Page 120 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 120



                 “What do you love about your school?”        No  conversation  about  school  would  be  complete  without    It's been 12 years, 7 months, and 27 days since I first set foot into this   responsibility  and  leadership.  Your  endless  support  means  the
                                                              acknowledging  the  efforts  of  the  non-teaching  staff  -  the   school, the yellow suns on my shirt exuding an unparalleled level of   world, and I attribute all my successes to you.
        This  was  a  casual  question  posed  to  me  in  fourth  grade  by
        representatives from CIS, a situation where I was nervous about   housekeeping,  canteen  staff,  security,  medical  staff  and  IT   enthusiasm, yet my heart nervously pounding in my chest. After all   The outgoing council leaves behind a legacy, a tribute to hard work,
        whether I would be able to answer questions adequately. However,   department. Thank you for working day in and day out to ensure our   this time, I'm proud to refer to this school as a second home, a haven
        the second that question was asked, “what I love about my school”,   school runs smoothly, you truly are the backbone of our school.   where  I  can  be  myself.  Venturing  back  into  the  past,  I  vividly   dedication, and perseverance. As the incoming student council, we
        I felt a sense of pride. “My school” I thought to myself. This is my   Watching students wave to their bus didis, thanking the canteen   remember the first investiture ceremony I viewed: as a first grader   find  the  bar  set  extremely  high  for  us.  Remaining  motivated
        school. And then, after I began to answer, I simply could not stop.   bhaiyas  when  returning  their  tray,  and  greet  security  and   paying little attention to the elaborate speeches made on this   throughout transitional periods between online and offline school is
        Standing here, almost 7 years later, addressing you as your   housekeeping in the corridors is truly a testament to the   very  podium,  eagerly  anticipating  our  PE  class  right   truly  a  remarkable  achievement,  and  stands  as  a
        head  girl  -  my  passion  and  excitement  for  this           spirit of respect, compassion, and empathy that our                                                                     testimony to each member's strength of character.
        institution  remain  as  strong  as  ever,  and  if                 school embodies, something I hope each of you      after. However, my feelings were very different as                   As we take the reins from Kshitig and Devika, we
        someone asks me what I love about my school,                          continue to imbibe and effectuate every day.     the  next  year's  ceremony  commenced.  I  felt                       will strive to fill in the large shoes they've left
        I will still have an extensive list.                                                                                   inspired. At that moment our school motto
                                                                                Devika, Kshitig, the outgoing council, thank                                                                           us with. We are grateful for being given this
        Thank you Nita maam and Isha maam for                                    you  for  a  phenomenal  year;  we  as  a     resonated  with  my  feelings.  I  “Dared  to                            opportunity.
        creating this institution and fostering an                                council aspire to live up to your legacy. To   Dream.” 9 years later, no words can truly
        environment  where  each  student  can                                     my incoming council: it is an honour to     express  the  immense  joy,  pride  and                                    To our fellow pupils in the crowd, please
        thrive. To our heads and teachers, I think                                 be working alongside such talented and      honor  I  feel  standing  at  this  very                                   know  that  we  appreciate  you.  We
        I speak on behalf of the entire student                                    dedicated individuals, I look forward to    podium, addressing you all as the Head                                     appreciate you for igniting a sense of
        body  when  I  say  that  I  am  eternally                                 the year ahead. This will be incomplete     Boy  of  the  Dhirubhai  Ambani                                            purpose within all of us on the stage,
        grateful  for  everything  you  do  for  us                                without  acknowledging  two  people         International  School,  for  the  very  first
        and all the opportunities you provide us                                                                               time.                                                                      we  appreciate  you  for  being  the
        with.  You  are,  indubitably  the  reason                                who  have  been  my  primary  source  of                                                                               backbone  of  the  school,  and  we
        school feels like home to all of us. Thank                                inspiration and biggest supporters: thank    I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to                           appreciate you for bringing meaning to
        you for being a strong support system, and                               you mom and dad.                              convey my gratitude to all those who have                                the “Student Council.” To those in the first
        always being ready to help us with anything                            After 12 years in this school, I have come to   shaped my persona, nurturing me to become                              few lines of the crowd, keep learning, keep
        we need. The school would not be the same                            realise that the experiences I've had, the lessons                                                                     exploring, and above all, keep dreaming.
        without you. I want to express my gratitude for                    I've  learned,  and  the  relationships  I've  built  are   the person I am today. My family – mom, dad,
        entrusting me with this responsibility, and I promise to        monumental - they make me look forward to coming       Kaira – thank you for being my emotional pillars,               I stand here, 12 years, 7 months and 27 days since my
        fulfill my duties with dedication, passion and enthusiasm.   to school every day, they make this place feel like home and the   supporting me through thick and thin. My dearest friends,   first entry into this school, a similar melange of emotions
        Spirit manifests itself in diverse ways; I see spirit in each and every   school community feel like family.           thank you for never doubting me; your unwavering encouragement   overwhelming me as it did all this while ago. I stand here, after years
        one of you, whether it is coming to school at 6:30 am to cheer your   It is truly a privilege to lead and serve our school community, and it is   pushed my boundaries to extents I'd never thought were possible. To   of dreaming of this very moment. I stand here, as Arhaan Desai,
        house  for  inter  house  rugby  or  staying  involved  and  motivated   with great pride and honour that I stand before you as your Head Girl   our magnanimous non-teaching staff, thank you for ensuring the   addressing you all for the very first time as the head boy of the
        throughout the pandemic. Your uncrushable spirit motivates me   for the year 2022-2023.                                school maintains a safe and amiable environment for all the students   Dhirubhai Ambani International School for the year 2022-23.
        every single day, and I am deeply humbled and honoured to be                                                           to learn in. Lastly, I'm eternally grateful to the distinguished heads
        representing such a multifaceted student body.                               Hrishita Shah - Head Girl 2022-23         and  teachers  for  believing  in  me,  entrusting  me  with  a  role  of    Arhaan Desai - Head Boy 2022-23
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