Page 207 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 207

Camera, Click, Captured.

        Photography is one of my favourite hobbies. It gives me the ability to capture memories
        and see beauty from different perspectives. I love how photography brings out the
        beauty in the simplest of things. I was initially drawn to photography by a YouTube
        video. This video was about creative photo hacks and after seeing it, I wanted to try out
        some of the creative ideas. After taking a few photos, I was amazed at the power of a
        camera!  I could change aspects of my surroundings by just the click of a button and
        some adjustments.
        I hope to pursue this hobby in my coming years as I find myself taking photos of
        anything, anywhere and at anytime! I aspire to become a film director and, I have
        attended courses and read books on this topic. Fields like, advertising  modelling, film
        and acting are other areas of interest related to photography.
        It thrills me to know that a photo I have taken has had a deep impact on someone.
        The encouragement and support of those around me are one of the main reasons
        I enjoy photography as much as I do.
                                                                 Ariana Desai
                                                                                                   Raajvir Kapoor

                                            गणपती बा पा              Football – My Favorite Sport

                                           कोट  स याचे तज  याचे,     A few years ago, when I was four years old, I began
                                             संदर  प आह  याचे.       playing football because of my brother’s encouragement.
                                          दवांचा आ ण लोकांचा लाडका,  Believe it or not, I am quite good at kicking the ball
                                        दःखांचा नाश करणारा   व नहता.    around. But I didn't enjoy the sport because I thought
 VI A   म ता                                मोदक आह   य  याचा,       that I would never achieve my goal of being a good
                                                                     player and getting selected in the school team. With my
                                             व या आवडत  याला.        brother’s continuous support, I did not stop practicing
 कहत ह   क  म ता वह भावना ह जो दो  म   क  दय  को जोड़ती ह ।  म ता
                                             वाहन आह मशकराज,         certain drills and I then enrolled in the morning football
 अपने सह  समय पर हो जाती ह। यह  म  पछकर नह ं होती ह । हम   जगाचा राजा आह गणराज.   practice, which was organized by my school.
 सामािजक  ाणी ह , इस लए हमार जीवन म   म  बहत मह वपण ह । हमार
  म   का  यार हज़ार प तक  क बराबर ह।  म   कसी को भी बना सकत ह    Ria Subramanian  अ भराज राण े  Morning practice began quite well as I was getting the
                                                                     form and feel of the game.
 और  म   कसी उ  क भी हो सकत ह ।  म ता इसान या जानवर क बीच हो
                                                                     It was suddenly time for the school team selection! I was
 सकती ह। मर  पहल   म  मर  पड़ोसन थीं जो मझस १५ साल बड़ी ह । मर
                                                                     scared and nervous but positive that I would get selected

   य सहल   आजवी ह । हम पाठशाला क पहल  दन स ह   म  बन गए। हम
                                                                     because I knew my overall performance in morning
 दोन   साथ-साथ दो ती  नभात ह ।
                                                                     practice had improved tremendously.
 Nivaan   स चा  म  वह  ह जो हमारा  याल रखता ह, जो सह  रा त पर ल जाता ह  ै  On Thursday, Sir decide to announce the players…. I was
 Sheth  और  न ठावान होता ह। हमार  म  मि कल समय म  सलाह दत ह  और हमार    thrilled when I got selected as a mid-fielder!
 मदद करत ह । हम अपने दो त  क साथ ख शय  स भर  याद  बनात ह  और
                                                                     I went for practice regularly and now I am the best player
 जब हम दखी रहत ह , तब वे हम  खश करत ह ।  स चे दो त हमशा हमार
                                                                     in the team. Ever since that day, I have been practicing
 तरफ़ नकारा मक नह ं ह ग, हम  दखी नह ं  कर ग और कभी  हमस ई या  नह ं
 A Memorable Vacation  कर ग। जीवन म  अनेक  र त होत ह , उसम स एक  म ता ह। हम अपने  म    drills which make me a better mid-fielder. I know now
                                                                     that hard work and dedication always pays off because I
 I was thrilled to visit Melbourne in Australia. I always   क  यार को कभी नह ं भलग और हमार स चे  म   का साथ कभी नह ं छोड़ ग। े
                                                                     worked hard towards my goal and achieved it.
 wanted to visit Melbourne and see the cricket stadiums,   अन या महता
                                                                                                     Ilaan Kapadia
 museums and the zoos. It was like a dream vacation! After
 a twelve-hour tiring flight, we decided to rest and start   Learning cash crops and food crops through a board game
 visiting the wonderful places the next day.
 Our first stop was the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
 Unfortunately, there weren't any matches being played.
 We walked through the Australian Cricket 'Hall of Fame'.
 We also visited the Melbourne Zoo and saw many different
 species of animals, reptiles and birds. We even caught a
 glimpse of a tiger which was camouflaged behind the
 bush. The next stop was the National Gallery of Victoria,
 which is a beautiful art museum. There were many
 beautiful and colorful paintings and art installations. We
 also visited the Don Bradman Cricket Museum and tasted
 some of the local dishes. Before leaving Melbourne, we
 also went shopping. The vacation soon came to an end but
 I was glad to have spent more time with my family.
        Aarjavi Mallik                          Greetings in French, Poster Activity - Aashna Agarwal
 Abhiraaj Rane  Sivah Navle
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