for  all.  The  event  will  be  attended  by  IB
        of International School (CIS) and the New England Association of   where teaching is a pleasure and learning a joy.”   leading to 78% of the class being offered a place at one of their   Director  General  Olli-Pekka  Heinonen  and  the  International
        Schools  and  Colleges  (NEASC)  in  2016.  Based  on  our   The Student Care team has put in focused efforts on early   top two choices. 55% of the class received scholarships – a   Baccalaureate Senior Leadership Team.
        foundational  principles  and  proven  strengths  and  taking   identification,  especially  with  primary  students,  whose
        inspiration from some of the best practices around the world, the   exposure to a full-day regular academic schedule would require   total  of  89  scholarships  –  amounting  to  US$  4,195,492.    In  closing,  I  thought  it  would  be  befitting  to  share  some
        Curriculum Review process for Grades LKG-8 was undertaken.   a sensitive approach. The school's transition to PYP and MYP, in   Students  have  gained  397  admission  offers  at  135   excerpts  from  “Define  Yourself”,  a  poem  by  Karen
        Our  revised  Curriculum  Documents  adopted  a  unique   which  inclusion  and  Social  and  Emotional  Learning  (SEL)   universities spanning 8 countries: Australia (2), Canada (30),   Mortensen. These lines distinctly portray the potent power of
        Curriculum Standard approach aimed at following grade-wise   integration  to  the  learning  units  were  expectations  of  the   Germany (1), India (5), Ireland (1), Spain (1), United Kingdom   imagination and dreams, and the intrinsic capacity lying deep
        alignment of knowledge, concepts, and skills. These allowed us a   curriculum,  called  for  more  attention  to  this  area.  Special   (76) and United States of America (281). Of this, 32% of the   inside each one of us, to unleash our potential and live a life
        seamless  transition  to  PYP  and  MYP  programmes,  while   educators and counsellors attended weekly planning meetings   class had 45 acceptances to 17 of the Top 30 universities in the   guided by our learnings so far, and how HOPE signifies itself as
        providing the base for IGCSE and IB programmes organically and                                                         QS World University Ranking; 55% of the class received 94   a divine beacon!
        authentically.                                         and  were  more  visible  in  classrooms  in  a  teaching  support   acceptances to 23 of the Top 30 universities in the US News   Dreams are the touchstones of your character.
                                                               capacity,  so  these  aspects  were  explored  and  delivered  to   Best Global Universities.
        The school commenced the process of reaccreditation with CIS and   ensure that no child was left behind. There was an expected                                                              Imagine the unimaginable.
        NEASC,  after  hosting  a  virtual  Preparatory  Evaluation  visit,  in   increase  in  the  number  of  students  being  monitored  and   Once again, our students have produced outstanding results in
        October 2021. The Preparatory Visit Team said - “DAIS is a vibrant   supported for access to learning and counselling needs. Special   the ICSE, IGCSE and IB Diploma examinations. These results   This is your time. This is your life.
        and aspiring learning community that is deeply committed   education needs support was reintroduced as learning support   have further consolidated the standing of DAIS as one of the   Seize the moment. Delight in your youth.
        to  using  the  CIS  NEASC  joint  accreditation  process  as  a   where academic support was extended to ALL – not just those   Top IB Schools in the world. Education Advisers, UK, has ranked   Life is your canvas, and no one can paint it but you.
        continuing catalyst for school improvement”. The school is in   with identified special learning needs. The whole-school PSHE   DAIS  among  the  Top  20  IB  schools  in  the  World.
        the  process  of  Re-Accreditation  which  involves  a  rigorous  18-  programme continued to reinforce the five core competencies   EducationWorld  has  ranked  us  the  No.  1  International   Inside you is the key to everything
        month  school  Self-Study,  followed  by  a  full  CIS/NEASC   –  self-awareness,  self-management,  responsible  decision-  School in India, and Times of India has ranked us the No. 1    you can imagine and more.
        Accreditation Team Visit, scheduled for September 2023.                                                                National & International Curriculum School in Mumbai.           Learn from yesterday. Live for today.
                                                               making, relationship skills and social awareness of SEL into the
        2022-23 was a year of significant transformation in the school as   PSHE curriculum standards. Student agency was reflected in   These spectacular accolades are testament to our students'   You are the hope for tomorrow.
        we were implementing the two new programmes – PYP and   topics  they  identified,  and  they  performed  Role  plays  on   abundant  talents  and  their  resolute  efforts  to  excel;  these
        MYP  -  in  the  Primary  school  and  the  Middle  school.  We   Resilience  for  their  peers.  The  counselling  room  became  a   accolades also equally reflect the dedication and commitment   Abhimanyu Basu
        reviewed  our  existing  Strategic  Plan  that  was  developed  in   space for creative expression as students gathered to paint the   of our teachers.                       Dean and CEO
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