Page 179 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 179

Fable: The Tiger And The Fox
 III  In a large forest, lived a tiger named Tom. One hot afternoon Tom, who was a very
     good hunter, roamed the forest looking for his lunch. He spied Fred the fox
     looking for beetles in the undergrowth. Tom attacked, but Fred was too quick. As
     Fred ran away, he said, "I'm too fast for you, and I will  make sure you starve."
 B   Tom replied, "I'll catch you". Tom then lay his eyes on a white tailed deer. Just as
     he was about to attack the deer, Fred hooted the predator alert alarm call. Next
     morning, as luck would have it, he found Fred the fox, daydreaming about all the
     respect he would get from the animals that he would save. The tiger took a huge
     leap and killed the proud fox.
     Moral:  Pride comes before a fall.
                                                        Zeus Wadia

                                                                                      FUN TIMES IN 3B - SUHANI GOENKA

                                                                                       માર  મન પયાવરણ એટલે
                                                                                     આપણી આસપાસ    ું    ુ  વાતાવરણ -  યા ં
                                                                                       પીવા માટ     ુ  પાણી હોય,  યા ં વરસાદ
                                                                                      સારો પડતો હોય, લીલાછમ    ૃ ો હોય અન  ે
                                                                                            યા   ષણ    ુ ત હવા હોય.
                                                                                                 રયા સઘવી
                                                                                      Couplet poem Cricket
                                                             YOGA: A BALANCING ACT -      My favourite game is cricket,
     UNDERSTANDING THE WATER CYCLE - SAIRA BHUPATHI                AADITRI CHHABRIA         I like to take a wicket.
                                                                                      I hit a six, and give the opponent a fix.
                                                                                            I like Dhoni's catches,
     Look, I am growing!                                                               And I have his tee shirt that matches
     To me a growth mindset means that one is open                                             Rajveer Patil
     to learning. You should learn from everything
     around you, big or small. Now, I will tell you a bit
     about myself. In general, I laugh a lot and am a
     very happy child. I also love the outdoors. So, I
     am good at playing sports. Everybody, not just
     my doting parents, think I am good at singing. I
     love  reading  about  different  cultures  and  its   ENERGY SAVING  - NISA SINGHANIA
     people.  That  may  be  because  I  am  good  at
     memorizing things such as names, dates and
     Like all humans, I need to really work on my
     focus. I am a very fidgety person. As a result, I
     get  distracted.  Sometimes,  I  lose  my  temper
     easily at my little brother. I do not think I should                                       RIANA ARENJA PLAYING
     do it and so I need to work on it. Oh!! Another   YOHAN KHAN WANTS TO LEAD BY    CHRISTMAS CAROLS ON THE PIANO
     thing, because I am half South- Indian, and like   EXAMPLE TO CONSERVE ENERGY
     eating from a banana leaf, I also need to work                માર  મન પયાવરણ એટલે

     on eating neatly with my hand.
                                                યા આ  ુબા  ઝાડ-પાન હોય, ચો ખી હવા હોય, પ ીઓ  નીડરતાથી ઉડતા હોય.  -  રયા જવેર
     I am very adventurous and am keen to push my
     limits.  I  am  keen  to  travel  and  explore  new
     places. I would like to try out parachuting. I am      ુ  હવા, વધાર  ઝાડ - પાન અને ઘણા બધા પ   ુ - પ ી. - ર હાન ધાિં ધયા
     sure I would love it and want to be a Marine
     scientist. So I better learn deep sea diving. I also
     would  like  to  learn  martial  arts  because   Aliens on Earth
     everyone needs self-protection.
                                             Once upon a time, there were two aliens who wanted to visit Earth. So, they went in a rocket to
     I am a hard-working person and try my best at   Earth. The humans who saw the rocket were very angry; they wanted to destroy it.
     everything  but  I  wish  I  was  better  at  public
     speaking. I do public speaking every year but   They threw stones at the rocket. The aliens were very angry; they jumped onto a tall building
     am  never  the  best.  The  second  thing  is   from their rocket using parachutes. Nobody saw the aliens escape. When the rocket crashed,
     gardening, I am good at it but not great and am   humans used guns to shoot at it. The aliens got angry at them and called all other aliens from
     trying my best. The other things are qualities   their planet to Earth. All the aliens arrived and they formed separate
     everybody, must have. One is making my hair. I   groups  and  started  stealing  things  from  the  humans'  houses.  The
     am sure I will get it. The last thing is being neat   humans realized their mistake and apologized. They made a new rocket
                                             for the aliens and gave it to them. Satisfied, the aliens went back to their
     which I will be someday.
                                             planet in their new rocket and lived happily ever after.
                            Anahata Malur
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