Page 33 - DAIS Insignia 2023-2024
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COLLEGE                                                                                University of Cambridge, 4 at Johns Hopkins University, 2   International,  Singapore  &  1  from  the  Hong  Kong
                                                                                                                                                                                        University of Science & Technology.
                                                                                                                                  at Yale University, 9 at University College London, 8 at
                                                                                                                                  Imperial College London, 10 at University of California-
                                                                                                                                                                                        17 acceptances to 7 universities applied to in the QS
                COUNSELLORS’ REPORT                                                                                               University of Toronto, 4 at University of Michigan-Ann   Top 20 for Art and Design: 3 at the University of the
                                                                                                                                  Los  Angeles,  2  at  University  of  Pennsylvania,  6  at
                                                                                                                                                                                        Arts, London, 3 at Parsons School of Design at The New
                                                                                                                                  Arbor,  14  at  University  of  California-San  Diego,  1  at
                                                                                                                                                                                        School, 3 at Pratt Institute, 2 at the School of the Art
                                                                                                                                  University of Chicago, 3 at Northwestern University and 3
                                                                                                                                                                                        Institute of Chicago, 1 at the Glasgow School of Art, 3 at
                                                                                                                                  at Duke University.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Savannah College of Art & Design, 2 at the School of
                                                                                                                                  55 offers into 14 of the 30 universities applied to in   Visual Arts.
                                                                 competitive  OxBridge  applications  &  interviews  and          the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings for UK
                                                                                                                                                                                        7 acceptances to 5 universities in the US News Top
                                                                 finally, reach their right-fit university lists. Students were     Top 30 universities, which are also a part of the UK
                                                                                                                                                                                        25  Best  National  Liberal  Arts  Universities:  1  at
                                                                 encouraged to be creative in their service activities which      Russell  Group  universities:  2  from  the  University  of
                                                                 enhanced their well-being and the community's. Even              Oxford,  1  from  the  University  of  Cambridge,  8  from   Pomona College, 1 at Wesleyan College, 2 at Davidson
                                                                 though  most  US  universities  remained  test-optional          Imperial  College  London,  9  from  University  College   College, 2 at Haverford College & 1 at the University of
                                                                 because of the pandemic, we stressed on our students             London, 6 from University of Edinburgh, 7 from King's   Richmond.
                                                                 the  importance  of  a  holistic  approach.  As  a  result,      College London, 1 from London School of Economics and   Prestigious scholarships & achievements:
                                                                 students embraced experiences related to their chosen            Political Science, 7 from University of Manchester, 2 from   •  3 students earned scholarship programs at Columbia
                                                                 careers while at the same time making a difference in the        University of Warwick, 1 from University of Nottingham,   University, namely the C P Davis Scholarship, Egleston
                                                                 wider  community.  These  students  have  navigated  the         2 from Queen Mary University of London, 5 from Durham
                                                                                                                                                                                           Scholars & Science Research Fellows.
                                                                 evolving  landscape  of  the  post-pandemic  changes  at         University,  1  from  University  of  Exeter  and  3  from
                                                                 educational institutions and embraced the emergence of           University of St. Andrews.                            •  1 student earned the Pepper Visual Arts Scholarship at
                                                                 Artificial Intelligence. They are future-ready!                                                                            Davidson College.
                                                                                                                                  94 acceptances into 20 of the 29 universities applied   •  3  students  were  awarded  the  Entrance  Award  &
           As we embark on a new journey of excellence, our aim at   We hope that the graduating class continues to apply this    to in the US News and World Report Top 30 National       International  Scholar  awards  at  the  University  of
           DAIS is to prepare our students not only for the academic   growth  mind  set  in  bettering  their  own  lives  and  the   Universities:  2  at  Yale  University,  2  at  University  of   Toronto.
           rigors  of  university  life  but  also  for  the  multifaceted   world that they are stepping into. Congratulations to all   Pennsylvania, 3 at Duke University, 4 at Brown University,   •  All 3 of our Pratt Institute Art students were awarded
           opportunities and challenges awaiting them in the world   students on their successful university placements. Class    4  at  Johns  Hopkins  University,  3  at  Northwestern   The International Merit Scholarship.
           beyond.  In  line  with  our  commitment  to  holistic   of 2024, we wish you the very best!                           University, 5 at Columbia University, 1 at University of   •  8 students were awarded the Chancellor Award at the
           education, we are dedicated to nurturing not just the   100% of the Class of 2024 that has already applied, were       Chicago,  4  at  University  of  California-Berkeley,  10  at   University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
           intellectual prowess of our students, but also equipping   accepted to a university of their choice. On average the    University  of  California-Los  Angeles,  1  at  Dartmouth
           them with the skills, insights, and support necessary to   Class of 2024 had an acceptance rate of 57% of their        College,  4  at  University  of  Michigan-Ann  Arbor,  1  at   •  1  student  earned  the  Presidential  Scholarship  at
           thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.We are certain   applications, and 52% of the class achieved more than     Georgetown University, 3 at University of North Carolina-  Bryant University.
           that DAIS students will build, inspire, excel, and recreate a   50%  acceptances.  25%  of  the  Class  of  2024  were   Chapel Hill, 7 at Carnegie Mellon University, 4 at Emory   •  1 student was awarded the Presidential Scholarship,
           better and brighter tomorrow.                         offered a place at their top choice university, leading to       University, 7 at University of Virginia, 6 at University of   Founder's  Scholarship  &  the  Women's  Leadership
                                                                                                                                  California, Davis, 14 at University of California-San Diego   Program at Bentley University.
           The  college  counselling  programme  focuses  on     42% of the class being offered a place at one of their top
           supporting students from grade 9 onwards by exposing   two choices. 38% of the class received funding from 60          and 9 at University of Southern California.           •  1 student received the Emerging Indian Scholarship at
           them  to  various  opportunities  beyond  the  classroom.   scholarships, totalling US$ 4,111,288 over four years.     14 acceptances to 5 of the universities listed in the    Purdue University.
           Through university visits, students gain firsthand insight                                                              USA's  Ivy  League:  4  at  Brown  University,  2  at  Yale   •  1 student was awarded the Director's Scholarship at
                                                                 Students  have  gained  422  offers  of  acceptance  at  126
           into  a  wide  range  of  institutions,  helping  them  make                                                           University, 5 at Columbia University, 1 at Dartmouth and   University of Southern California.
                                                                 universities spanning 8 countries: Canada (10), Hong
           informed  decisions.  Participation  in  competitions  and                                                             2 at University of Pennsylvania.                      •  1 student received the Dean's Scholarship at Rutgers
                                                                 Kong (1), India (6), Netherlands (2), Spain (1), Singapore (1),
           examinations fosters a culture of heathy competition and                                                                                                                        University.
                                                                 United Kingdom (84) and United States of America (317).          10  acceptances  from  4  universities  in  Canada:
           achievement. Exposure to seniors who have successfully                                                                                                                       •  1  student  received  the  Chancellor's  Achievement
           navigated  the  college  application  process  provides   61 acceptances to 14 of the 20 universities applied          1 McGill University, 1 from McMaster University, 2 from   Scholarship at the University of Colorado-Boulder.
           guidance and inspiration to younger students. Internship   to in the QS World's Top 30 Universities which are as       University of British Columbia and 6 from University of
           opportunities offer valuable shadow-work and real-world   follows: 1 at University of Cambridge, 2 at University of    Toronto.                                              •  1 student received the Trustee Scholarship, which is a
                                                                                                                                                                                           full ride at Boston University, and 2 students received
           experiences, helping them choose suitable career paths.   Oxford,  8  at  Imperial  College  London,  9  at  University   3 offers from universities in Europe: 1 offer from Delft
           We actively encourage connections with alumni both at   College London, 4 at University of California – Berkeley, 1    University of Technology, Netherlands, 1 from Erasmus    the Presidential Scholarship there as well.
           universities  and  in  the  workforce,  offering  invaluable   at University of Chicago, 2 at University of Pennsylvania, 2   University,  Rotterdam,  and  1  offer  from  ie  University,   •  1 student has been awarded the Founder's Award at
           networking opportunities. These experiences empower   at  Yale  University,  6  at  University  of  Toronto,  6  at    Segovia, Spain.                                          Tulane University which is a full ride and another the
           DAIS  students  and  contribute  to  their  overall   University of Edinburgh, 5 at Columbia University, 4 at                                                                   Academic Scholarship award.
           development, which is the stepping stone for the skills   Johns Hopkins University, 10 at University of California-    6  acceptances  have  been  received  from  5         •  3  students  have  earned  the  Global  Engagement
           required at university and in the workplace.          Los Angeles and 1 at McGill University.                          universities applied to in India: 2 students have been   Scholarship at Indiana University and 1 the Dean's
                                                                                                                                  admitted to Ashoka University, 1 at Krea University, 1 at   Scholarship.
           As  the  Class  of  2024  explored  and  considered  their   93 acceptances to 17 of the 23 universities applied       Flame University, 1 at Shiv Nadar University and 1 at O. P.
           options,  the  College  Counselling  department       to in the US News Top 30 Best Global Universities                Jindal Global University.                             •  1  student  earned  7  scholarships  from  the  8  art
           empowered  the  class  through  tools,  timelines,  and   which  are  as  follows:  4  at  University  of  California-                                                          colleges she was admitted to in the US.
           comprehensive workshops to write essays, complete the   Berkeley, 2 at University of Oxford, 15 at University of       1  acceptance  from  a  university  in  Singapore  &  1   •  Our medic & dentistry students earned offers from
           required standardised & entrance tests, prepare for the   Washington-Seattle,  5  at  Columbia  University,  1  at     from a university in Hong Kong:  1 from Raffles Design    competitive Medicine programmes in the UK.

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