Page 30 - DAIS Insignia 2023-2024
P. 30

IBDP Results 2023                                                                                                                                 IB DIPLOMA TOPPERS

           Our IB Class of 2023 have achieved outstanding results in the Diploma Programme. 57% of the students                      11 Students with a perfect score of                                       45 Points
           scored 40 points or above, and the School's average score is 39.4 points (out of a maximum possible score of
           45). It is one of the best performances by our students in the last 19 years. For a school that started in 2003,
           this accomplishment marks yet another remarkable milestone in its journey of excellence.

           106 students of the Class of 2023 received the IB Diploma and 3 were IB Certificate Candidates.

           •  The School's average Diploma score is 39.4 points (Worldwide: 30.24; India: 31.95)                                       AARNA SANGHAI           AARNAV GOGRI                PANDEY              AARYAN JAGTAP

           •  11 students achieved the perfect score of 45 points, achieved by only 179 students worldwide
              (This was the highest number of perfect scores by any school in the world.)

           •  10 students scored 44 points

                                                                                                                                        ADITYA MEHTA          ADVIT RANAWADE             ANAVI KAUL
           •  11 students obtained 43 points                                                                                                                                                                     MAHESHWARI
                                                                      IB Diploma Results 2023
                                                              A Snapshot of Students' Diploma Score
           •  60 students earned 40 points or
              above,  constituting  57%  of  our               70
              students,  compared  to  8.87%                   60
                                                               50                                                                                  DHRUV BHALLA              KSHITIG SETH          VIVAAN TURAKHIA
                                                            % of Students
           •  88 students achieved scores of 35                40
              or above, which constitutes 83% of               30
              our students, compared to 28.63%
              worldwide                                                                                                                                      IB DIPLOMA TOPPERS
           •  77% of Higher Level papers were                                                                                                10 Students with a score of                               44 Points
              graded 7 or 6                                         40 to 45  35 to 39  30 to 34  24 to 29
                                                                         Diploma Score Range (out of 45)
           •  82%  of  Standard  Level  papers
              were graded 7 or 6

           •  In  Extended  Essay,  75%  of  the
                                                                      IB Diploma Results 2023                                          AHAAN JINDAL             ABBA NDOMO                AISHI BASU               ANAGHA
              grades  obtained  are  A's  and  B's,                                                                                                                                                               SRINIVASAN
                                                                      A Comparative Snapshot
              compared to 34.7% worldwide
           •  In Theory of Knowledge, 82% of             42
              the grades obtained are A's and B's,       40
              compared to 41.8% worldwide                36                                                                                ANANYA
                                                        Average Score  34                                                                SRINIVASAN            DEVIKA KOTHARI           DIYA PIRAMAL           KEISHAA VARMA
           •  The mean grade obtained by our
              students is 6.18, compared to the          32
              world average of 4.84                      30
           •  The mean bonus points obtained
              by our students is 2.31, compared                   DAIS   WORLD  SINGAPORE HONGKONG  UK  INDIA
                                                                 Average  Average  Average  Average  Average  Average                                         RUCHIKA BHUYAN             ISHAAN SHAH
              to 1.39 worldwide

                                                           28                                                                                                                     29
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35