Page 181 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 181

 The Great Mars Adventure     कट              Why Diamonds are Rare
 “What should we give Jack for his birthday?” Peter asked his sister, Janet, while they were cleaning their room on a bright, sunny morning. Peter     कट एक बहत शानदार खल ह िजसस शर र म    More than a billion years ago, diamonds were thrown up from the pit of the earth by a huge
 was a smart 12-year-old boy who loved sports and math. Janet had an interest in animals, and though she was two years younger than Peter, she   फत  आती ह। इस खल म  दो ट म  होती ह । हर ट म   eruption. Diamonds were scattered everywhere, like regular stones. People had no value for
 was just as smart. “We could give him some books about the universe and the Solar System. He is very interested in space,” answered Janet.  म   यारह  खलाड़ी होत ह ।   कट मच बीस या   them. They tossed them around, threw them into water just for fun. And since they radiate
   Time passed quickly, and the big day came at last. Some of Jack's school friends had gathered at his house to celebrate. Peter and Janet gave their   पचास ओवर का होता ह। मझ बीस ओवर का मच   light, people used to love watching them shimmer and shine in the water.
                           े ु
 gift first. Jack was very happy, for he had been wanting a book about the universe for a very long time. Next, Sam, a boy who liked basketball a lot,   बहत पसंद ह। इस ट -२० कहत ह । आइ पी एल मर    The diamonds got upset. After all, they go through so much to become diamonds from
 asked everyone to guess what his gift for Jack was. “Some books?”, “A board game.”, “A table tennis set?”. There were more answers, but none   सबस  यार    तयो गता ह। मंबई इ डय स मर    carbon. But people didn't respect them or their transformation. One early morning, they had
 were correct. After some time, for no one got the answer correct, Sam gave out the answer. “My gift for Jack is….. a homemade spaceship! More   सबस पसंद दा ट म ह। ै  a diamond council meeting. The chief diamond- an elderly diamond who was about 5850
 than half of the children burst out laughing, for none of them believed that a 12-year-old boy could make a rocket at home; it takes a real engineer   years old said, “Let's show people what happens when we aren't there. When they can't find
 to do that. But then, to everyone's surprise, Sam pulled something out of a black bag. Believe it or not, it was a rocket!   म हका सांघवी
                                              us everywhere. Where they have to really work hard to get us. Let us make ourselves rare."
 “Come on, everyone! Hop on board! We are going on an adventure into the orbit of Mars!” Sam shouted so loudly that it could be heard a
 hundred miles away! “Where are the spacesuits?” asked Janet anxiously. “In the rocket, of course!” said Sam. “Now, hop on board! Quick!”    The young diamonds were confused - “What if they forget us?. What if they don't want us
                                              anymore? What if we become extinct? A 2000-year-old lady diamond said, “Don't worry.
 Everyone climbed up the rocket steps, put on their spacesuits and sat in their seats. Sam pressed a button, and in no time they were in the   They have become so used to us, they need us to add sparkle and glitter to their lives, they
 Thermosphere! A second later, they were out of the Earth's atmosphere! Everyone's hearts were beating at over 200 beats an hour! Soon, Earth
 became a tiny blue marble in the distance. “Can you see that big, red ball? That is Mars!” exclaimed Jack. Janet looked to the left and let out an   will come look for us. Let's become rare. That's the only way they will value us.”
 ear-splitting scream. “Turn around! Alien alert! Go back to Earth!” Peter, who was sitting next to her looked out and noticed that the alien was   The council agreed. “Let's go back to where we came from......let's go back so that human
 looking quite miserable!                     beings have to really come and mine for us. That will teach them never to take us lightly. To
 “Don't go back”, he said, quickly. That alien looks miserable. I'll go out and see what's wrong.” He stepped out of the rocket, and just as he did so,   respect us and to value us”. So, the diamonds descended back to the pit of the earth. And to
 the alien shot out a fat hand and grabbed Peter by the neck! “YUM”, boomed the alien. “My trick worked! I'll take you to my home, Olympus   this day, we humans mine and seek this rare beautiful stone.
 Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System, and cook you in a boiling pot of water.” Terrified, shocked and frozen, Peter screamed into his radio,   Ruhaan Teny
 asking for help.
 Immediately, Sam threw out a rope with a loop at the end, and aimed it so well that it fastened itself around Peter's foot. Then, he quickly pulled   TARUSH RUNGTA - PROUD TO BE INDIAN
 the rope. Peter was pulled inside, and once he was in, he closed the door strongly behind him. So hard was the force he shut the door with that
 loads of atoms bound together, making a huge lump that flew into one of the alien's eyes, blinding him for minutes. “Back to Earth!” Everyone   BHUKKAD, MY CAT  स ताह क  दन
 shouted. Sam pressed a button, and, in 45 seconds, they were back in the Troposphere. They climbed out of the spaceship, relieved. Later, Jack
 told them loads of facts about Mars. “Mars appears red because of the iron in the rocks on its surface.” That was one of the loads of facts that Jack   Bhukkad is my cat  सोमवार को सीखी मन   े क वता  यार   यार ,
 told them. They were glad that a frightening adventure had come to an end.  Now do you know why she is fat?  मंगलवार को आई  व ान क  बार ,
 Rehaan Dhandhia  She gobbles up big wild rats,     उसम  हमने सीखा ऊजा  संचार,
          Only in her dreams when she's sleeping       बधवार को  ह द  म ,
                     on a mat!                       सीख हमने स ताह क वार,
                Once her ear was bitten,           ग वार को थी क यटर क  पढ़ाई,
 The Past Year   When she was just a kitten.      उसम  हमने एक पावर पो ट बनाई,
                 She has sharp claws,                  श वार को था ग णत,
 The past year has been so strange                      ु
                 With really soft paws.              गणाभाग था बहत क ठन,
 From offline to online was a big change                ु         ु
              She tiptoes out in the night,       श नवार कर  दया शतरज क नाम,
 Internet issues so irritating!
 At first I found it too frustrating   Like brave Sir Knight.  इतवार को  कया हमने जी भर क आराम।
               Fighting with all her might,
 But then I thought, “Don't be sad!  With big mean tomcats, gives her delight.   रया संघवी
 It's not really THAT bad.”  When she comes back in the morning,
 When we played a Kahoot quiz   She's always yawning.
 The whole class began to fizz.  Aanya Bhatia
 Everyday we joined before ten
  To chat with all our friends.   KIARA RATNANI -
 As a team we tried to find the missing kid  UNFORGETTABLE TIMES IN 3 B  Spring
 Together as a team we always did.  मर  खलौन
 All the Irritating Things   Bright sunshine and blue skies,
 In fact it has become so much fun   मझ अपने  खलौने बहत अ छ लगत ह । मर   Wow! Look at that calm eagle as it flies!
 े ु
 I love my teachers and will miss each one.   पास बहत  खलौने ह । उनम  स मझ मर    About My Dog  Children running and playing outside,
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 Though next year will be fun too   ग ड़या सबस  य़ादा पसंद ह। यह ग ड़या   Some at the beach trying to chase the tide!
 There will be more work to do   मझ मर  नानी ने द । मर  नानी ने यह   My dog wakes up at 7 o'clock,
 े ु
 She draws the curtains and wakes me up.  In the evening there is the colourful sunset,      AARMAN SHAH’S BOOKLET
 े ु
 Last day of 3B - I wish it never came,  ग ड़या अम रका म  खर द  थी। मझ अपनी   The sky is filled with orange, blue, pink and red,  CUTTING PAPER INTO   ON RENEWABLE ENERGY
 But I cannot wait for 4B all the same.  ग द भी अ छ  लगती ह। म    उसक साथ   I yawn and turn, but sleep doesn't find me,  Late in the night you can hear the crickets chirrup,   GLORIOUS PATTERNS - RIA VAIDYA
 बगीचे म  खब खलती हँ।   So I march to the bathroom where she watches   Then you close your eyes and calmly curl up.
 Kiara Menzies   me bathe.
 वेदा गोयल         Shaurya Sule                                                                      માર  મન
 Then I go to virtual school,                                                                    પયાવરણ એટલે

 Where she chews my plaits,

 માર  મન પયાવરણ   Lockdown  She barks whenever I unmute myself,                                  યા  વ છ પાણી, વીજળ
 એટલે  And then pees in front of the door.                                                         નો સ પયોગ અને
 When a lockdown was enforced                                                                           ૃ ારોપણ.
  યા પહાડ અને પહાડોમાથી   And we had been forced,  And then during break, when I try to scold her,   આયકા દાઢા

 વહત   ી નદ  અને    છ હવા
  To stay inside the house  She puts on that innocent face,
 થી  લતા પાદડા. હોય.
  We even caught a mouse.
 So that my heart's never in the scolding,
 અરહમ શાહ    Now I'm bonding with my parents
 And as usual, she gets away.
 And luckily, I have no errands.
 My aunt has been with us throughout,  Devika Joshi
 I'm helping a village with the problem of drought.
                     ESHA JAIN FEELS PROUD TO
 Saira Bhupathi  175  PRESENT HER DADI’S TIMELINE                                                         176
                                                  ARSH BEGANI’S COMIC STRIP ON SUSTAINABILITY
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