Page 165 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 165

Wooly My Toy Sheep  Miss You My Dear Friend

 Wooly is my toy sheep  Dear Ale
 On a lovely hill, in a pen she lives
 Oh, she is so cute  Hello Ale, how are you? I am good. I am waiting to sit with
       you in the bus. It is because of Corona that we cannot meet
 Lemon grass she eats and munches
       in the bus. But during Corona, we can still talk on the phone.
 You are all grown up now, Wooly
       When we meet, we will play many games. I want to tell you
 Raeya Guha Thakurta  that you are very helpful and kind. I want to sing songs with
       you in the bus. Hope we meet soon.
 My Lovely Mom                         Your best friend,                                      We  need  to  save  turtles
                                                                                              because turtles are in danger.
 Dear Mom,                              Nivaan Mistry                                         S t a r   B a c k   Tu r t l e s   a re
 How was your day? I want to tell you that I                                                  endangered.
 love you very much. You helped me when I
                                                                                                        Dwisha Vashi
 was hurt, and you took care of me. I love
 you so, so, so, much.
 Lots of love
 Anaya Trehan
 VIHAAN PUROHIT - THE CURIOUS                                     SHANAYA THIRWANI WANTS
 Now Is The Time To
                                                 Let Us Party
 Control Pollution
 My Lovely Name                                  Dear Alyssa,
 Pollution pollution pollution
                                                 How is everything going? I'm ecstatic to inform you that I am going to invite you for a
 Oh we shouldn't cause pollution  Vans are big
                                                 gaming night. I will have a lot of games like a unicorn fight, baking cupcakes and lots of
 Let's find a solution  Eggs are white
                                                 other games. The party is on 28th February, 7:00 pm to 12 midnight at Jade Garden BKC.
 Let's come together  Darsh is my brother
 United we can   I am Vedika                      I need to set up everything, so bye for now. Give my regards to your family.
 Teach everyone to recycle and reuse  Kites fly high                                                       Lots of love
 I promise to make mother Earth happy  All mammas are the best!  VIHAAN SANGHVI HAS A              Sharanya Agarwal
 Or we won't have a healthy life
 Vedika Teli
 Now is the time, let's do it
      Community Helpers
 Gunranak Singh Khurana  YASH CONTRACTOR -
 THIS GIRAFFE IS GRATEFUL   ANAYA TREHAN’S  I would like to thank all the helpers,
 FOR THE FRESH LEAVES  SUSTAINABLE WARLI ART  workers,  doctors,  nurses  and
                               policeman for risking their lives and
 Lucky Leo                     helping  us  at  the  time  of  this
 Lizzie and Marinet were playing in a big lawn outside their house. They were surrounded
 by swings, slides and trampolines. Suddenly they saw their friend's dog Leo on the roof.   Thank you each one of you
 All of a sudden, he slipped and fell. Lizzie had butterflies in her stomach and her eyes   Amarah Patel
 popped out. They ran to catch Leo, but it was too late. He fell. Lizzie and Marinet felt sad
 and their smile turned upside down. Leo was hurt on his paw. Luckily, Lizzie had a small   Don't Give Up
 bandage box in her backpack. She tied a bandage on Leo's paw. Leo felt much better.
 Marinet told Leo to rest. Leo did just that. The girls felt heartbroken to see Leo in pain. But   There was a girl named Olivia. She had peach skin, emerald eyes and
 they were still happy that he was feeling better.   black hair.
     She was building a snowman in the garden. There were green trees
 Anoushka Bhimjyani  fluffy clouds and blue birds all around her. In a flash, she lost her
     mittens, hat and scarf. Olivia shivered as she searched around the
 SHLOK RAWAT -  garden. Luckily, she found them on the snowman, and put them on.
 AN IMAGE OF RAAVAN   She hugged the snowman.
 MADE OUT OF BISCUITS                                                          ALYSSA PRADHAN’S BEAUTIFUL TRIBAL ART
                                               Misha Baijal
 KAVYA VERMA - RAAVAN SAYS                                  No More Tears or Fears
  યા  ઓ  યા કચરો.                   LET US SAVE THE WORLD   A little girl with golden hair and bright, blue eyes went on a camping trip
 We Are Ever So Grateful  આવો કર એ સફાઈ,                    with her mom.
  થી ત ર તી જળવાય!
 Dear Community helpers,                                    It was dark, and the stars twinkled bright. The little girl saw something in
   ષા વશી
 I would like to thank you all for fighting this dangerous   the woods and covered her eyes. Sweat trickled down her face when she
 Corona Virus and keeping us safe at home.                  realised that it was a monkey. The monkey was hungry and was looking
  લા  ટક વાપરો ઓ  ઓ   ં                                     for food. The little girl wanted to feed the monkey. The girl and her
 You are our REAL Heroes.
  રસાયકલ કરો વ   ુ વ   ુ                                    mother  gave  the  monkey  some  bananas.  The
 Thank You once again.                                      monkey was happy to eat the bananas and danced
 યશ કો  ા ટર
 Love,                                                      with joy, swinging from tree to tree.
 Thea Turel Pradhan                                                                Ivanka Deshpande
 159  GANESHA (LADOO MAKING)                                                                              160
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