Page 21 - DAIS Insignia 2023-2024
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SECONDARY SCHOOL                                          whole community was inspired by              180 players to promote sporting equality and raise awareness   and exciting sports day. The parents were caught up in the
                                                                                    the results of these students. The           about  social  barriers,  "Relay  for  Life"  raised  funds  and   enthusiasm and were proud to see their children participating
                                                                                    results are clearly the best in India        awareness for cancer, featuring survivor speeches, student   and  trying  their  hardest.  The  sporting  achievements
                                                                                    and some of the best in the world            performances, and a Luminaria walk, and lastly, the "Social   themselves were top-notch. Our students practiced for weeks
                                                                                    and have sparked in the students'            Circle" project aimed to educate younger students on online   and went through relentless qualifying rounds. In the end we
                                                                                    daring  dreams  for  their  own              safety and healthy screen time habits                 saw the results in shot-put, high jump, a number of racing
                                                                                    endeavors.  Once  again,  these              In  similar  fashion,  the  service  initiatives  started  and   distances and more. The events  came to a culmination with
                                                                                    results  are  more  than  just  a            maintained by the students involved in Round Square have   the wonderful farewell celebrations for classes 10 and 12 that
                                                                                    compilation of grades. They mark a           not  only  provided  opportunities  for  our  students  to  gain   were organized by years 9 and 11 respectively. The nights
                                                                                    point  in  time  on  the  journey            empathy for others and leadership on important issues, but   were not only spirited, but once again showed the respect
                                                                                    through secondary school, they set           have inspired other students. The legacy of Round Square at   that students have for each other and the leadership they take
                                                                                    a standard, and they inspire.                DAIS has grown in leaps and bounds as each year more and   in all activities in the school.
                                                                                    For the teachers, the school year            more  students  aspire  and  sign  up  in  the  role  of  leaders,   In general, our school was a lively hive of activity. University
                                                                                    began in earnest with faculty work           participants and support team members to plan events such   representatives from all over the world visited our campus,
                                                                                    days. We started off renewing our            as Conferences, Postcards, World Food Day, and Earth Week   students gathered at the front gate to embark on field trips to
                                                                                    purpose in relation to culture, well-        celebrations. Members also engage in hosting the student   the Swiss Alps or the Great Indian Outdoors, the robotics team
                                                                                                                                                                                       collaborated  and  planned  on  the  balcony  and  took  a
                Dr. Brian Chanen                        Ms. Sonali Bajaj            b e i n g ,   e n v i r o n m e n t   a n d   exchange programmes as well. It is this spirit of purposeful   successful trip to the finals in Texas. The co-curricular activities
                                                                                    partnerships.  High  Quality
                                                                                                                                 engagement leading to courageous and compassionate DAIS
              Head of Secondary School                    Deputy Head of            Teaching  and  Learning  was  a              leaders, who are prepared to discover and embrace different   were bursting with enthusiastic students and guests visited
                                                         Secondary School           particular focus for the secondary.          cultures and nationalities promoting  meaningful and lasting   from embassies, cultural centers, and foreign schools. It is also
                                                                                    This  school-year  also  saw  the            understanding and respect.                            worth mentioning that this was the year that our exchange
                                                                benefits  of  student  reflection-particularly  on  their  reports,   Our Model United Nations (MUN) program continues to be a   trips returned, as students headed out across the globe to
          The 2023-2024 school year was a pivotal year in the history of                                                                                                               improve their language skills and learn about another culture.
          DAIS. This year marks the last time that we are together with the   which helped to underscore the deep learning that is taking   model of excellence nationwide, consistently growing stronger   Here at school, in addition to house events, we witnessed the
          junior  school  under  the  single  name  of  Dhirubhai  Ambani   place and the importance of metacognition and goal-setting.  each  year.  Our  students  have  excelled  at  prominent  domestic   continued success of TEDx. With inspiring speakers including
          International School. Of course, we will always share the same   We also marked another important milestone: after over a   conferences such as CMUN 2023 and Spring MUN 2024. They   special guests, Alumni and our student Ojas Bajaj and physics
          roots and, in a sense, be part of the same tree. But the secondary   year  of  self-reflection,  the  school  was  re-accredited  by   have also garnered valuable experience participating in THIMUN   teacher Beas Roy, the event kept everyone entertained while
          will also grow to have an identity of its own. Secondary school   CIS/NEASC.  At  the  same  time  the  secondary  school  went   Hague, earning accolades like Honourable Mention and Verbal   giving some food for thought. All of these activities are an
          has always been special. We are a school that embraces the   through its own important, and similar process: our IBDP five-  Mention  at  RIMUN  2024.  Additionally,  we  are  excited  to   integral part of our school and were evident every day in the
          diversity of our students and has a strong sense of culture that    year review. The secondary faculty came together to look at   participate in THIMUN Singapore. Moreover, our young MUNers   secondary school this year.
          promotes success, values and fond memories.           our own work with a critical eye. Again, all of the hard work    have had the distinguished opportunity to chair sessions at these   Perhaps one of the clearest symbols of our vibrancy as school
                                                                led to rousing success and an authorization report we can be     prestigious international conferences. Overall, these MUN events
          The work that the students did throughout secondary school,                                                                                                                  was this year's return to Annual Day. Students couldn't wait for
          and in particular on their IGCSE and IB exams, was a mark of   proud of as a section of the school. We demonstrated strength   have been incredibly insightful and successful for our students and   the fun of night school and the nervous energy of walking out
          the  school's  success.  These  exams  are  milestones  on  the   in  our  curriculum,  our  processes  and  the  teaching  and   the  school  eagerly  awaits  the  upcoming  21st  DAIMUN   on stage. The Annual Day itself was a rousing production, but
          student  journey.  Our  incredible  IB  score  average  of  39.4   learning.  Evaluators  noted  that  we  are  an  example  of  a   conference.  As  we  anticipate  welcoming  delegates  to  India's   just as exciting was getting to see the whole school-teachers,
          (Worldwide: 30.24; India: 31.95) doesn't even do justice in   “mature IB program,” one where our approaches and success   largest  THIMUN-affiliated  conference,  we  proudly  unveil  this   students, staff and parents-getting caught up in an event that
          describing  the  heights  our  students  reached.  11  students   are models for the rest of the world.                year's theme: "Diversity, Democracy, and Diplomacy."  allowed them to socialize, cheer and feel proud. One moment in
          achieved the perfect score of 45 points, the highest number of   Academically speaking, the secondary school also embarked   There have also been important elements of athletic, activity   particular  will  be  etched  on  our  memory,  especially  as  we
          any  school  in  the  world!  57%  of  our  students  earned  40   on  a  process  of  using  new  report  cards  that  reflected   and  creative  endeavors  that  show  the  diversity  of  our   become two schools next year: the farewell walk. Our class 12
          points or above (compared to typically 8.5% worldwide). Just   Approaches to Learning in addition to allowing students to   students-the colorful leaves on the trees. Over the past year   students planned and rehearsed and proudly waved their flags.
          imagine that at most schools their top few students reach this   reflect on their own progress. This important change was not   many secondary students have had remarkable achievements   Ultimately,  the  academic  success  of  our  students,  the
          high level, where we do it with the majority of our students.   simply related to reporting, but was a concrete step towards   outside  of  school  and  we  always  work  to  support  these   dedication of our coordinators and teachers and the variety of
          Our  IGCSE  department  had  similarly  outstanding  results.   encouraging and recording reflection and metacognition as a   endeavors.  We  are  proud  of  our  students  who  train  and   experiences our students have at school, outside of our gates,
          83.3% of all grades achieved were A*'s and A's (UK National   means to growth.                                         practice diligently, learning to excel. On the creative side of   and in cooperation with Alumni and others, make DAIS a
          Schools:  22.7%,  UK  Independent  Schools:  46.6%,  UK   As we prepare to shift temporarily (for the secondary school)   things our students continue to shine in outside competitions   special  place  and  show  our  commitment  to  the  holistic
          Grammar Schools: 59%). An incredible 55.8% of all grades   into the NMAJS building we once again invited our Alumni    such as narrative writing, essay writing, art projects and more.   education  of  children  who  are  prepared  for  the  changing
          earned were A*'s and 49% of the class received 7 A*'s or   back to school, and, for the last time, to our current building.   On the activities and sports side our students shine bright on   world beyond. Our sincere gratitude and appreciation must
          above. At the same time, we also had 3 CIE toppers in our   The DAISpora event also gave our alumni a chance to see the   the state, national and international stage. Our students have   go to our Founder and Chairperson, Mrs. Nita M. Ambani and
          IGCSE results! For both IBDP and IGCSE, we are one of the top   new building and to be part of the excitement in the changes   succeeded at the national level and continue to go further in   Vice Chairperson, Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal for their visionary
          few schools in the world.                             not  only  to  our  infrastructure  but  in  our  approaches  to   swimming and chess. In skating, tae-kwan-do, judo, track and   and inspirational leadership. This year marks our last as one
          Once again, our results, our reputation and the academic and   learning and the preparation of our students for the future.   field and soccer we have competed at the national level in the   single entity and also marks the beginning of a new chapter
          personal  qualities  of  our  students  have  resulted  in   While parting with the old campus brought some melancholy   ISSO. We are truly well-rounded. On the more academic side,   led by our Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Of course, we
          acceptances  to  the  best  universities  across  the  world.  The   and nostalgia, our Alumni were abuzz with the possibilities of   our students compete in math contests, coding challenges,   also offer our thanks to our Board of Governors who guide us
          Class of 2024 has had an acceptance rate of 57% of their   sharing their expertise and networking with students.. The   economics challenges, robotics tournaments and there is   a   with  wisdom.  As  always,  the  smooth  operation  of  the
          applications.  37%  of  the  class  received  funding  from  60   Alumni portal, facilitated by Univariety, is further building to   constant stream of students and accomplishments that are   secondary  school  wouldn't  be  possible  without  our  IGCSE
          scholarships, totalling US$ 4,111,288 over four years. 25% of   become an area where the DAIS community can continue to   highlighted  on  the  school  Instagram  page.  The  diverse   Coordinator (Ms. Mukherjee), our IB Coordinator (Mrs. Basu)
          the Class of 2024 have been offered a place by their university   spread  outward  while  maintaining  connections.  As  the   successes of our students are indeed impressive.  and their Assistant Coordinator (IGCSE: Ms. Nanda, IB: Mr.
          of first choice and 42% of them have been offered a place by   students continue to access the portal, this is also a place   The student council did a wonderful job this year and deserve   Makwana)  along  with  countless  coordinators,  faculty  and
          the  University  of  their  top  two  choices.  These  university   where  students  can  begin  thinking  about  the  future  with   thanks for their tireless energy and dedication to the school. It   staff who work closely with our students. These people are
          acceptances have included 59 acceptances to 14 of the 20   those who have gone before them.                            was invigorating to come to school in the morning and see the   teachers,  guides  and  supporters  who  make  sure  that  our
          universities  applied  to  listed  in  the  QS  World's  Top  30   CAS activities have continued to be a highlight and a strength   student  council  members  organizing  yet  another  event-  school does everything it can to help students “dare to dream
          Universities. This includes schools such as Oxford, Cambridge,   of DAIS. There were so many proud achievements: "English   musical competitions, drama competitions, sporting events   and learn to excel.”
          LSE, UCL and Imperial in the UK and Yale, Brown, Dartmouth,   Vinglish" enhanced non-teaching staff's English proficiency,   and more-with the goal of keeping the entire student body   Finally, we would like to thank you, our students, parents and
          Columbia,  Georgetown,  Northwestern,  Duke,  UPenn,   the DAIS Coding Challenge 2023 raised funds for Aseema          engaged, laughing and striving for excellence. Much of the   alumni. As we look forward to the new journey, we also take
          UChicago, UC Berkeley and Johns Hopkins in the US. While   Charitable Trust, the DAIS Math Olympiad went global with   work of the new student council members was reflected in the   this opportunity to look back at all that has happened here
          our students often focus on STEM, we see equal success in the   multiple rounds of challenging math, "Grey Matters" focused   success of the 20th Annual School Sports Day. The excitement   over the past 21 years. The seeds were planted for DAIS and
          humanities at these schools and in art and design at schools   on cognitive activities for senior citizens in old-age homes.   began to build as soon as house captains and others started   the roots have certainly taken hold. As we have seen from the
          such as Parsons and RISD. Our students are accepted at a   There were special events as well: Kalakar, showcased student   drilling  students  for  the  formal  march-by.  Every  morning   students in our school and our graduates over the years, the
          higher rate than almost any school in the world, at the world's   performances and art, raising over 50,000 rupees for Dharavi   before school the grounds were filled by the changing of “1-  soil has been well-fertilized, the leaves are green, and the tree
          most selective universities. At the start of the school year, the   Art Room,"Kick For A Cause" football tournament united   2-3-4” and “march!” This all translated into a well-organized   of DAIS is strong.

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