Page 194 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 194

LOVING THE LIBRARY CLASS                                                 ઘરમા રહ ને પયાવરણ ને મદદ

     LIKE NEVER BEFORE!                                                     કપડા  ક ુ ાવવા  ાયર નો ઉપયોગ ન કરતા ં તડકામા ં
                                                                               ક ુ ાવાવના. અને ચોખા અને શાક ધોયા  પછ
     When  I  first  saw  our  virtual  school  timetable,  I  was
     bewildered to see that the last 30 minutes on Mondays                       પાણી ન  ફ કતા મારા ઘરના ં છોડમા ં વાપર શ.
     had  ‘Library’  sitting  pretty.  I  wondered  what  was                            જયા  દાદભાવાલા
     planned for the first year middle-schoolers'.

     Come the first Monday, the time for our library class,
                                                                           દર ક સમય મશીન ન વાપર  ઘરની બહાર કપડા  ક ુ ાવીએ
     we discover that our teacher is an American professor!
                                                                               છ એ. અને જયાર  પણ અમે ઘરના કોઈ પણ
     He was the second male American teacher we met that
                                                                             બહાર ખર દ  કરવા જઈએ છ એ  યાર  અમે કપડાની
     day – Middle school suddenly got interesting!! On his
     part, Gary Sir seemed to know exactly what he wanted                              થલી વાપર એ છ એ.                                                                                                                    Siddhant Mehendale
     to accomplish each week. His clarity and confidence                                 નયનતારા અમીન
     convinced me to happily to go on this roller coaster                                                                                                                                                          Sustainable
                                                        Arishka Betadpur
     ride! And, what a ride it has been!!
     No longer do we 'read books' during our Library period
     as our English teacher, Dr. Griggs, has given us access to   PSHE stands for Personal Social Health Education                                                                                                 This year, geography classes have
                                                                                                                                                History Class activity- Time travel to the Stone Age
     the most amazing treasure trove of books, at our finger                                                                                                                                                        helped  me  have  a  greater
                                                   This  year  PSHE  was  really
     tips. Instead, we have learnt a critical skill – how to                                                                                                                                                       understanding and appreciation
                                                   interesting,  but  my  favorite  part                                    Plant Life Study
     research and read from the Internet. No, it's not just                                                                                                                                                        for all the natural wonders of the
                                                   was  ‘teaching  the  teacher’  and
     Googling or logging into YouTube – there's a whole                                                                     One of the most exciting projects we did in science this year was plant life study. For almost two months, we   world.   It also reminded me of
     new world out there! There is so much more to the   ‘swapping roles with the teacher’.                                 donned the role of farmers and grew our food! We grew beans, chickpeas, corn, peas, potatoes, beetroots,   the  importance  of  living  in
                                                   We  took  charge  of  the  class  and
     world of books than just fiction and non-fiction. We                                                                     carrots, onions, and more. With the loving guidance of our science teacher, Ms. Pratima, we soaked our seeds:   harmony with nature and other
                                                   presented  topics  to  the  class  for
     were introduced to the fascinating aspects of a book,   about  five  weeks!  The  topic  our                            watched in awe as they germinated then planted them in pots with soil. We proudly showed off our progress in   living beings, especially now, as
     for example, 'bibliography'. It was something I heard                                                                  class and appreciated each other's efforts. We took photos, recorded measurements, and plotted graphs to track   the  world  battles  the  biggest
                                                   group chose was BULLYING and we
     for  the  very  first  time.  Today,  I  understand  the                                                                their growth. There were small hurdles along the way, but that did not deter us. The result is for all of us to see - the   health crisis. Gary Sir has taught
                                                   took  lots  of  time  to  make  our                                      plants thrived, buds and flowers blossomed, and some of us even saw pea pods! We learned valuable lessons of
     importance and value of devoting some time towards   presentation worth watching.                                                                                                                             me more than just about forests,
     making a bibliography for each one of my research                                                                      perseverance,  appreciation  for  our                                                  weather  and  climate.  He  also
     projects, as well as take the time to go through it when I   Watching the other groups present                         farmers, and above all, we realized that                                               brought my attention to some of
     see it in various books.                      can be observed in both good and                                         there  are  no  mistakes  in  science,  only                                           the  most  urgent  issues  such  as
                                                   bad ways. I soon realized that these                                     experiments!                                                                           Global  Warming,  at  the  same
     Gary Sir worked through the summer of 2020, meeting   presentations  from  my  fellow                                  Quotes from our classmates:                                                            time  discussing  solutions  to
     us each week with interesting projects and research
                                                   classmates made a larger impact to                                                                                                                              protect  us  against  flooding,
     ideas to pursue – it was a routine that I eagerly looked                                                               “I am looking forward to making chips with
                                                   my life because students of my age                                                                                                                              breakthroughs in alternative fuel
     forward to! During the Library sessions, Gary Sir shared                                                               my potatoes" - Priyamishree Mehta
                                                   and size were saying things about                                                                                                                               supplies and prediction of natural
     his  simple,  yet  powerful  wisdom,  which  fall  into  2   staying  healthy,  always  thinking                       “I am waiting for my hibiscus to give me                                               disasters.  Geography  classes  at
     broad  categories-  “Things  that  Successful  Students   positively,  having  meaningful                              flowers" - Arishka Betadpur                                                             DAIS have just been amazing!
     Do” and “Learning to be Excellent”. His nuggets are   friendship.  Since  my  classmates                               “I added my onion shoots to a Chinese
     small, practical and easy-to-do habits that are the best   were facing the same problems as                            stir  fry;  it  was  yummy"  -  Sudarshan                                                              Vir Bakshi
     life lessons that I have acquired this year!   me,  I  realized  how  we  have                                         Manikantan
     Our most recent classwork was watching a short film   managed and survived as class 5A,                                 “My  potato  plant  is  three  feet  tall!
     (an  animation  -  “The  Present”)  and  discussing  the   throughout this year.                                       Unbelievable!" - Rishab Tiwari
     thoughts and emotions the theme stirred within us.   One of my most favourite activities
     The message of the 'short' was disability - something   was our group project. My group's                              “My rajma plant has buds; I am waiting
     we don't normally talk about. The sensitive portrayal;   topic  was  social  interaction.  We                          for it to bloom!" - Shloka Choudary
     the parallels with the three - legged dog and receiver of   had to present the topic creatively. While planning things for the class, I learnt so
     the 'present', a boy with crutches; several metaphors   many new things. I learnt that friends are a very important part of your life. They will   OUR MUSICAL JOURNEY THIS YEAR!
     and the subtle way of getting an important message   always help you and support you in whatever you do. You have to keep your friendships
     across,  was  just  amazing!  Gary  Sir  moderated  our   strong. This was so much fun to present and to research about. In the end, I would like   This year, music was really fun as I learnt new skills for playing musical instruments. Our teachers taught us so many
     discussions, on the lines similar to those of book clubs,   to thank Ms. Manjiri and Ms. Ruhi for all the fun and learning in the PSHE classes   songs for every occasion celebrated on the virtual platform.
     when we analyse a book. He urged us to discuss our   throughout the year.
     perspectives as opposed to summing up the story.                                                                       Let us read some reflections by our classmates:
                                                                                   Shloka Choudary & Vaibhavii Bharjatya
     Through  this  exercise,  Gary  Sir,  has  very  seamlessly,                                                           “Music is amazing! I sing, play games like antakshari, watch videos and many more fun things! Our teachers are
     taken us to a higher level - we are getting trained to                                                                 very kind and teach us beautiful songs. I should keep singing and having fun in the best subject ever, which is
     look at literature (the classics) and films (visual medium,                                                             music.”  - Aditya Patil
     greater  impact)  from  different  perspectives.  This  is                                                             “When I first joined DAIS, the only thing we wanted to learn was music. Music has influenced our life a lot. And
     something that I value immensely, as now, I can offer                                                                  now music is one of our favorite subjects in school. I love learning new songs and new drum beats. Without music,
     better  reactions  to  work  done  by  my  classmates,                                                                 I could never be able to pass my drumming exams.” - Sanaya Shetty
     besides the 'Nice!' or 'Cool!'. I am so thrilled with this                                                             “Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "Life without music is no life at all." I totally agree with him because we can't imagine my life without music. Music has
     new  discovery  that  I  have  started  a  list  of
     'recommended must-sees' like 'Hair Love', and 'Red                                                                     always been one of our comforts. So, I really can't imagine a world without music. Being a musician, I understand how important it is to practice
                                                                                                                            regularly. I practice playing the guitar and the flute almost every day. The music teachers of DAIS have taught us a lot in music
     Balloon',  among  others  that  my  mum's  book  club                                                                  like how to strum a guitar or play Do Re Mi Fa on the flute. It is because of them that I have developed a love for music and can
                watches). I can't wait for our next movie
                                                                                                                            play instruments easily. Our musical journey in DAIS will always be something we will remember for the rest of our lives.”
                club session.
                                                                                                                            - Abhay Wadhawan
                               Arishka Betadpur
                                                           Zayaan Irani                                         189                                                                                                               190
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