Page 177 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 177

Cool Creatures Of The Cosmos  Cricket  Online School  THE CURIOUS CASE OF "HUM"

 ISRO had created a special team of space explorers and I was one of them. One
 Cricket is a game.                                It was the BEST, most memorable vacation EVER!!! I had visited my 20-year-old cousin
 day I was called by my manager for a special mission. ISRO had detected   Hitting runs and getting wickets is the aim.  Normally we used to go to school,  brother, Agastya in Washington DC. He and his dearest buddy Trevor had showed me all
 unusual activity in the farthest corners of our galaxy and I was chosen to go and   Now we switch school on!  the monuments. The cherry-blossom trees were such a pretty sight too! But I was
 The captains start with the toss.  But there are problems too,
 investigate it. I quickly assembled my flight gear and set off in my space shuttle   curious about NASA. When I asked what NASA was doing now, they told me that the
 Which does not decide the win or the loss  The internet won't listen to you!
 on this very exciting mission! Soon my shuttle was approaching the unexplored   agency was building the Space Launch System Rocket, and the Orion space craft for
 parts of our galaxy and we started encountering strange and scary obstacles,   The batsman hits the ball.  When you don't understand a question,  human deep space exploration. WOW!! Fascinating! Agastya bhaiya could see I was
 Which goes right over the stadium wall  You will quickly ask mom to help you with the
 that nobody had encountered before. Soon I found my shuttle passing through   awestruck! Trevor invited me to see his award-winning science project the next day. I
 a dense maze of broken asteroids. I quickly activated the robotic arms of my   The spinner flips up an arm ball which misses the bat.  equation.  could not wait to see it!
 shuttle  and  collected  a  few  samples  for  scientific  analysis.  As  soon  as  the   And deflects onto the pads.  When online you can sit in bed,  I was up early, excited, ready to leave. Alas! Agastya bhaiya had woken up with a fever.
 collection was complete, I focused all my attention on safely navigating my   With a comfy pillow and a blanket instead.  But he insisted I go with Trevor, who he trusted like a brother. An exciting day awaited!
 With 21 runs required on the final over
 shuttle through the asteroids. The journey was long risky, and tiring, but we   The seamer bowls slightly slower  But it is fun to show PPTs and make projects online,  Trevor's science lab looked like a professional space station. I felt like I was at NASA.
 made it safely through the asteroid maze. Within a few seconds, I encountered   In online school you can have just the best time!  Trevor showed me all his award-winning science and research work- he was truly a
 Victory, tie or defeat  Learning new things and submitting tests in time too,  GENIUS!!! As I clapped loudly for him, a melodious humming sound started playing.
 another major obstacle, in the form of an intense laser beam, coming from a
 I love cricket on auto repeat.  The work is all done, woohoo!  Trevor smiled. I love music, so I followed this magical sound coming from behind the
 faraway galaxy. The beam was so strong, that it could have split my shuttle into   blue door.
 two. So I quickly manoeuvred the shuttle away from the direct path of the   Viivaan Srinivvasan  Oops! I got disconnected! Maybe I should rejoin,
 beam and navigated it away to safety. As we progressed further, I could see the   anyways,  As I pushed open the door, I was mesmerized! Within, was a world in itself!! A spaceship
         Bye for now, because I need some time offline!  the size of a small room stood there, looking straight out of a science-fiction movie! And
 magnificent Neptune in front of me. I landed the shuttle and parked it safely in   right there stood, this most amazing, fascinating creature, who looked like a big flubber-
 a swarm hidden behind bushes. As soon as I came out of the bushes, I found a   Divisha Khandelwal   like blob, with rainbow colours and glowing with light!!! And that is WHO and WHAT
 fire breathing dragon, blocking my way. The dragon looked fresh, but as I   was humming! I could not believe my eyes! Was I actually seeing an alien???
 looked into her eyes, I saw a gentle soul who meant no harm. So I fearlessly   " Well, I am glad you have met Hum!", said Trevor from behind me. "This was meant to
 approached it and we became friends in no time. As I played with the dragon,   happen!” I could not understand WHAT was going on!?! Trevor sat me down, and then
 she revealed the secret of this wonderful planet. I learned that the beautiful   Drought in the forest  he told me how Hum --- that is what he named him --- had magically got teleported into
 Navi people of Pandora had also settled on this planet. I asked the dragon to   his workspace, during one of his experiments with space-study and astronomy! After
 take me to them. As we approached the Navi village, I saw several other fire   There was a drought in the forest. All the animals were   working  day-and-night,  Trevor  had  created  a  special  gadget  that  translated  the
 breathing dragons flying all around. The Navi people also spotted me riding my   hungry and thirsty. They all decided to work together   humming  sound  and  its  frequencies.  This  harmless,  amazing  alien,  Hum,  had
 friend dragon and were amazed because they had never seen a human before.   and use their strengths to find water and food to share   communicated that MY presence was the "KEY" to him going home!!! And Trevor was
 They were even more surprised to see me riding a dragon I agree. I greeted   with everyone. The birds decided to go to different   now asking me to help with this mission! I was STUNNED!!!
 them in their language, but this surprised them to no end. I soon became   parts of the forest and collect food like berries with   But as I watched Hum, he was just a child too, who wanted to go home --- like E.T.!!
      their beaks. The giraffes, with their long necks, picked   With Trevor's expert confidence, I AGREED!! This was all too exciting to pass up! Trevor
 friends with them and they revealed the source of the unusual activity detected
 by ISRO. Immediately, I called mission control and informed them that the   out fruits that were very high and which nobody could   took me into his amazing spaceship! We had space suits which magically fit us perfectly.
      reach. The bees made honey and allowed the bears to   Trevor reassured that we had all the oxygen supply we needed. His robot-like-computer
 unusual activity originated from the Navi tree of souls. ISRO was thrilled at my
      climb  the  trees  and  take  their  honey.  The  snakes   synchronized with our spaceship --- and --- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 --- OFF WE WENT!!!
 discovery and asked me to convey greetings, from all of humankind.
      decided to crawl into small holes and get edible roots   Like a bolt of lightning --- we were already in space!!!
 Evanya Chudgar  and  insects.  The  elephants  sucked  up  the  shallow   This was just the most MESMERISING sight I had ever seen!!! Our planet Earth looked
      water from the rivers and ponds and stored it in a large   ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! WAY BETTER than the photos seen! The BEST PLANET in the
      tub for everyone to drink. This way, they stored food   whole universe for sure! Earth looked like an enchanting blue marble with white swirls
 The Ungrateful Parrot  and water for all the animals to use when needed. The   of clouds! And millions of dazzling stars all around! What an ETHEREAL VISION!!! I
      lion, the king of the forest, was in charge of everything   could also see our alluring moon! As we travelled, Trevor indicated the other planets to
 Once upon a time, in a dense green forest, there lived an adorable company of   and he made sure every animal was working. All of   me. I was SPELLBOUND!!!
 parrots. Within the company, there was a loving family. The family comprised of   them agreed to work together, except the fox. The fox   Then suddenly, Hum started glowing extremely brightly, radiating his rainbow colours
 mother, father and two baby parrots.  was lazy and selfish. He decided not to share his food   outwards, and humming louder!!! Trevor listened to his gadget and looked at me! He
      with anyone.                                 said, that ME visualizing and feeling LOVE, in its truest, purest form, would be the "KEY"
 The mother and father took turns to get food for their children. While one of the
 ANAYA DESHMUKH -  INDIA LAND OF SYMBOLS  One hot day, the fox was hungry and thirsty, but he did   to Hum getting teleported to his planet --- wherever THAT was!!!! I had to make this
 parents was away, the other one would look after the children to protect them
 from predators and hunters.  not get any food and water. He decided to steal from   happen....  NOW....  for  Hum!!!  I  was  too  excited  ---  but  I  calmed  myself  down  by
 Greed is bad  the food that the other animals had stored. He spied   shutting my eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling.
 As the baby birds grew up, they started having their own thoughts and behavior.   on the animals and discovered where the animals were   Soon I was smiling, visualizing and feeling myself in the loving arms of my dearest
 One of the siblings was always happy while the other one was never satisfied. He   Once upon a time, in the jungles of Gir lived a monkey with   storing the food. He noticed that they were putting   darling Mother, snuggled close to her heart, engulfed by her true, pure, unconditional
 his family. They lived on trees and fed on its juicy berries.
 always complained and said, ``I want a better house, better food and a better   One day a bear came and said, ``Can I have some berries?”   their food and water into a cave.  love! What an entrancing experience!! Suddenly, I realised, there was silence!! Then,
 life.'' Due to his nature, he would often ignore the advice his parents offered him.  The next day, when no animals were watching him, he   Trevor excitedly exclaimed, "WE DIDIT!!!" I blinked in disbelief --- Hum was gone!!! We
 The monkey replied, ``Okay, but don't eat all of them. Leave   had sent dearest Hum to his home --- his family! WOW!!! We were so HAPPY!!! We
 One day, while he was rummaging for food in the forest, he fell prey to a bird   some for my family.”  took some food and water from the tub, while the   joyously took in the glorious vision of our Universe for a bit longer. And then, it was time
 catcher. In no time, he was caught in a cage and was sold off to a wealthy family.   The bear loved the juicy berries and came every day to feed   other animals were working. An elephant came to the   to  come  back  to  Earth...  literally!!!  Trevor,  the  genius,  then  did  his  magic...  and
 Initially, he was ecstatic to find himself in such a luxurious house with delicious   on them. He ate all of them every day and left nothing for   cave to store some water. The elephant almost saw the   Whooooosh --- like lightening, we zoomed right back!!! I never imagined I would EVER
 food to eat but, gradually, he started missing his family. He remembered the   the monkey's family. The baby monkeys were now starving.   fox, but he managed to hide in a bush next to the cave.   have and experience like that!!!
 wonderful moments with his parents, the way they used to feed him, take care of   The monkey was sad and disappointed with the bear and   The  fox  thought  to  himself  that  he  had  a  narrow   One we were back in Trevor's Science Lab, tired and overwhelmed, I asked him how long
      escape. He decided to try this during the night, next
 him and the wide blue sky where he would soar high.  angry too. He rushed to the lion for some help. The lion   we were gone for? I had heard space travel could take years...!! Had we returned to a
 said, ``Do not worry dear monkey, I am there for you.''   time. Although the animals were working hard to find
 He wished to be united with his parents once again. Luckily, what he wished came   food  and  water,  the  water  level  in  the  tub  kept   changed world?!! I was very worried!
 The next day more berries grew on the trees as usual. The   Trevor looked at me and smiled mysteriously! "What NOW?" I wondered. He revealed a
 true!  decreasing. The animals noticed this and decided to
 bear came back and gobbled up the berries. When the   ask the owl to be on a watch during the night. One   gem-like stone, rainbow-coloured and super-bright in his palm!  He said, that with this
 In some time his parents found him and came to his rescue. They pleaded with the   monkey  tried  to  protest,  the  bear  charged  at  him.  The   night, he caught the fox red handed, as he tried to   magical gem that Hum had given him, we had managed to travel close to the speed of
 family who had bought their child, to set him free and the family readily agreed.  monkey swung and saved himself and started screeching   light  into  space  ---  which  meant,  we  were  gone  and  back  SUPER  FAST!!!
 loudly. Hearing his voice, the entire pride of lions charged   steal the food. He hooted and it was a signal to all the
  The baby parrot was on cloud nine, to be with his family once again. He realized   towards the bear and forced him to run away. He never   other animals who surrounded the fox.  OUTSTANDING!!! Hum and Trevor were my ultimate superheroes! This hadn't just been
 how important family is and that materialistic things cannot replace love and   came back to the berry trees ever again! The monkey was   The fox ran for his life! He ran fast and never stopped   a Space Adventure, but the MOST unbelievable, fascinating and
                                                   enthralling dream come true!!!
 freedom. Sometimes we take our parents and the things we have for granted and   very happy and thanked the lions.   until he went out of the forest. The animals continued
 do not value them.  Moral: You must not be greedy. Greed leads to downfall.  to help each other and lived happily ever after.  As I said goodbye, I told Trevor, maybe the next time, we could
                                                   go to the moon! And I could be the FIRST GIRL TO EVER GO TO
 Moral: We should appreciate what we have. Be grateful.  Moral: Being selfish and lazy will lead to your downfall.   THE MOON!!! How cool would that be!!!
  Shardul Shinde
                           Saketaram  Manikantan                               Aaradhya Rai Bachchan
 Aishwarya Swaminathan
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