Page 189 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 189

Aliens Ate my Homework
 ज म दन का कक  मर  पाठशाला
 I hadn't done my homework,
 एक  दन जब मर  माँ का ७ अ टबर पर ज म दन था   But it didn't matter,  पाठशाला जाने स हम   श ा  मलती ह। मर  पाठशाला का नाम धी भाई अबानी अतरा    य  कल
 तब मझ लगा  क म    एक कक बनाऊ। इस लए म    रसोई   I had thousands of excuses,  ह। वह मंबई क    स  पाठशाला ह। जो बां ा म  ि थत ह। म    चौथी क ा म  हँ। ू
 े ु
 घर म  गया वहाँ मन   े एक दराज़ खोलकर दो  ब कट क   Aliens ate my homework was the one I chose.  पाठशाला साढ़ आठ बज श  होती ह। वह सात मंिज़ला ह। पाठशाला म  ग णत, अ ज़ी,  हद  और
 पकट  लए और उस टकड़ करक  म सचर म  डाला। वह   A rocket ship landed in our garden,   व ान आ द  वषय  सखाए जात ह । उसम  प तकालय, संगणक क ,  योगशाला, खलकद मदान
 े ु
 पाउडर का  म ण बन गया।  फर मन   े उसम  दध और   And out came aliens,  और कई सार  ग त व धय  क  स वधाएँ ह । पाठशाला म  मझ ग णत क  क ा बहत पसंद ह। ै
                                               े ु
 चीनी  मलाई और अ छ स  मलाकर कक क बरतन म    I went out to explore,  आजकल लोकडाउन क कारण घर स ह  पढ़ाई होती ह। इस लए  म   क साथ खलने कदने क  याद
 डाला। उसक बाद उस ओवन म  डालकर २०  मनट के    They kidnapped me,  आती ह। परत म    खश हँ  क म    अपने प रवार क साथ अपने घर म  सर  त हँ।   ू
              ं ु
  लए रखा।  फर उस बाहर  नकाला। मन   े देखा  क के क   I fought so bravely,  ु  ू  ु  ू
 I had forgotten my homework,
 फल गया ह और उसक  खशब पर घर म  फै ल गई। मन   े                  इशान मोद
 े ू
 I left the ship,
 उस   म और ज स स सजाया। जब मन   े सब को
 And told them to leave,
  दखाया तो सब बहत  स न हए, मझ शाबाशी द । मर                                            HITANSH BHATT’S MULTIPLICATION
 े ु
 माँ भी  स न ह  और उनक  आख  स खशी क आस  ू  But they managed to steal my homework,              STRATEGY USING CARDS
  नकल। इस तरह मन   े माँ क ज म दन का कक बनाया।  So that is my story, Miss!
 I would later find out the next homework was,                  An Amazing Exploration
 SARA MEHTA’S LUSH PAINTING   हतांश भ   CREATIVE WRITING,      One Friday morning, my family decided to go to the beach. My parents
 My story was creative indeed.
                                                               sat on the deck chairs and were relaxing. My older brother began clicking
 Dev Arjun Bhimjyani                                           photos. I went exploring and collecting seashells, pebbles, and stones. I

  ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા    ં
                                                               walked down with my brother, who was busy taking pictures of the
                                                               pretty caves. As I was walking, I felt something under my foot. I told my
 પયાવરણ ની સભાળ રાખવા   ું મને મન

                                                               brother to stop and started digging. Soon I found a big Crystal. My
  યારથી થ   ું જયાર  મ  એક બી રો    ું અને   From  Bentlee  the  Emperor
 એ જયાર   લ મા ં પ રવિત ત થ   ું તે  બ ુ                       brother had my backpack and gave me my torch. We started looking for
 આ યજનક હ ! ું    Penguin to Vulcan the Vulture                more Crystals. Suddenly, when we were searching in a cave, we heard a
                                                               voice from outside. “We need to find that jewel, but how can we?”
 અિનકા જલાન      ISHAAN MODY’S
 Dear Vulcan,                                SCHOOL ROCKS -    Another scared little voice said, “There is a family who has come to the
 મ  અને મારા દાદા એ  અમર બગીચામા  ં  CORAL SNAKE COMES TO LIFE  ANIKA JALAN   beach.”
 It's me, Bentlee. Do you remember the time I had
  લ ઉગાડયા અને મારો પ રવાર                                     “Dada,” I asked my brother. “Are they talking about us?” Soon the
  બ ડ ગ મા  વ છતા રાખવાના બધા જ   seen you soaring above the high mountains when   जब म    घर म  अकला था  voices died down, and we came out of the cave back to the seaside. I
  ય નો કર એ છ એ.   we became friends? Now you see, as I am writing   ran to my parents and hugged them.
 this  letter  to  you  from  the  cold  Antarctic,  I  am
 સનાયા જોઈશર    श नवार क  रात थी और मर माता- पता कछ बताने क  लए मर कमर म     After some time, I went for a swim, and as I dived into the sea, I saw
 sweating. You must be aghast to hear the word                 something inside! I went closer and realised it was a tiny Jewel! I called
      आए। उ ह ने मझ बताया  क वे दोन  बाहर जा रह ह  और म    अकला रहँगा।
                   े ु
 SHOURYA MEHTA’S REPRESENTATION  sweating from me. But yes. I am sweating. Again,   म    बहत डर गया था, ल कन मर पास दसरा रा ता नह ं था।  my brother. We took the Jewel and showed it to our parents. They told
 OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  you must be wondering why I am sweating.   ु  us that this was the lost Jewel called, 'Mohi Rana'! On observing the
 How the Lion got its Mane  Well, it's not just sweating, there are many more   यह अगल  दन था और म    ना ता कर रहा था। तब मन   े एक धमाक क    Jewel closely, we noticed that there was something carved on it! -The
                                                               Royal Kingdom Of GOA*
 things which I am not happy about. I have only one   आवाज़ सनी। म     च लाया  पताजी-माँ और कोई जवाब नह ं आया। म    भल
 Long, long ago, Lions did not have manes. In the jungles of Africa lived Simba. The Lion   good friend that I can tell my problems to, and that   गया  क वे चल गए।     Suddenly a voice said, “Give us the Crystal.” It was the same voice we
 King Simba lived with his pride of around fifteen members, out of which he was the only   is you. So, it all began with global warming and   had heard in the caves. We turned around and saw a tall man.
 lion. The rest of the pride had only lionesses and cubs. The lionesses did all the hunting   climate change. If humans didn't exist, none of this   बाद म  लाइट चल  गई और म    एक भ ड़य क  तरह  च लाया। मन   े अपनी   My father was surprised to see him. He was my father's childhood friend

 and found food, while Simba guarded the territory and protected the cubs. Even though   would  have  happened.  The  ice  is  melting  and  if   टाच  नकाल  और लाइट ठ क करने चला गया। जब म    रोशनी ठ क कर रहा   Eric. He too was surprised to see my father. He shared with us, the story of
 Simba was the king, he thought that the lionesses were respected more than him. This   there is no ice our population will not increase at all,   था तो मर हाथ पर कछ छआ। म    पलट गया और यह मर माँ और  पताजी   the Crystal. It belonged to our ancestors, who were the rulers of Goa.
 made Simba jealous and caused him to act cranky and annoyed.   because  we  raise  our  chicks  on  land  locked  sea   थे। वे ज द  आ गए और म    बहत खश था। उसक बाद हम अ छ  तरह स सो   This Crystal had magical powers and if it fell into the wrong hands, it
                                                               could be misused. So, Eric decided to give the Crystal to the government
 Sherni, the smartest of the lionesses, knew that something must be done. So, she called   ice!!! Plus, even worse, it is reducing our food - krill,   गए और  दन ख म हो गया।   authorities.
 for a meeting with the other animals of the jungle. They all decided that Simba must be   shrimp,  and  other  crustaceans!!!  Boo  hoo!  It's   इशान स म यन
 given something to be proud of and to mark that he is the king, some sort of a crown.   becoming hotter and hotter, as I mentioned at the   Navya Thali
 They thought and thought until the spiders stepped up and said they could use orange    start of the letter. Once, I almost died of thirst!! But
 silk to weave the king a mane. Sherni thought it was the perfect idea.   luckily, I found a big blob of ice. I sucked it up in only   Snakes Don't Have Legs
 At night, while Simba was sleeping, the spiders wove him a mane as promised. In the   30 seconds!! I can only hope that things get better
 morning, when the pride went to drink water in the nearby lake, Simba gasped at his   here.  People  who  are  trying  to  save  us  keep  on   Long, long ago, snakes had hundreds of legs. They were the fastest
 reflection. Sherni explained to him, that the mane was a gift from the jungle. When she   bringing  fish  and  crustaceans,  but  that  doesn't   animals  on  Earth!  One  day,  the  snakes  decided  that  they  would   DURGA PLAY
 was done, Simba roared delightfully. He really liked the mane. And this is the story of   satisfy our hunger. We are struggling to live here. I   participate in the Animal Olympics. This was supposed to start in the   SHAKTI MA
 how the Lion got its mane.  think  they  have  put  up  posters  that  say,  “Stop   winter. When December arrived, the snakes had already done a lot of
 Ipshita Somani  global warming!”.  practice,  but  they  underestimated  the  challenge  of  the  Animal
      Olympics. The first challenge was running on land. The snakes stood
 My chicks, Sam and Juliet, are not very well, but
      first! The next challenge was hunting. The time limit was half an hour.
 they are coping. How're you up there, high up the   The snakes passed this round with flying colours! They came back with
 मर  झ ल     मल, े  Alps? How is your new mate Grecia? How are the   10 rats, 5 rabbits, 9 lizards and 1 ostrich. The third challenge was cliff-   ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા    ં

 उस चबा जाती ह।
 young chicks Victor, Romeo and Alpine? I hope your   climbing. The snakes managed to reach the top, but the sharp edges of
 डसी  कह ं स भी  खलौना   broken leg is better now. That incident must have     ફટાકડા નથી ફોડતો  થી પયાવરણ ને કોઈ  ક ુ સાન ન થાય.

  मल, े  really hurt you. Crashing your ankle against that   the cliff had cut off some of their legs. The ultimate challenge was   ુ

 उस उठाकर लाती ह। ै  scheduled for the summer, but the animals had to reach the desert for        દ વ અ ન ભીમ યાની
 मर  झ ल  डसी,  rock, I just can't bear to think about it. Wishing you

 झ ल  एक जानवर ह, ै  the challenge. When summer arrived, and all the animals were at the   પયાવરણ    ું  યાન રાખવા   ં  વ છતા રા   ું   ં અને કોઈ વ  ન ુ ો
 आधी काल  आधी   and your family a happy future ahead.   desert, the challenge was revealed: they had to survive the upcoming
 मर  पालत जानवर                                                 બગાડ નથી કરતી.
 सफ़द,  Yours sincerely,  sandstorm! As soon as the sandstorm arrived, nobody could see. Many
 डसी।                                                                                        ૃ ટ શાહ
 और थोड़ी सी ह भर ,  Bentlee  animals survived and were not harmed. However, the snakes' legs got
 DEV ARJUN’S   प  य  क पीछ भागती,  इवा ग ता    Antarctica, South Pole  buried in tons of sand, and they came out without legs! Therefore,     માર  અગાશી પરના ઝાડ-પાન ને રોજ પાણી
 MULTIPLICATION   पागल ह वह पर ।  Vihaan Saxena  snakes do not have legs- they lost them in the Animal Olympics!   પાઉ   .  અને  સાથ  જ  અગાશી  પર  આવતા  ં
                                                                                    ુ ૂ
 STRATEGY USING   ज़मीन पर पड़ा कछ भी                             પખીઓ માટ  તેમ જ દાણા   ં  .ં
 BLOCKS                                         Ishaan Mody                                 હતાશ ભ
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