Page 135 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 135

CHESS  CRICKET      The online sessions from 3 to 4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Hariom sir and Prashant sir has
                     helped me a lot in improving my skills and has given me more knowledge about the game of
                     cricket. Due to these unfortunate and unprecedented times, we cannot practice on the school
 Indian 'A' Team won Asian Under 14   ground, but these online sessions have been extremely useful in ensuring that we do not stop learning. Various theory
 Online  Team  Chess  Championship   aspects are covered within the fields of batting and bowling. In batting we discuss what an ideal stance should be, the grip
 GOLD MEDAL  on the bat, the multiple kinds of shots, front foot and back foot defence, how to drive the ball etc. In bowling we covered
     the grip on the ball, the bowling action, the loading arm, several drills to improve the flow of the action, and how to
 We are super proud to announce that   improve upon pace. For spinners we also discussed how to bowl with more rotations on the ball such that it spins more
 our very own DAIS students IM Raahil   and some variations like googlies for leg spinners.
 Mullick  and  CM  Dev  Shah  of  Class  8,
     Other than practicing the fundamentals of cricket, we also discussed game strategies for test matches like India versus
 represented team India that participated
 in  the  ASIAN  NATIONS  (UNDER  14)   Australia and the IPL. These strategies include how a batsman and a bowler should approach the different formats of the
     game like T20's, and which players should play in the team to make it stronger. This also included things like the
     conditions of the pitch, something I found interesting as I had not known about it before. To enhance our bowling we also
 which was organized by the Sri Lankan   analysed successful bowlers and their variations, something that we can practice and develop too to get better. Overall, I
 chess  federation  from  27th  to  29th
     really enjoy these sessions and they teach me a lot about cricket.
 March 2021. The Asian Chess Federation
 conducted  the  event  through  the                                                 Rishi Mody platform.
 Team India 'A' clinched the Asian Under
 14  Online  Team  Chess  Championship   IM Raahil Mullick   CM Dev Shah
 GOLD  MEDAL  amongst  the  32  Asian
                                      This year has been like no other, it has challenged our perception of normalcy, compelled us to adapt to
 Teams that participated in the event.
                                      changes, whether or not we were prepared for it and has in many ways accelerated our growth into the
 Indian ‘A’ Team consisted of:        world of technology.
 IM Raahil Mullick - DAIS  •  CM Dev Shah - DAIS  •  IM Bharath Subramanium  •  CM Shahil Dey  •  Sohardo Basak
                                      The pandemic has exposed us to a world of 'new normal'. Overnight, our classrooms changed to virtual
 They registered 7 wins ,1 draw and 1 loss in this 7 round Swiss system tournament to occupy the pole position with 15 match points .  rooms, our blackboards changed to online white boards, and our desk partners became small boxes on a
                                      screen. We had to learn how to study differently, participate differently, make friendships differently and
                                      most importantly, play cricket differently. In an ideal pre-COVID-19 world, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
                                      Fridays were the favorite days for the entire cricket team, because on these days we were able to practice
                                      our favourite sport for hours and truly enjoy ourselves.
                                      Cavas Sir and Hari sir left no stone unturned to make us feel like nothing had changed with respect to our
                                      training and the emptiness we felt was filled when Hari sir informed us that our training would commence
     online with new methods and styles. I remember profoundly how all of us were overjoyed and excitedly looked forward to being able to practice again.
     Under Prashant Sirs guidance we began our journey of online cricket practices, where we focused on the strategic side of the game. We began
     analysing matches, teams and understanding the different strategies that they implement. We not only enjoyed ourselves thoroughly while learning
     and analysing different field settings but we also began working with Prashant sir on our basics through different drills. These drills focused on
     strengthening the base of our game which would help us when we stepped back onto the field. Each and every one of us from the team left each
     session with more knowledge. While we spent time on learning and correcting our form these sessions also added to our daily physical wellbeing and
     helped with being active and balancing our daily routines. It was the closest we could have gotten to playing on a real field and gave us a deep sense of
     satisfaction. These sessions have not only added value to our training but it re-instilled our team spirit as the whole team was reunited. As usual, we
     realized how important these training sessions have been for us as a team together.
                                                                                                 It  would  be  unfair  to
 Chess  Team  DAIS  Clinches  the                                                                c o n c l u d e   w i t h o u t
 Semi-final  Berth  at  the  World                                                                expressing  our  most
 Online School Chess Tournament                                                                  sincere  gratitude  to  our
                                                                                                 coaches,  Cavas  Sir,  Hari
 Congratulations  Team  DAIS  for
 qualifying to participate in the Semi-                                                          Sir,  and  Prashant  Sir  for
 Finals  at  the  World  Online  School                                                          their continued efforts to
 Chess Tournament Expo Dubai 2020.                                                               ensure our training does
 Our  school  Chess  Team  played                                                                not  suffer  and  to  keep
 brilliantly  at  the  pre-qualifier  and                                                         our  morale  high  during
 qualifier stages and have now made it                                                            these  unprecedented
 to  the  top  30  chess  teams  in  the                                                         times.  When  we  shifted
 world.  The  tournament  started  in                                                            to virtual schooling, all I
 December 2020, with 296 teams from                                                              could  think  of  was  the
 across  the  world  and  also  includes                                                         grass  is  only  greener  on
 chess  academies  and  chess  schools.                                                          the  other  side-  the  pre
 The Spanish Pavilion at the Universal                                                           COVID  side,  but  after  a
 Expo Dubai 2021 organized this large                                                            whole year, I can proudly
 online chess tournament to promote                                                              say,  the  grass  is  greener
 chess in schools.                                                                               where you water it, and
                                                                                                 in our case, our teachers
 The  DAIS  team  members  are:                                                                  have made this possible.
 Dev  Shah,  Raahil  Malik,  Aditya                                                              Harshvardhaan Jhaveri
 Ramanathan, Aditya Patil, Rounaiv Rana, Ruhaan Mahindru, Siddhanth Lohia, Suhaani Lohia and Vansh Agarwal.
 Over all these years the unflinching support the school has provided, and will continue to extend in the future, encourages all our students to pursue
 their passion and excel in sports. We are glad that our school Chess Team is making DAIS proud by excelling on the world stage, in the
 first global 'team' chess tournament for schools. Special thanks to our school chess coach Mr. Salil Ghate for entering our team for this
 prestigious event, coordinating the matches with the organisers and encouraging our students to perform at their optimum levels.
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