Page 133 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 133


 2020: the new year instead of bringing in new hopes,
 brought in a new disease, Covid-19. It stopped the entire
 world. Staying at home and working from home became
 the new normal. Everything came to a standstill in an
 athlete's life. All grounds were closed and I really thought
 all the speed, fitness, and goals which I have worked
 towards  in  athletics  are  just  going  to  go  off.  The
 lockdown was so strict, and I had lost all hope for my
 regular practice.
 But our school sports department had no plans of giving
 up.  They  came  up  with  Live  workout  sessions  on  MS
 Teams. First, I was so reluctant; PE online? But they came
 up  with  such  brilliant  energetic  sessions.  Bringing  so
 much joy to me. My friend, Amartya Vaidyanathan, and I
 started looking forward for every Tuesday, as that was the
 only guided fitness program. The PE department showed
 us how to do amazing workouts with limited facility and
 space of home. It kept me in good shape both mentally and
 The  58th  Artistic  Roller  Skating  National
 Championship was a great experience. In   In  the  meantime,  my  athletic  coach  Ravi  Sir  started  his  zoom  sessions  too.  As  I  was  already
 the  11-14  girls  age  group  category  my   accustomed to school sessions getting into my coach's online class was extremely smooth. When
 hardwork paid off as I bagged a gold and a   the Maharashtra Government gave permission for track training it was so easy for me to get back
 bronze medal. I had worked hard day and   on the track, as I was very regular with the school PE session, with my camera on!
 night  for  the  past  3  months  and   When the BCDAA athletic meet took place on the WINGS track Bandra, in January 2021, I could
 throughout  the  lockdown  I  had  online   bag a bronze with my personal best of 11.6 seconds. I was so enthralled by the Zoom sessions, and
 training sessions with my coach I started   that in this pandemic time too I could do something fruitful for my body.
 physical  training  from  the  month  of
 December. I took part in quartet which is a   In the meantime, the second wave of Covid hit the country, this wave was hitting the children as
 group  event  and  our  group  successfully   well, and did not spare our family. My dad, my sister and I became Covid positive. It was a real tough
 won a gold! I took part in 2 solo events   14 days, but I was the first one to recover. Dr Kiran Sathe and Dr Sapna Sinha who were my
 from which I bagged a bronze in solo free   paediatricians said the sports fitness really helped me to recover fast. Now I am on my post Covid
 style dance. However in one I missed my   recovery time, and I am looking forward to continuing the fitness regime.
 bronze and stood 4th. I'm very thankful to   I am hoping the strict curbs, vaccinations etc. will bring Covid under control. I am waiting for the
 my coach Miss Adesh Singh for guiding me   tracks to re-open and waiting for my 5 am sessions to start again. I am sure that the PE sessions with
 through this journey and to my school for   our teachers will help me stay fit until I can join the track again.
 supporting me.   Until then Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay fit.
 Reeva Agarwal  Parthiv Sreeraman   Futuristic Fitness                             The past academic year, we have been using
                                                                                   the Teambuildr application for IGCSE Weight
     With the onset of the pandemic, we were all confined to our houses, with seemingly endless days   Training, which would normally happen in
     of limited activity stretching in front of us. However, our school's PE department ensured that this
                                                                                   person.  Teambuildr  has  made  the  process
 GOLF  Lockdown started sometime in the end of March 2020 and   was  not  the  case!  Adapting  to  the  changing  times,  they  helped  us  integrate  a  new  online   extremely  easy  and  seamless,  with
 I wasn't too worried about golf as I thought everything   software, known as 'Teambuildr' into our workout sessions.   customizable  workouts,  progress  markers,
 would  open  in  a  matter  of  few  days.  But  as  it  kept   This software enhanced our skills, and took our workout to the next level. All of us greatly enjoyed   video  demonstrations,  and  tips  for  every
 Playing  golf  this   extending I decided to set up a golf net in my garden where
 past year has been   I could practice all day. During this 4-month lockdown, I   using Teambuildr during our weight training classes, as it would allow us to complete new and   exercise. As students, Teambuildr has been
 quite different due   focused on reconstructing my entire swing with my golf   challenging workouts every class. It could record the number of reps and the number of sets, thus   very  useful,  showing  us  different  ways  of
 to  the  ongoing   coach, Alex Riggs, who is based in Dubai, as well as my   helping us challenge ourselves, and record our progression. Our teachers taught us how to use   doing exercises, explaining the intricacies of
 pandemic. Since all   mentor and coach in Mumbai, Sreekanth Nagraj through   this interface, and soon enough, it was a part of our daily routine! Another convenient feature of   the  workout  as  well  as  providing
 the  golf  courses   online classes. Along with this I put in several hours at the   this app, is the video demonstrations that are provided to allow us to view the correct form for   adjustments to better up form. Since many
 w e r e   s h u t   i n   gym  and  worked  on  my  mental  strength  through   every exercise.   of us did not have heavy gym equipment,
 Mumbai  I  used  to   meditation  and  visualization  practices.  We  took  this   It motivated us to work harder, do better and get stronger. We were stunned to discover that   Teambuildr  helped  us  greatly  in  finding
 travel  with  2-3   opportunity to get stronger and faster which resulted in me   similar exercises that would work the same
 other girls and my   hitting the ball 25 yards further than I did pre-lockdown   though we were in lockdown, we constantly managed to partake in physical activities with the   muscle groups. This combined with morning
 coach  to  Karjat,  a   and I put on a lot more muscle. One of the key things for me   help of the school PE department and Teambuildr. This helped our mental well-being greatly, and   weight  training  classes  helped  us  to
 two-hour  drive,   was getting a camera stand which allowed me to review   ensured we stay active and fit. We began to feel happier and looked forward to weight training   overcome any difficulty or misunderstanding
 and  practice  out   my swing technique every time. This is something I never   sessions with enthusiasm and excitement, even though we had to wake up an hour earlier!   we  might  have  had.  Furthermore,
 there. I would try to   Hours blurred into weeks, and weeks into months, as exercise after exercise followed each other.   Teambuildr has a user friendly interface that
 attend  as  many   did and with this initiation, my game improved tremendously. I would do a short game for 90   Bicep curls, skull crushers, bench press, dumbbell row, repeat. Before we knew it, we were much   makes the software very simple to use and is
 classes as I could in   minutes a day, hit balls for 3 hours, gym for 75 minutes and meditate for 30 minutes day, and   stronger and fitter than we had ever been - it was all thanks to these workouts meticulously designed   excellent for athletes of all levels. Teambuildr
 the car on my way to the golf course. On the way back,   additionally watch plenty of golf documentaries. Repeating this process almost everyday led me   to  target  every  muscle  group  in  the  body.  Alongside  the  physical  aspect,  we  also  learned  the   has  helped  us  develop  tremendously  as
 I would listen to the recorded versions of the classes I   to become a far better golfer than before. Two months after golf restarted I broke my home   athletes over the past year.
 missed. I left home at 8am and reached the golf course   course record (in the Willingdon Sports Club) with a score of 10 under par and my tournament   theoretical and technical aspects to physical education, which were extremely beneficial and holistic.   Kabir Parekh, Amaan Singh,
 at 10 and would practice there until 2 or 3pm and then   scores and my finishes improved immensely too. I also travelled to Dubai during the pandemic   We are extremely grateful to have the privilege of continuing to engage in fitness activities even   Arjun Kanoi
 come back home at 5pm. This entire routine was quite   last year to work on things with my coach, which further developed my game and resulted in my   during lockdown!
 exhausting but I am grateful that I have got to play the   best scores in tournament golf. Although the lockdown was a taxing time for all of us, I was able
 to make the most out of the situation and it was an unfortunate event that actually made me
 sport  I  love  so  much  considering  the   augment my golfing progress more efficiently than it would have under normal circumstances.   Ami Mehta and Hrishita Shah
 current situation of our country.
 With another lockdown imposed,I am continuing to do the same things in order to prepare for
 Hridhika Vora  my golf tournament In the USA this summer.
 Ishaan Shroff  127                                                                                       128
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