Page 171 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 171

Under the sea
 II   Have  you  ever  gone  underwater?  You  haven't?  Let  me  tell  you  about  my
      It was a bright and sunny morning and my parents had planned a scuba diving trip!
      We started packing and it was exciting. Father took us to the Maldives to enjoy this
 B    adventure. We reached the beach and got all the scuba diving gear ready. We had
      dived in and it was an enchanting sight. As we went deeper it looked darker but
      pretty. We did not get to see any fish though, but soon we got deep enough and
      saw many fishes. Then we saw sting rays, needle fish and sharks. There were all
      kinds of exciting sea creatures. We started seeing whales, orcas and humpback
      whales and beluga whales too. Only then did I realise how big they were. Suddenly,
      we saw a big blue whale chasing a pack of Krill fish. It was tough holding our breath   INQUIRING ABOUT THE PHASES OF THE MOON
      underwater, more so because of the heavy gear, but it was a lot of fun. We all wore
      goggles to prevent our eyes from burning. I had a waterproof camera and so I took lovely pictures of the flora and fauna. I didn't realise I had spent
      so much time underwater because I was lost in the beauty of the sea world.
      Maldives is a dream world for anyone who loves the sun, sand and sea. I am so lucky to be taken by my parents to a place which offered me such a
      unique underwater experience.
                                                                                                  Aarit Gopalkrishnan

                                      A Trip to the Jungle
                                                                                        मर  माँ
                                      “Hi! I am Aarya, and today we are going to explore the jungle!
   GENDER EQUALITY                    Look, there is a Sambar, let's learn about it.” Sambar is a species   मर  माँ बहत काम करती ह । मर  माँ
                                      of deer. It is the largest deer and has the grandest antlers.
                                                                                                                   े ु
                                      Sambars are native to India and South-east Asia. They have a   ग णत  म   बहत  अ छ   ह ।  वे  मझ
                                      thick coat of fur which they shed every year. The favourite place    सखाती ह । मर  माँ  कताब भी पढ़ती ह ।
                                      of a sambar is forested hill slides. They prefer to eat grass, leaves   मर  माँ गाजर का हलवा बहत अ छा
                                      and wild fruits as their food. They are nocturnal animals. They        ु
                                                                                                       े ु
                                      eat at night and rest during the day. They are the favourite prey   बनाती ह । मर  माँ मझ बहत  यार करती
                                      of tigers and lions. “So, did you like the trip? Next time we will   ह । म    भी उनको बहत  यार करती हँ।
                                      learn about some other animal.”
                                                                                                            ऋ   शंकर
                                                                       Aarya Agrawal

                                                        MY POPCORN -            SCREEN TIME -            SPORTS DAY -
                                                         INAAYA AMIN          RAYA ABRAHAM          AADHYA YODDHA
                                                 Why I am the best elf to wrap the

                                                 Christmas presents?

                                                 I believe I would be the best elf, the elf that no elf has ever been. First, I am very helpful,
                                                 but not too naughty. Secondly, I am as quick as lightning in doing my work and I follow
                                                 instructions well. So, I will deliver at the right time to the correct person. Also, I know
                                                 what kids like because I am a kid, so I can help you select the gifts and I am sincere.
                                                 Another reason is that you don't need to feed me too much as I am never hungry. Now
                                                 will you hire me as your elf, Santa?
                                                                                                        Ayaan Sheth

                                                  मर पापा
 “A gender equality world would be one            मर पापा का नाम स या नरायण ह। मर पापा भारतीय प लस सवा क
                                                                                          े ु
                                                  अ धकार  ह । मर पापा मर साथ खलत ह । मर पापा मझ नयी चीज़
 where the word ‘gender’ does not exist:           दलात ह । वे मझ बहत  यार करत ह । म    भी उ ह  बहत  यार करता हँ। ू
                                                              े ु
 where everyone can be themselves.”  ZENISHA SHAH’S                                      ता ष चौधर
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