Page 26 - DAIS Insignia 2023-2024
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OUR MYP JOURNEY                                                                                  FROM THE IBDP DESK
           This academic year marks the first full year of teaching MYP, two class levels                                          DAIS  is  an  evolving  school,
           engaging in MYP conceptual and contextual inquiry, a consultation visit for the                                        a n d   t h e   D P   o f fi c e   i s
           MYP, and the Verification Visit for Authorization. With the arrival of the new                                          committed  to  a  progressive
           Head of Junior School and Learning Coach, the Middle Leadership Team MYP
                                                                                                                                  mindset.  With  the  support  of
           focus was on planning PD and teacher support according to the Action Plan.
                                                                                                                                  the  senior  management,  we
           Teachers demonstrated a lot of growth on their MYP journeys; they became
                                                                                                                                  have  carefully  implemented
           more  adept  at  planning  and  implementing  concept-focused  lessons.
           Assessments became more authentic and based on real-world problem-solving.                                             new  practises  to  support
           ATL  and  subject-specific  skills  were  explicitly  taught  to  help  with  student                                   s t u d e n t   l e a r n i n g   a n d
           progression and success on summative assessments. Students spent four days                                             wellbeing.  This  includes  the
           focused  on  purposeful  interdisciplinary  learning  planned  collaboratively  by                                     revision  of  the  deadline
           teachers from different subject groups. Class 6 learned about the benefits of
                                                                                                                                  calendar,  extended  essay
           Health and Wellbeing through the lenses of physical and health education
                                                                                                                                  timeline, dates of examination
           (PHE), science, and mathematics. Class 7 developed empathy and action plans
                                                                                      Ms. Barbara Bilgre                                                                Ms. Soma Basu                       Mr. Sunil Makwana
           for supporting Mumbai communities as they inquired into Sustainable Cities   MYP Coordinator                           among  others.    Identifying          IBDP Coordinator                  Assistant IBDP Coordinator
           and communities. The other addition to MYP learning this academic year was                                             student  needs  and  providing
           connected to service learning. Students were introduced to Service as Action                                           inclusive  arrangements
           which was explored through math and PHE classes as well as during end-of-year service field trips so students could consider   wherever possible within IB guidelines could be seen as one of our strengths.
           areas of service to use for projects.
                                                                                                                                  A significant step forward in reporting of student progress is bringing in the element of “Approaches to Learning” skills in
                                                                                                                                  each  subject  by  both  the  teacher  and  the  learner.  This  reporting  system  enhanced  the  opportunity  to  celebrate  every
                                                                                                                                  child's success and to reflect on growth areas and to initiate constructive discussion about the learner's future progress.
                          FROM THE IGCSE DESK                                       This year the IGCSE section saw               The ATL reflection has been showcased as our Programme.

                                                                                    all  the  seasons  in  the  sun  and
                                                                                    emerged stronger with renewed                 We have continued to nurture student leadership and provide a platform for them to upskill their talents and passion in
                                                                                    vigour  and  enthusiasm  to  learn            organising the largest THIMUN affiliated DAIMUN conference of this region. Our DP students actively immerse in selecting
                                                                                    from the experiences that came                the conference theme, committees, agendas, preparing research reports, website content, press releases, chairing sessions
                                                                                    our way in the academic journey.              tirelessly with utmost dedication. We have extended our support to  DP students in supervising and administering student
                                                                                    While some aspects like learner
                                                                                    centric  classrooms,  activity-               selected competitive assessments of various natures like the Avogardo Olympiad in chemistry, All India regional round of
                                                                                    oriented curriculum and focus on              World Economic Cup 2024, Bugs N Drugs Competition from the University of Manchester to name few and in each one
                                                                                    wellness  of  the  community                  of these students have earned laurels for themselves.
                                                                                    remained  constant,  we  also
                                                                                    embraced  some  significant                    This  year  we  are  a  IB  pilot  school  group  for  open  book  test  in  psychology  for  May  2024  session  and  will  continue
                                                                                    changes  which  enriched  the
                                                                                                                                  to  participate  for  the  May  2025  session.  We  have  also  informed  IB  about  our  readiness  and  expressed  our  interest
                                                                                    programme and stood testimony
                                                      Ms. Manisha Nanda             to our growth mindset. A significant           to  conduct  digital  examination  May  board  sessions  through  a  IB  survey  about  gradually  transitioning  into  digital
               Ms. Pritha Mukherjee                                                 one  was  the  incorporation  of              assessments. Both of these endeavours aim to support IB in their endeavours to evolve in their assessment methods with
                   IGCSE Coordinator                Assistant IGCSE Coordinator &
                                                      Round Square Coordinator      students'  reflection  and  agency             demands of changing times.
                                                                                    in  the  reporting  process  at  the
           end of each term which helped our students to embrace further challenges and develop a deeper sense of self awareness.
                                                                                                                                  In addition to carrying out the regular administrative responsibilities, the DP office was intensely engaged in leading the
           Along with this came the incorporation of a new set of awards – the Outstanding Learner Awards which validates the effort
                                                                                                                                  IBDP 5-year evaluation process involving all stakeholders of the school community. We thank the entire school community
           and perseverance of students who have, through hard work, made remarkable  quantitative and qualitative progress in their
           academics.                                                                                                             for their support as this required considerable time and effort from them. Through this extensive one year long self-study
           This year the students made optimum use of all opportunities that came their way whether in school or outside, in classrooms   process we discussed and identified the areas where we excel, where we have improved and grew stronger over the past
           or out of it. DAIMUN, Junior MUN, Round Square events and Robotics competitions at national and international levels   five years and what needs additional attention. This self-assessment against the IB provided standards has reassured us
           displayed the collaborative excellence of the students who were determined to work towards their shared vision of a better   that  we  are  in  correct  path  and  opened  new  perspectives  of  our  collective  thoughts  and  actions  in  delivering  the
           world with compassion and resilience. Closer home, Earth Day, CAS Fete, Annual Sports Day saw students excelling in their
           chosen activity and winning accolades. Annual Day (The Quest) and evening school preceding it was the highlight of the year   programme and caring for our learners.
           as students were delighted to get back to the much-awaited event which creates lifelong memories for them to cherish.
                                                                                                                                  We are happy to share the IB Evaluation Team feedback report. The visiting team said “The school impressively reflect the
           IGCSE Batch of 2023 made us proud as Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards were awarded by CIE to Param Davda, Keshav
           Mohta, Zoya Gupta and Aarav Jalan in a ceremony in Mumbai in January 2024. We wish this batch an abundance of happiness and   matured  implementation  of  the  IB  program  and  exhibits  committed  teachers  who  foster  student  agency  and  passion
           success in all their endeavors! Meanwhile, Class 9 bid farewell to the outgoing batch of Class 10 in a “Glimmering Gala” on a sultry   exploration. The well-defined strategic plan, emphasis on sustainability, and robust pedagogic leadership, contribute to
           April evening making it a memorable occasion for all.                                                                  the school's success. Furthermore, the school stands out for its student-centric approach, involving students in processes
           Overall, the year was rich with interactions between teachers, students and parents based on commitment, respect and trust.   and ensuring equal opportunities and a secure environment for all.”
           These values define our active community which works towards our shared goals with energy and integrity. The support of the
           Heads, Administration and all members of the DAIS makes it possible for this journey to come to fruition!              Overall, this was an eventful and a successful year!

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