Page 137 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 137

Before the lockdown began I used to play badminton three times a week which
     always kept me fit and strong. However during the lockdown that stopped; so
     my fitness severely reduced until I began joining the Core PE workout sessions.
     Within  just  a  few  weeks  I  was  back  to  my  original  condition  before  the
     lockdown. Even previously I was not in a very strong condition. I could barely do
     5 push-ups. But as soon as I worked out with Sir I grew stronger. At first my main
     goal was to score well in the ICSE fitness exam. But even when it got over I never
     stopped working out in these sessions, as they became fun. Every session Cawas
     sir motivated us and showed us the correct way to be fit and grow stronger. I
     used to be tired in barely thirty sit-ups but now I can continue to do a lot more.
     The workout sessions made me “generally fit”, which sir once explained, was
     the ability to do the daily routine work without fatigue and have enough energy
     to cope with emergencies.
     During  the  workouts  we  often  had  choice  workouts  in  which  each  of  us
     suggested exercises. In these sessions each of us challenged each other with our
     favourite or the toughest of all exercises. It was a delight how each of us put
     forward a unique challenge. The workout reduced stress during exams and
     made me feel stronger and better about myself.
                                                       Aryan Patel

                                             When I started online school, I was not doing any classes which involved fitness anymore. I
                                             became less strong. Then one day, one of my friends told me about Core PE and how I could sign
                                             up if I wanted to do some workouts and exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I signed up
                                             and I started to work out with students from different grades and Cawas Sir.
                                             I have become much stronger now. Before I used to play many sports – swimming, badminton
                                             and more but I never really focused on push-ups, burpees and sit-ups so when I started Core PE, I
                                             found them difficult. But because I worked on them 3 days a week, I have improved and find
                                             them much easier now.

                                             I have become stronger because of joining Core PE and working with Cawas Sir so I hope more
                                             people will sign up and start working out to become stronger than they were before. We can stay
                                             fit even without seeing each other physically.
                                             Myra Baijal

 I joined Core PE in May 2020.
 At first, I wasn't too serious
 about continuing; it was just                  I first joined the Core PE group in April
 a way of keeping fit during                     2020  with  the  goal  to  slowly  but
 t h e   l o c k d o w n .   B u t              surely  prepare  for  the  ICSE  physical
 eventually,  I  started  loving                efficiency tests. But, now as I pass the
 the evening workouts - I got                   tenth  standard  and  leave  school,  I
 stronger the more often I did                  know that I will continue to attend
 them. From being able to do                    these sessions in the months to come.
 less than 10 push-ups on my                    I  have  become  much  stronger  than
 knees, I went on to do over                    before - going from a mere 4 push-
 25 on my toes. I feel the core                 ups on my knees to 25 - 30 push-ups
 workouts  have  also  helped                   on my toes. The back pain that I used
 me  focus  on  my  studies                     to get from time to time has vanished.
                                                I feel like I have more energy during
 The  best  part  about  the                    the day and am able to my work more
 workouts  is  the  company.                    efficiently. I have learnt to motivate
 Every  Monday,  Wednesday,                     myself and persevere even when I feel
 I joined Core-PE in September, a little later than the others. I was without a   and  Friday,  Cawas  Sir   like giving up.
 doubt weaker when I started. My strength and stamina has definitely improved   prepares  fun  workouts  for   Besides all this, what truly makes the
 since then. I have gone from not even being able to lift my head in a sit-up to   us-  be  it  with  a  video  or  a   sessions  special  is  the  company.
 being able to do forty-five sit ups without stopping. Yes, I could do all of these   different teacher. The energy   Cawas Sir is always very energetic and
 things on my own, but doing it with a motivating teacher and children of every   and  enthusiasm  with  which   motivating and is always coming up
 age group is even better, and it has really encouraged me to attend Core PE   he  conducts  the  evening   with  new  exciting  ideas  for  the
 workouts. During the lockdown I could not go down to play and meet my    workouts is contagious- he's with us whenever we feel like giving   workout sessions. His advice is very
 friends. Core PE is a great way to remain fit and to meet with other children to   up and encourages us to keep pushing. You feel so proud when   helpful and his stories are fascinating.
 talk and share experiences. I think that one the best things about Core-PE is   he compliments you on doing an exercise perfectly.  Plus, it's fun
 Cawas  Sir.  He  is  the  most  motivating  teacher  ever  and  is  always  sharing   when you work out with people of different age groups- some   The other students are mostly from the younger grades with only 3 from the secondary
 fascinating stories and experiences. He will always praise you for a job well   people come right from grade 4.   school. But, it's them who are the strongest. Ishaan - the King of Shoulders, Cyrus - the Little
 done. I am now more confident in myself and I am much more active in my   I love attending these workouts. I'm very grateful to Cawas Sir for   Master, Tithi - who's probably the strongest girl in school, Arham, Nivedita and Aryan (just to   Arham Shah
 school  PE  classes.  I  have  learnt  lots  of  new  muscle  names  and  exercises   conducting these workouts.   name a few) are great people to work out with.
 to strengthen them. I am grateful to Cawas Sir and the school   I encourage everyone to join us in the promised land of fitness. It's only an hour on Mondays,
 for conducting these sessions and I will surely continue to attend   Nivedita Jha  Wednesdays and Fridays. Trust me, you won't regret it.
                                                                 Vansh Bansal
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