Page 115 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 115

ROBOTICS                                Keshav and Ishaan WRO 1                                   FTC Scrimmage

 Our students have enthusiastically participated in and won many robotics competitions throughout the past academic year. FRC Team
 7539 Elev8 won the Autonomous Award, a highly coveted award sponsored by Ford for consistent, reliable and high-scoring   Deans List (National) FTC
 autonomous code. The team's elected safety captain, Ishaan Surve of Class 9A, also won the Safety All Star Award. FTC Team Matrix   Safety All Star Award
 won 2nd place in the Inspire Award - the highest award in the FTC Nationals for embodying the qualities of a role-model FIRST team
 and being a top contender for several other judged awards. Anoushka Tandon from 9A, Captain of Team Matrix, won the coveted
 National Dean's List Award (for grades 8 and 9) for her tremendous self-drive, leadership skills and extensive individual contribution to   Matrix Team
 the team's success in all aspects. FTC Team Eureka won the Innovate award at the FTC Nationals, which is given to a team that has used   Elev8 NGO Stem Sessions
 their exceptional imagination and thinking skills in their robot design and code. Both teams are headed for the Asia-Pacific Invitational
 to be held in Australia. Two students from 8A were also apart of FTC Team Vortex which won the Connect Award for its significant
 contributions in reaching out to different sections of society and promoting FIRST across Mumbai.
 Team Elev8 hosted an FTC scrimmage at school on 4th March 2023. The scrimmage saw spirited participation from FTC teams
 throughout Mumbai city. Themed “Power Play” this event mimicked the style and structure of an actual FTC regional. This consisted of
 2 home teams from DAIS, teams from city schools like Oberoi and ASB and multiple NGO teams that we at team Elev8 mentor. This
 scrimmage was a wonderful opportunity for FTC teams in the city to not just gain exposure to the world of FIRST competitions but far
 beyond that. It was about teamwork, making friends, collaborating and making a difference.
 DAIS students also performed extremely well at the WSRO (World STEM & Robotics Olympiad) Nationals, CGS Technovation and
 MANAK Inspire Awards, WRO (World Robot Olympiad) Nationals and the WRO Internationals held in Germany. Students from grades 4
 to 10 participated in WRO and won several awards in the Future Innovators and Open categories. They developed novel solutions
 including a hand-held 2-way translator for Sign Language, a device to prevent drowning in pools, and a wearable device for elderly
 people that detects falls, alerts the wearer and inflates the tubes thereby protecting the wearer from serious injuries. Team Greenbots,
 comprising Ishaan Mehra and Keshav Mohta (10B), stood first in the Robomission Junior category at the WRO International Finals 2022,
 after previously having placed first in the WRO Nationals 2022. Team K2A, comprising Ayaan Shah and Arham Shah (9A) along with
 Kavish Contractor (JNIS), stood 18th in the Senior category at the 2-day International Robotics competition #WRO2022 held in
 Germany. In spite of being amongst the youngest participants in the Senior
 category, they made it to the Top 20 of the World! Students from Team Elev8 and
 FTC Teams Matrix and Eureka also won awards in the Technovation event in the
 Master Coder, Game Jam, Ingenious Geniuses and Poster Picasso categories
 hosted by the Chittagong Grammar School.
 Anoushka Tandon (9A) stood all-India First in IIT Techfest's National Robotics
 Competition held in Mumbai in December 2022. Lakshya Hirawat (9C) performed
 exceptionally well at the F1 in Schools STEM Competition with his team winning
 the People's Choice Award, Best National Collaboration Award and Best
 Scrutineering car award at the Nationals.   Eureka Team   Elev8 G20 Event
 Students showcased their award-winning robots to the RBI Governor and Finance
 Ministers from the G20 countries at the G20 Showcase event at IISc Bangalore.
 Elev8 Bootcamps    PEER Learning

                                  Elev8 FTC India Helping                Elev8 Kala Ghoda               DAIS FETE

                                                                                    FTC Team Vortex

 Autonomous Award
          Elev8 Partnership with Black Hawks Team

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