Page 130 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 130

JUDO & FITNESS                                                                                                          TAEKWONDO                                                                                   W o r k o u t :   A t   t h e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        beginning  of  lockdown
                                                                                    I  joined  the  Core  PE  workouts  when  my                                                                                        last  year  Cawas  Sir
     My last judo competition season ended at the SGFI Nationals,                   athletic  training  and  fitness  had  just   At the start of lockdown I was a
     Delhi in 2019, where I came close to finally winning a medal at                 stopped because of the pandemic. Cawas   Red Belt in Taekwondo. We had                                                              started Core PE Workout
     the national level. As always, the competition was unique and                  sir always challenged me and pushed me to   just begun Taekwondo training                                                           sessions  for  students
     exciting and left me eager to do better the next time. However,                do my best. This helped to me maintain my   online with Dinesh sir. We were                                                         interested in upping their
     the  pandemic  created  an  obstacle,  that  Judokas  in  India  still         stamina,  and  when  my  training  started   practicing  kicks  and  punches.                                                       fitness.  These  classes
     remain unable to safely overcome.                                              again,  I  did  not  feel  as  tired  as  I  had   We also did Poomsae practice. I                                                  were held thrice a week
                                                                                    previously  felt  when  I  restarted  after  a   trained for 3 hours 45 minutes                                                     after  school.  We  do
     Going from training every day to suddenly having to sit in front of            break. The workouts gave me a chance to                                                                                             different  workouts  like
     a screen for 8 hours at a time was a difficult transition for athletes          do  my  favourite  activity  without  which  I   each  week.  Couple  of  months                                                    Livestrong,  HIIT  etc.
     everywhere. At the beginning of quarantine there was a lot of                  would feel restless throughout the day.    passed  and  I  was  informed  that                                       Exercises like Burpees, Push ups, Planks and
     enthusiasm and excitement around home workouts and other                                                               the Red Belt test was coming up. I was well prepared for it. I had to submit our video on Poomsae 6   Crunches are now part of my regular fitness
     unique ways to have the gym experience in your own home. But,                  Cawas sir had also invited me to workout   and 7. Then our coach and a few other judges judged my performance and gave me marks. When
     as time went by and the situation did not change, it was harder to             with the Gujarat Judo Team a few times.   the results came few weeks later I had passed the test. I gotten the Red Belt. I felt very happy. I   routine. My favourite exercise though is the
     stay motivated enough to have a regular fitness routine and stick               These sessions were quite challenging and   worked hard for months and felt rewarded.                                Bird Dog. In this exercise one has to assume a
     to it.                                                                         exhausting  to  say  the  least.  I  have   I continued my Taekwondo training. I kept practicing Poomsae, kicks, punches and sparring. Soon   side plank position and bring the leg close to
                                                                                    thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent                                                                             the  body  and  back  out.  This  gives  a  lot  of
     Many athletes have not been able to train for their sport for the              working  out  with  the  PE  core  group.   the Black Belt exam was upon us. This time I sent a video of Poomsae 7 and 8. There was another   upper body and lower body strength. Cawas
     past year. Having practiced Judo almost my whole life, I could feel            THANK  YOU  for  this  wonderful        exam as well, where the judges asked me to perform different kicks. I did around 800 kicks that   Sir  has  a  wealth  of  knowledge  about  the
     a certain emptiness in my day. Following online workouts and                   opportunity Sir!                        evening. Two months later I received news that I had obtained my 1st Dan Black Belt. I was   human body, exercise, and nutrition which he
     training videos did not match the exhaustion I used to feel after 2                                  Amit Reubin       exhilarated. I received my Black Belt and certificate soon after. It was a special moment when my   readily  shares  with  us.  This  increases  our
     hours at my Dojo. With such a major part of my life suddenly                                                           coach, Dinesh sir, tied the Black Belt around my waist, symbolising that all my hardwork paid off.  understanding of our own health and fitness
     being taken away, I could now appreciate what it had meant to                                                          Now I am training younger children in the martial arts. It is a wonderful feeling to help others. I am   considerably.  I  thoroughly  enjoy  these
     me. The perseverance, hard work and determined mindset that   Due to the lockdown, there was virtually                                                                                              sessions.  Since  I  started  attending  these
     Judo has instilled in me is what I harnessed to motivate myself   no  physical  activity  that  I  could  do  at       also continuing my own training and hope to achieve my 2nd Dan Black Belt soon. It has been a   classes my fitness has increased considerably.
     during lockdown. Something that helped me keep up my fitness   home, as activities like going to school,                four and a half year journey upto this point, and it doesn’t look like it will be stopping any time
     levels and motivation was also the group workouts I did with my   attending Judo core classes, and even                soon. All through the lockdown I never stopped my training and the discipline it has given me is   My  strength,  agility,  balance  and  stamina
     friends. While it may not have been the hardcore training I was   playing in my building compound with                 tremendous. Taekwondo has really helped me to grow as a person and I am very grateful to my   have greatly improved. I eagerly look forward
                               used to do, it helped me and   friends were disallowed.                                      coach for guiding me throughout.                                             to  these  sessions  and  hope  they  continue
                                others  maintain  a  routine   During that time, Cawas Sir and the                                                                                         Cyrus Setna   once physical school starts.
                                and  focus  on  our  health   Indian Judo Federation, came up with
                                throughout  this  period.   a Judo Fitness module. I started it and I
                                Regular online sessions with   felt  really  fit  for  the  first  few  days.                 Amidst this global pandemic, when the whole world had
                                my coach in gym class also   After  that,  I  became  a  regular                            came  to  a  standstill  we  thought  that  our  Taekwondo
                                kept me accountable every   participant  of  the  training  for  the  next  6  months  until  it  was  eventually   practices too, would come to an end! But zoom saved the
                                time  I  decided  to  sleep-in   stopped. I became fairly fit in these 6 months, and I didn't gain any excessive    day, and our teachers worked relentlessly to ensure that our
                                instead.                  weight though my height grew.                                     online learning experience was as fruitful as physical class!
                                The  hardest  part  is  always   My P.E. teachers including Cawas Sir noticed the improvement in my fitness   We didn't let our spirits dimmer. We would join zoom calls at
                                                                                                                            our  allotted  times,  switch  our  web  cameras  on,  and  all
                                starting  the  routine  and   levels. I think being fit is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and this fitness
                                starting the workout but a   habit will stay with me forever.                               practice together.
                                supportive  environment   I love to participate in online school P.E. and Yoga sessions and look forward to   I also prepared for my black belt exam last year. I would log
                                makes  it  a  rewarding   any other online training that might be conducted by the Judo Federation and   onto class, as Dinesh sir would teach me a new Poomsae
                                experience.  I  can’t  wait  to   the Sports Authority of India. A big thank you to Yashpal Sir and all the   technique  everyday,  while  we  would  revise  the  other
                                join my Dojo again as soon   coaches, who conducted the online training, for motivating and encouraging   Poomsae routines that I had learned previously too. Soon the
                                as we can!                us kids.                                                          exam day was nearing. I practiced and went over my work to
                                                                                                                            ensure my dream was attained, and my teachers were there
                                           Farrah Patel                                                   Ria Sanghavi
                                                                                                                            to help me along the way. At last, the exam day arrived. I
                                                                                                                            wore my uniform, set up my laptop properly, and logged
                                         The Judo Federation of India had hosted classes for Judokas around the country on Zoom during the   onto my exam meeting at an allotted time. My teacher and the examiner were both present in the meeting. The examiner instructed me on what I had
                                         pandemic, from June to August 2020. These sessions started with a high and dynamic warmup. We   to perform during the exam, and within a span of 15 minutes, my exam was done! Despite the exam being on an online platform, it went as smoothly
                                         had to do shadow 'uchikomi'' which is shadow practicing of the throws without a partner. The   as a normal exam would go, and got over in no time!
                                         teachers taught us very well with demonstrating each step slowly. We were also taught by a 'Sensei'   This exam truly was a unique and interesting experience, and one that I will always remember. Despite the national lockdown, it didn't come in the way
                                         (teacher), online from Japan. Despite it being online, the teachers made it very easy for us to   of our Taekwondo practices or exams, and everything went on perfectly. I am grateful to get the opportunity to have done an exam online, and I look
                                         understand and comprehend. We also had a session on nutrition, yoga and health.  At the end of   forward to taking my next exam this year on Zoom too!
                                         every class, we did a cool down that included a variety of stretches.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Krisha Singhal
                                         I was fortunate to attend a training session in 2020 held by the Nadiad Judo Center of Excellence in
                                         Gujarat. I trained with students who were more experienced which helped me a lot. The workout we
                                         did included a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and many other strength and stretching exercises.                                My nerves were curdling as I opened the   GYMNASTICS
                                                                                                                                                                                 Zoom application on the computer for the
                         Attending these classes was a very amazing experience for me and helped me maintain my skills in Judo. I also learnt                                    first time. I was worried about how I would
                         numerous throws and holds, which helped me grow as a Judoka, despite the lockdown. I even learnt by watching the other                                  do gymnastics online, as there is limited space at home and there would be no
                         senior Judokas who were a part of the National and Gujarat Judo team. During this pandemic, when the physical activity                                  one to physically correct me if I was wrong which could lead to injuries. But as
                         was very less, these sessions really helped to increase my fitness levels too. I am very grateful that I got the opportunity to be
                         taught by the leading coaches of the  Sports Authority of India and Nadiad Judo Center.                                                                 time  passed,  I  became  used  to  online  classes  and  learned  to  train  in  a
                                                                                                                                                                                 constructive manner. Sometimes, we had fun challenges like using a home
                         I am also grateful to have been a part of the Core PE workout sessions in our school held by Cawas sir as well. They were very                          props, for example plastic wrap, and creating our own dance steps with it.
                         informative and enriching. We have done so many workouts and different types of circuits. This has helped me immensely                                  Months  passed  online,  and  I  diligently  did  online  classes  and  we  got  the
                         and made me improve my fitness! These sessions started in July 2020. Every day we did a workout which was more                                           exciting news that we were going to have our first physical competition in past
                         advanced than the last one. Throughout the journey I got to learn so much. These classes made it possible for me to                                     two years. This news got butterflies in my tummy, as I was nervous about
                         progress in other sporting activities such as football, judo, tennis and dance. In these sessions we even got to suggest our                            stepping on the mat without a lot of practice. But I was
                         own exercises of our choice. On top of that we even got to lead our own workouts. We were taught by video workouts                                      prepared to do anything for physical classes to begain
     which were great fun. This helped me maintain and enhance my physical fitness. Each class we would work on a different muscle or training system and                         and finally meet my friends. So I took the challenge
                would try to improve ourselves each day. Along with enhancing our fitness we also got to learn about different muscles and systems of                             and did my level best at the competition.
                our body and which exercise would benefit which muscle group. These sessions were truly very helpful, informative and a lot of fun!   But I was flooded with a feeling of Déjà vu  when online classes began again. But I knew that I had to cope with it, as we all had
                Tithi Agarwal                                                                                               done before.
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