Page 212 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 212

From the case diaries of Johnson and James                                                                             मरा अनभव
        Anglot was known for its notorious crime and murder rate. The police there were just
                                                                                                                                ात:काल सय दय क पव उठकर खल क मदान म  पहँच कर  खेलना, यह मेरा
        incompetent. It was the 2nd biggest city in the WORLD. Today I am going to tell you a
                                                                                                                                 कट क अ यास का मह वपण अनभव ह। ै
        story about this perculiar case called 'The Johnson and James Case' named after the
                                                                                                                                                े ु
        victims.                                                                                                                 कट क खल म    मझ अ यास का मह व बखबी समझ म  आ गया। म    हर
        It was night in the town of Anglot. Criminals were on the run. Murders were being                                      रोज़  नय मत  प स  व यालय स आकर   कट का अ यास करता हँ। मने
        committed. After working in the dimly lit, shabby, bar called,' Brink of the Mug,' two                                 यह भी जाना  क खल क तौर-तर क सीख अपना ल य  नधा  रत करना चा हए।
        friends went to their apartment, just 2 kilometers away. They used their Activa scooter,                               जब हम ब लबाज़ ह  तो ग दबाज़  वारा फ   क  हई ग द पर ब ला चलाकर सामने
        which had scratches all over it. They had bought it second hand. The salary wasn't                                     वाल को मँहतोड़ जवाब देना चा हए, और जब हम ग दबाज़ ह  तो ऐसी ग द
        exceptionally high. Just 500 dollars per month for cleaning the mugs and pouring the                                   फ   कनी चा हए  क ब लबाज़ उस खल ह  न पाए। खल का   त दन अ यास ह
        drinks. As they reached their apartment, they stripped off their clothes and had a bath.                               खलाड़ी क  सफलता क  कजी ह। ै
        Then they ate something and went to bed. But they had trouble sleeping. So, they                                                                                                       Learning cash crops and food crops through
                                                                                                                                 कट का खल मझ शार  रक ह  नह ं मान सक  प स भी  व थ रखता
                                                                                                                                              े ु
        switched on some relaxing music. They soon drifted off to sleep.                                                                                                                       a board game in geography
                                                                                                                               ह।खलने क बाद पढ़ना मझ बहत अ छा लगता ह और आसानी स क ठन
                                                                                                                                                   े ु
        The next morning, James, the older of the two, woke up first. Johnson was still sleeping.
                                                                                                                                          े ु
                                                                                                                                वषय भी मझ समझ आ जाता ह। इसस मझ पता चलता ह  क मर शार  रक
                                                                                                                                                                 े ु
        Or was he? Ignoring him, James started getting ready for work. He would wake him up
                                                                                                                               तथा मान सक  वकास का  य   कट क खल को जाता ह। ै
        later. As he passed him to get his towel, he saw something red on the bed. Was that?

        Could it be? Yes, it was… James was shocked beyond his wildest imaginations. He hadn't                                                                                    शौय महता                        Serenity
        noticed it before, as he had glasses and couldn't see much without wearing them. He had   Navya Thali
        obviously taken them off to sleep. But who, what, when why and how? A million                                                                                                                        A simply breath-taking sight
        questions ran through James's head as he checked his best friend's pulse. There was no                                                                                                             The beautiful mountains at night,
        pulse. James's heartbeat got higher. And higher. He felt something throbbing in his chest.                                                                                                      Reaching for stars shining way up high,
        He ran to the phone and called the police. He barely keyed in 9 when his heart gave out.    BEGUILING                                                                                             Their beauty you simply can't deny.
        Now you must be confused how James died. Johnson was poisoned. Then he was stabbed   BELLFLOWERS                                                                                                   The fragrance of the grassy floor,
        just in case he survived with medical care. James was poisoned with an injection. It was                                                                                                            A place of rich history and lore,
                                                                                       To ponder upon its beauty
        their boss's assistant who came to their apartment to find the bodies. Without hesitating                                                                                                          The sweet dewdrops of early hour,
                                                                                    To make you forget about reality.
        he called the police. They took the bodies for forensic tests. The murder must have                                                                                                                 A scene your eyes shall devour.
                                                                                     Stare at them for hours on end
        happened at exactly 11:15 pm as the poison takes exactly 10 hours to take effect. He died                              Learning to tell the time in French -                                      Far away from the ringing phones,
                                                                                   From the shore to around the bend!
        at 8:15 a.m. This poison was called Jumbitos Cararella . Johnson was poisoned with the                                 Rashee Mohanka                                                              Buildings and loud traffic moans,
        food he had eaten. In his digestive track, there was apple and bread and jam. It was the   Take in the fragrance of this wonder                                                                   Here are instead sweet singing birds,
        apple that was poisoned. So, they must have broken in and poisoned the apple. Now who    As it draws one closer.                                                                                 to describe the place, I have no words.
        was this “they”? Well, they were an organization called BAI. They operate all over the   Hear the melodic sound                                                                                 The flowers gently dance in the breeze,
        world. The full form is classified. More ruthless than the Mafia, more dangerous than the   It gives one wings to fly away.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Soft to touch and they always please,
        triads. Every secret service in the world has this organization's name on their radar. And   The petals of this charming flower                                                                       The sky is an endless ocean,
        the police are still investigating the horrendous death of Johnson and James. The killer   glisten like gold.                                                                                    You'll experience a splendid emotion!
        remains in the shadows…. But what is the BAI? Any guesses?                    As the clouds dance and roll.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ishaan Mody
        Clues: B (we are in section B) A (We are awesome) I (we are very intelligent)  One can taste the dew drops
                                                                                       From the mountain tops.
                                                                 Vihaan Saxena                                                 Sia Agarwal                            Learning Walk
                                                                                    As one beholds the purple petals,
                                                                                     The beholder melts like metal,
                                                                                     Beautiful, beguiling, bell flower,            An Autobiography of a White Cedar Tree
        How I Found My Passion                                                      I ask: What are your mystries and             I am a white Cedar tree. What bugs me is, that despite my majestic name I am a shortie. At the moment, I am only about 8 ft tall.
                                                                                          magical powers?
        My favourite sport started during a vacation in Alibaug. It was a sunny evening and my                                    My mighty oak brethren are giants in comparison to me. I am what you'd call an evergreen tree, a conifer if you must know. I am
                                                                                        Anaya Jhunjhunwala
        parents decided to play football on the football pitch. When I started playing, my                                        lean narrow and kind of cute because I look like a lush pyramid shaped Christmas tree. How old am I? Well, it's not polite to ask a
                                                                                                                                  lady her age. But if you must know, I am 115 years old. How do I know that? Well, I have annual growth rings. So, if someone came
        parents saw that I had a talent for it. When we came back from our holiday, my parents
                                                                                                                                  and drilled my core, they'd find these growth rings and, alas! be able to tell my age. But I sure hope no-one comes with a drill. Trust
        enrolled me in football classes and soon, I became very good. I was even going to play
                                                                                                                                  me, it's not the same as piercing your ears.
        my first football match, but then came the pandemic and I stopped football completely.
        I became so addicted to the digital life that when the pandemic was over It took me                                       I live in the mountains of the eastern Canadian province of Nova Scotia. To say the least, It's cold! But that's the reason why I can
        years to get back into football. The next time I played football was when I was ten                                       grow here. My kind need cooler summers to thrive. I really don't know how I was born. The reddish and greenish cones that grow
        years. I realized I had forgotten all my skills, so I decided to join back into my old                                    on other cedars like me have pollen and seeds. Basically, in the spring of 1907, a gust of wind managed to cross-pollinate some
        football class. On my first day my coach was thrilled to see me. I was back to where I                                     pollen and seeds from my mum which settled into a moist corner of this forest. Three weeks later, I germinated; and 60 days later I
        was before the pandemic in football. One day I was playing football with my friends                                       sprouted my first little shoot.
        when the P.E teacher invited me to join the school football team! I was on cloud 9 to be                                  My fan-like branches with its scaly leaves are very attractive to those pesky deer. Lord! How they nibble on me. I think I have lost
        invited to the school team, but when I told my parents they were not as enthusiastic as I                                 most of my hair – I mean, leaves – to those creatures. I don't mind the little Robins though, that make their nests in my leaves. But I
        was, because they hated the idea of me going to school early in the morning to do two                                     am not even going to talk about the small silly rabbits that browse in my foliage because my branches pretty much reach all the way
        hours of football. Though they did not support me, I still signed up for morning practice                                 to the ground. I guess you can call it attractive because I have a ton of Vitamin C in me.
        and it turned out to be amazing. I started playing matches for my school and ever since
                                                                                                                                  I wish I grew out of the side of the cliff, which is common to my kind, just like my cousin Timmy. Neither those deer, lumberjacks
        I won my first match my parents have always supported me in playing the sport, I love
                                                                                                                                  nor any wildfires can get to Timmy. Lucky boy! My great uncle Jack was not so fortunate. He is now a log cabin at the Cape Smokey
        football more than any other activity.
                                                                                                                                  ski resort. I see a group of lumberjacks searching in my neighbourhood. I'm a bit nervous! Do you think I'll live to 200?
                                                                  Sia Agarwal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dev-Arjun Bhimjyani
                                                                                    Amaia Shetty
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