Page 168 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 168

Crookshanks Saves The Day!
                                                            How about meeting a cat flying at a blazing fast speed to planet Mars? Yes,
                                                            Crookshanks the snowy white cat could fly! Not only that, but he also saved
                                                            Spirit from the grips of the mighty aliens on Planet Mars! This is his story.
                                                            Once after finishing dinner, Crookshanks was watching the daily news.
                                                            Everything  was  about  daily  happenings,  except  some  news  about  the
                                                            missing  horse-spirit!  Scientists  were  talking  about  his  mysterious
                                                            disappearance during the day where Spirit went to drink water by the river.   SHIVANSH VEMURI   ROLLER COASTER - PALASSH GADA
                                                            They  were  suspecting  aliens  from  Planet  Mars  for  his  disappearance.   SHOWS US HIS ARTISTIC SKILLS
                                                            Crookshank's ears rose and he knew it was time for some action!                                           म    और माँ
                                                            Crookshanks was known for his kindness and helpfulness, in times of need.   मरी बहन
                                                            He opened his hands, stood up straight and looked up towards the sky and
                READERS’ THEATRE CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS     said his magic words out loud! “I have the power!” And a glittery and   मरी बहन का नाम सहाना ह। म और मरी बड़ी बहन एक                                         HAPPY JANMASHTAMI

                                                            shimmery cape landed on his back and in no time, he was flying at lightning   साथ खलत ह। म अपनी बहन स ब त  ार करता  ।              The Reason Why I Could be an Elf


                                                            speed, towards Planet Mars! Soon he could see a strong red light shining in   मरी बहन मझ और मर बड़ भाई को हर साल राखी
                                                            the sky like a fireball. He knew he was approaching the red planet Mars!  बाधती ह। वह मझ उपहार भी दती ह। ै                         I would be an amazing elf because I am quick at wrapping
                                                            When  he  reached  Planet  Mars,  he  could  spot  a  green  army  of  aliens                अ ाम ख़ान                             things and I am small and loving. As Christmas is all about
                                                            guarding the gate of a huge castle. There was a lot of activity going on                                                          wrapping things, I think I will be the best choice for the job. I
                                                            there,  which  caught  Crookshank's  attention.  He  flew  there  and  to  his                                                     am sure I will be a great help to Santa Claus.
                                                            surprise, he could spot Spirit in red, with a bright light around him! He knew                                                                                     Mrihaan Shah
                                                            he had to somehow sneak inside the guarded castle and rescue Spirit. With                                              ईरा राघवन
                                                            his powers, he changed the colour of his cape to red and he merged into the
                                                            red light of Planet Mars! No one could spot him. He reached the gates. He                                 My Favourite Memory
                                                            quietly broke in and freed Spirit from his chains before Spirit could realize                             My  family  was  confused  when  I  had  a
                                                            what was happening. Crookshanks and Spirit were flying high in space
                                                                                                                                                                      Diwali party. My friend Alisha had come
                                                            towards  Planet  Earth.  Like  a  lightning  bolt,  they  landed  in  a  farm                             over  and  coincidentally  we  were  both
                                                            surrounded by natural beauty on Earth. Spirit was saved.
                                                                                                                                                                      wearing the same dress. She got me a bag
     MY MAGICAL SHOES -        I AM INDEPENDENT -           The next day, Crookshanks was in the news! But he was never after fame.
     ARIANA YODDHA             PARTH THAKKAR                He always liked to help and everyone remembered his acts of kindness.                                     as a gift. Whenever we wanted to take our
                                                                                                                                                                      scarves off, we would just keep them in
                                                                                                         Dharini Zaveri                                               different piles. It was so much fun, I was
      My First Experience                                                                                                                                             overjoyed  as  we  both  looked  like  twins
                                                                                                                           WALK IN THE PARK - RAHINI CHHEDA           wearing the same dress.
      Have you ever seen and touched a blue-bottled jellyfish?
                                                                                                                                                                                          Veda Krishnan WATER CONSERVATION - ATHARVA SINHA
      Well, I have! Let me tell you how it all began.
                                                                                                                            Momo Goes to School
      It was a sunny morning on Bondi beach. My sister and I were going
                                                                                                                            This is a story of a curious monster named Momo. “Tring Tring”, rang the
      for a wonderful swim. We went and changed into our swim wear   मरा  भाई                                               alarm clock. Momo jumped out of bed and quickly got ready for school.
      and took a stroll, before I went into the sea. I saw a plastic bottle! I                                              “Momo hurry up and finish your breakfast, the bus will be here any minute,”
      bent down to pick it up and it was wiggly and soft. I wondered, if it                                                 yelled his mother. Momo did as his mother said and got onto the bus.
      was a magical creature.                                    मरा  भाई १३ साल का ह. उसका
                                                              नाम वदात ह.  वह भारत  क िलए                                   As soon as he reached school, he saw many other monsters. Before class
      Right then, I noticed it was a blue-bottled jellyfish!    ाश  खलता  ह.  मरा  भाई  मरा                                  started, everyone in the class introduced themselves. During the class,
      I was delighted, I took it home and named it Bubble.    ब त   ाल  रखता  ह.  वह  ब त                                   Momo could not find any answer in the worksheets. When his teacher
                                                              महनत और कसरत करता ह. भया                                      asked him, he felt scared. At recess time, he felt sad. Nobody wanted to
      Now I will look for more strange animals, whenever I go to the beach.  मरा पढ़ाई म भी बड़ा होिशयार ह.  ै                talk to him. Suddenly another monster named Max came to help Momo

                                            Aliya Agrawal     भाई मरा सबस  ारा दो  ह. मरा                                   with all the answers. The next time his teacher asked Momo a question, he
                                                                                                                            got the answer correct. Now, Momo had made many more friends, but his
                                                              भाई मरा रोल माडल ह.  ै
                                                                                                                            best friend was Max. He felt happy once again.
                                                                           रािहनी छडा                                                                                Shiveer Mahtani
                                                                                        KIDS SHOULD HAVE LESS                                                                                       STOPPING POLLUTION IS THE BEST SOLUTION!
                                                                                        SCREEN TIME- KAAMAD BANSAL
                                                                                                                                                                 The Adventure of the Magic Shoes
                                        Kids Should Have Less Screen Time                                                                                        Rippp!!Rippp!! My old shoes had torn. My mother told me to go to the shoe shop to buy new shoes.
                                                                                                                                                                 She gave me 100 Rupees. I ran up to the Macelmore Street where the shoe shop was. The shoe shop
                                        Dear Twisha,
                                                                                                                                                                 was owned by my grandmother. When I entered the shop, my eyes got glued to a pair of shoes. My
                                        Hope you are doing fine. As per our conversation about screen time during the classroom discussion,                       grandmother saw this and said, “I am glad you like your magic shoes! I have kept them especially for
                                        I believe that screen time is not good for us. Firstly, it can hurt our eyes. Secondly, screen time is not               you.” I grabbed the shoes and thanked my grandmother.
                                        good because it can give you headaches too!                                         HOLIDAY FUN - VEDA KRISHNAN
                                        Finally, if you are studying and watching TV at                                                                          I wore them wherever I went. Once when I was going home, an angry man came after me. I started
                                                                                                                                                                 to run…. I was worried that the man might catch me. That is when I heard some voices, “Just keep
                                        the same time, then you will get distracted
                                                                                                                                                                 running and don't stand still.” I got a prickly feeling down my back and ran as fast as lightning,
                                        from completing your work and will not be
                                        able to manage your time well.                                                                                           thanks to the magic shoes. As I was walking, it began to rain. I became anxious and I could hear the
                                                                                                                                                                 same voices again whispering into my ear, “Just keep walking, and don't
                                        For the above-mentioned reasons, I believe too                                                                           stand still.” Once again that prickly feeling returned down my back and I
                                        much screen time, is not good for kids.                                                                                  could see my sports shoes turning into gumboots. As I entered the house,
                   ANIKA BHATTAD’S      Your friend,                                                                                                             the shoes turned into house slippers. Wow!! My Magic shoes are the best!!
                        PAINTING OF     Shanaya Jhaveri                     WITH HER MAGIC PENCIL, PRIANA DHARIA
                 MALALA YOUSAFZAI                                           WANTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD!          163                                                                                           Ankita Dighe        164
                                                                                                                                STORMY NIGHT - AARYAN KOTHARI
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