Page 128 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 128

BASKETBALL                                                                                                                                                                                                          SWIMMING

     I  believe  physical  fitness  is                                                                                                                                                                   The year 2020 put the brakes on each and every
     necessary  for  everyone                                                                                                                                                                           single  athlete's  dream.  Changing  their
     especially in trying times like                                                                                                                                                                    perspective  physically,  mentally  and
     these.  As  soon  as  the                                                                                                                                                                          emotionally.
     lockdown began, our school                                                                                                                                                                         It was March 12th, 2020, when I got the news
     helped all our sportsmen with                                                                                                                                                                      that swimming pools had to be shut down and
     their  training  to  ensure  a                                                                                                                                                                     would  remain  shut  until  further  notice.
     certain  level  of  fitness.  To                                                                                                                                                                    Although I was quite happy in the beginning,
     maintain  and  keep  track  of                                                                                                                                                                     the feeling soon wore off eventually, leading to
     this  training  we  used  the                                                                                                                                                                      me not wanting to get out of bed anymore.
     Teambuildr  app.  This  was  a                                                                                                                                                                     This  period  really  affected  my  mental  health,
     great idea as we were able to                                                                                                                                                                      making me unable to concentrate at school and
     follow  the  exercise  routines                                                                                                                                                                    losing touch with those close to me. There were
     and  also  track  our  progress.                                                                                                                                                                   even  times  where  I  did  not  have  the  will  to
     The basketball team was also                                                                                                                                                                       workout at home and thought this was the end
     given  some  sport  specific                                                                                                                                                                        of my swimming career and that I would never
     exercises  that  took  into                                                                                                                                                                        get back.
     consideration  that  some                                                                                                                                                                          They say, “You don't know what you love until
     people did not have access to                                                                                                                                                                      you have lost it.” 2020 made me realise how
     a hoop. This was good as it                                                                                                                                                                        much I loved to swim and how important it is to
     gave  structure  to  people  for   During the past year, I have been using the Teambuildr app to improve my fitness. I follow the IGCSE weight                                                      me. If I wanted to continue swimming, I needed
     their home training and also   training programme which has been integrated seamlessly onto the app. It is very easy to follow and gives a good                                                    to remain fit, so that I could bounce back as
     attempted to keep the sport   indication of pacing as well as video demonstrations. I have also been working on some skills in relation to                                                         soon as pools re-opened. So, I pushed myself,
     specific  skills  at  the  highest   basketball, doing solo drills and practicing by myself, and, when safe, playing with some friends. The Teambuildr   despite knowing that I may not even see a pool in the next 6 months, I still did it. I realised that you only have control over the effort you put in, the
     level  during  these  unusual   app also allows me to focus on basketball-specific drills, which is very useful. Learning physical education also gives   outcome is never in our hands. This felt like an epiphany for me, and I placed my trust in serendipity.
     circumstances.            me the opportunity to figure out which exercises and routines are optimal for an athlete who is playing basketball   November 11th, 2020 was when I finally got to jump back into the pool. Getting back in form was harder than I imagined, but with time and patience, I
                               and doing weight training. This gives me the ability to decide which days to do extra training, such as running, to
          Shay Khanchandani                                                                                                 got better. By March 2021, I participated in the National Invitational Meet at Bangalore. I gave it my all, and took part in 3 back-to-back event in one
                               exercise other muscle groups. Ms. Loveena posts videos of basketball drills which are very helpful in improving our   day. I won in the 200 metres freestyle category but was not too happy with the result, however, was grateful for the opportunity. I was closer to my best
                               technical skills and staying motivated. The Reliance Foundation Jr. NBA 12-week programme, which is held on   timing in the 100  meters butterfly and 100 meters freestyle even though I did not win, which felt like a big pat on the back for all my hard work through
                               Saturdays, is also useful for skill improvement. Overall, this period has been very beneficial in improving my fitness,   the year.
                               as well as my specific skills.
                                                                                                                            The experience was quite a journey, it all happened so fast, but I have no regrets. The nine-month break made me mentally tougher. I had changed as a
                                                                                                          Kabir Parekh      person having rebuilt my drive, mind-set and dedication to persevere. It was a slow process but with the support of my family, my coach and my close friends;
                                                                                                                            it was something I would never forget.
     As we could not go to school and practice basketball on the court due                                                                                                                                                      Kiara Bangera
     to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we had basketball core sessions online.
     Ms Loveena was leading the sessions, and we did basketball skills and                                                  Kareena  Shankta  of  Grade  11  was  a  speaker  at  the
     drills  along  with  fitness  exercises.  The  fitness  exercises  helped  us                                            TEDxPowai event held on April 11, 2021. Her talk titled
     improve our strength for the basketball team. Ms Loveena also sent us                                                  "The Deep Dive" was centred around the indefatigable
     many YouTube videos of workouts and other drills, which we could do                                                    role of mental strength in her life and through her journey
     at home, which we appreciated immensely. Ms made many children                                                         of swimming. The theme for the event was the IKIGAI
     lead exercises which increased our confidence and strength. We also                                                     EFFECT-  The  Myriad  Mission,  a  sneak  peek  into  one's
     did creative activities that consisted of combinations of many drills, and                                             mission of life. Kareena was the youngest speaker who
     showed  them  to  the  class.  I  never  thought  that  online  basketball                                             had an enthralling narration to share amongst inspiring
     practise sessions could be as exciting and energetic as these! These                                                   stories,  exclusively  selected  for  this  virtual  event.  The
     online practise sessions keep us in touch with the sport, helping us keep                                              official website of the event is and
     in touch with our skills so that we can play basketball with much more                                                 has  been  curated  to  be  uploaded  on  the  TEDxPowai
     ease when physical school reopens.                                                                                     YouTube a channel.
                                         Vihaan Dadbhawala

                                                                     I vividly remember the days I used to race my friends to the court
                                                                     and shoot baskets. There were just a few days left for 4th Grade
                                                                     and I was looking forward to basketball in 5th Grade but, the                                                                   EQUESTRIAN
                                                                     Covid-19 Pandemic changed everything. We have since been
                                                                     doing basketball and morning practice remotely.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The  tournaments  during  this  year  have  been
                                                                     We start our sessions with improving our skills of dribbling,                                                                  extremely  different  because  of  the  pandemic  and
                                                                     passing and shooting. Ms Loveena shows us short videos and                                                                     there have not been many opportunities to compete.
                                                                     demonstrates  several  skills  for  us.  Ms  additionally  assigns                                                             However, in November 2020, I competed in the FEI
                                                                     captains  who  lead  warm  up,  fitness  and  ball  exercises.  My                                                              category  C  and  stood  6th  in  India  and  14th
                                                                     favourite activity is when we choose a partner and challenge                                                                   worldwide. It was relatively tough to get back to
                                                                     them to any exercise of our choice. Ms ensures that we stay                                                                    normal  after  the  lockdown,  and  I  feel  that  the
                                                                     physically fit and up to date with our skills.                                                                                  workout program at school
                                                                     I am waiting for the day when I can race my friends to the court                                                               has  really  helped  me  to
                                                                     and score baskets at school grounds once again.                                                                                improve  on  myself,  both
                                                                                                                                                                                                    mentally and physically.
                                                                                                        Kavya Mangal
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arjun Kanoi
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