Page 262 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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        BACCALAUREATE                                                                                                                       YEAR 11


                                                                                                                                                                                             As an IB Art student, my experience has been both
                                                                                                                                                                                             challenging and rewarding. It has pushed me to think
                                                                     This year DAIS gave me a wonderful experience.                                                                          critically about my work and to experiment with
                                                                     Travelling to FRC for the Long Island Regionals was fun.                                                                different mediums, techniques and concepts. One of the
                                                                     I gained a lot of technical knowledge from the                                                                          most difficult aspects of the program has been time
                                                                     participants as everyone had their own unique idea for                                                                  management. Creating multiple pieces of artwork while
                                                                     solving the game challenge. The competition also                                                                        keeping up with other academic responsibilities can be
                                                                     pushed my abilities to their limits with our robot getting                                                              overwhelming, but it has also taught me valuable
                                                                     completely deformed in a match and having to replace a                                                                  organizational skills. Another challenge has been to
                                                                     robotic arm, that usually takes 3-4 hours to make,                                                                      develop a consistent style throughout my work while
                                                                     within 30 minutes. Overall, the competition offered me                                                                  still allowing for individual pieces to stand on their own.
                                                                     a great opportunity to build my technical expertise.                                                                    The IB Art program has helped me to grow not only as
                                                                     - Yash Muthalia - Ms Manjiri Diwanji's Tutor Group                                                                      an artist, but also as a critical thinker and reflective
               Ms Manjiri Diwanji's Tutor Group                                                                                         Ms Rashmi Baruah's Tutor Group                       learner. I am grateful for the experience and look
                                                                                                                                                                                             forward to continuing my artistic journey.
                                                                                                                                                                                             - Pranaaya Jhaveri - Ms Rashmi Baruah's Tutor Group

        DAIS offered me an incredible experience of cultural                                                                   I liked the Individual Oral Assessment style in English A:
        immersion in Rome when I visited this city for a MUN                                                                   Lang & Lit course as it breaks away from orthodox
        conference. From the ancient ruins to Renaissance art,                                                                 methods of writing a test. Instead of simply testing our
        Rome gripped our hearts as we could feel the impact of                                                                 ability to recall, this course calls for us to evaluate and
        historical significance of this place. The Colosseum, once                                                              analyse literary and non-literary texts together.
        the site of brutal gladiator battles, now stands as a symbol                                                           Additionally, it allows creative freedom by letting us form
        of the power of the Roman Empire. The Vatican City, with                                                               our own opinion on the texts. Although the shift from
        its stunning St. Peter's Basilica and the awe-inspiring                                                                traditional styles of learning can be a little tricky to
        Sistine Chapel, is a testament to exemplary art and                                                                    manage, the course makes every ounce of effort to make
        sculpture. No visit to Rome would be complete without                                                                  it worth it. The English Language and Literature
        indulging in the city's culinary delights. From traditional                                                            curriculum helps us learn how to love the process, instead
        pizza and pasta to gelato and espresso, Rome's cuisine is                                                              of merely focusing on the result.
        a feast for the senses.                             Ms Neha Grewal's Tutor Group                                                                                           Mr Narendra Dalal's Tutor Group
                                                                                                                               - Annika Cerejo – Mr Narendra Dalal's Tutor Group
        - Keren Wadhwani - Ms Neha Grewal’s Tutor Group

                                                                                                                                                                                             THIMUN Hague 2023 was an incredible experience this
                                                                                                                                                                                             year. As delegate in the Special Commission on the
                                                                                                                                                                                             Future of Borders, I gained a deep understanding of the
                                                                    DAIS completed 20 years! It’s nostalgic to think of my first                                                              global issues at hand. I was part of a team that
                                                                                                                                                                                             successfully passed a resolution with an overwhelming
                                                                    day in school and how things have changed 13 years
                                                                    later.. the one thing that’s stayed constant is the                                                                      majority. Being surrounded by schools from all corners
                                                                                                                                                                                             of the world allowed me to interact with students who
                                                                    supportive and opportunity filled environment created by                                                                  had vastly different perspectives on the same issues, and
                                                                    the people and the teachers which makes me feel                                                                          it was eye-opening to see the world through their
                                                                    extremely grateful!                                                                                                      lenses. This international trip with my DAIS classmates
                                                                    - Aritra Mallik, Mr George Juma’s Tutor Group                                                                            gave me an opportunity to immerse in another culture,
                                                                                                                                                                                             learn to collaborate and make friendships over shared
                 Mr George Juma's Tutor Group                                                                                            Mrs Nitika Thakur's Tutor Group                     experiences and challenges!
                                                                                                                                                                                             - Tanay Pachisia - Mrs Nitika Thakur's Tutor Group

        I have been in DAIS since LKG, and this is my 13th year in                                                             The English A: Lang & Lit course brought me an
        the school. Being in an environment that is challenging                                                                intellectual challenge this term with Quentin Tarantino's
        me to work to my best ability, makes me give my best and                                                               film- Django Unchained. It was my first encounter with
        adopt a competitive spirit. I feel my school years have                                                                this masterpiece, and the plot, the cinematography, and
        shaped me into an observer, and that is a skill that cannot                                                            the acting impressed me tremendously. As we analyzed
        be taught. I have spent memorable times with over a                                                                    the movie's cinematographic details and Tarantino's
        quarter of my classmates who have been alongside me for                                                                signature style, I gained a deeper understanding of the
        well over a decade. I have seen the way our personalities                                                              power of film as a medium for storytelling and social
        have emerged and  the way our interests diverged and                                                                   commentary. Exploring the characters, themes, and
        each has become a unique person. We have bonded over                                                                   symbolism in the film gave me a new appreciation for the
        class discussions and experienced shifting dynamics. I                                                                 power of film as an art form and its ability to provoke
        wouldn't have had these lovely memories without these                                                                  thought and emotion.
        thirteen years at DAIS.                        Ms Tannistha Chatterjee's Tutor Group                                                                                    Ms Neera Tahilramaney's Tutor Group
        - Falak Shah - Ms. Tannistha Chatterjee's Tutor Group                                                                  - Abhinav Dangwal - Ms Neera Tahilramaney's Tutor Group
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