Page 184 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 184

Costume Confusion                                         I Am in Charge!                                                                                             The Clown Statue
       It was a hot summer day when Harry, his friend Julia and his little brother   It was a breezy autumn day, the trees had bright red and orange                         When the kids were asleep, she finally went to the basement to watch television.
       Johnny decided to go to the beach. They loved the beach because they   leaves and the wind was a little strong, but pleasant. Of course, I                            As she flipped through the channels an unusual statue in the room caught her eye
       could go there at any time, whether it was night or day. They packed all   was outside enjoying the weather instead of staying cooped up                              “A big clown statue? Scary!” The babysitter thought. At first, she tried to ignore
       their  stuff  and  set  off  happily  in  their  brand-new  car.  When  they   indoors. Actually, my mother told me that, so I took my dog,                           the  clown  statue  which  continued  to  stare  at  her  and  after  a  while  she  got
       reached, Johnny started making sandcastles which were taller than   Moon, with me to the front porch. I spotted some red leaves flying                                 uncomfortable. She became so uneasy that she threw a blanket over the statue,
       himself!   It looked magical. Julia went hunting for seashells of every   and dancing with the wind in the air. It looked like one of them                            but its shoes were still peeping out eerily. “I should call the parents and ask them if
       kind. She had a whole collection and wanted to add more to it. Johnny   was telling the other two what to do.  I would love to be in charge                           I could watch television in another room?” Finally, she decided to go upstairs and
       changed into his shark costume and went with a bucket to the ocean to   like that bossy red leaf. It was at that moment, that I remembered                            give them a call. “Hi it's me,” she said. “Has something happened? Are the kids
       get some water for the castle's moat.                     the dream I had the previous night on that very topic. I looked at
                                                                 Moon, who I think read my mind because he looked right back at                                              alright?” The father asked, sounding panicked. “Yes, yes, the kids are fine,” the
       Harry  went  for  a  swim  in  the  blue  ocean.  After  about  an  hour  of   me with a look that meant “tell me Andrew!”. So, my mind went                          babysitter told them. “Can I watch television in another room? The clown statue
       swimming, his limbs started to hurt. Suddenly, he saw the shadow of a   back in time, right inside the dream I had the previous night.    INDIA'S LEADERS - KIARA PURANDARE  in the basement is making me uncomfortable”. The father shrieked, “Take the
       huge shark fin loom in front of him. Harry got extremely scared and
      swam as fast as a water missile! After fleeing from the shark for a bit,   Sitting on a golden throne, with a shiny crown on my head, I, King   The Woods of Agony      kids and get out of the house right now!” Later the babysitter was told that there
      Harry thought to himself about why the shark wasn't following him. On   Andrew, was deciding with the chef what I would like for my                                    was never a clown statue in the house!
      the other hand, Johnny, who Harry had mistaken for the shark, thought   dinner. I gave him a very exact menu: pepperoni pizza, chocolate   One chilly night, two lonely sisters were walking down a   Happy Halloween!
      to himself, why is Harry running away from me? Do I stink?   milk and chocolate chip ice-cream. I had only just begun narrating   long winding road in the woods. As the woods got
                                                                 my dream, when I heard a round of applause from Moon. I gave                                                                                          Aniruddha Chatterjee
      Harry got suspicious built up courage, came a little closer to the shark   him a look my mother gives me, when I laugh at a movie theatre. I   denser, the girls grew frightened. They walked a bit
      and removed the mask. Now guess who it was? It was Johnny! Johnny   continued my story. I was in charge of the entire world, so I was   further, but in a while, they stopped dead in their tracks
      was still confused about all that was happening. Finally, Harry told   wearing  my  best  clothes.  My  favourite  blue  shirt  with  One   when they heard a long howl that seemed to be coming
      Johnny and Julia about the confusion caused by the shark costume and   Direction and Me on it and some black jeans. I heard about the   from a wolf! Beth - the younger one - assumed it was a
      they  laughed  so  hard  that  their  tummies  started  to  ache.  What  a   theatre which was opening that day and I gave my helpers a notice   werewolf, but Lonna, who knew a lot about animals,
      costume confused day it had been!
                                                                 that I was going away for the night. So, proudly, in my marvellous   recognized  it  as  a  wolf  in  despair.  It  seemed  to  be
                                              Ria Subramanian    black  limousine,  I  drove  to  the  theatre  with  the  chauffeur.   coming  from  behind  the  large  oak  tree.  Its  trunk
                                                                 Thousands of fans were crowding around the car, but we drove   seemed old and decrepit; the tree had to be at least
                                                                 through and reached the movie theatre.                      1,000 years old!
                                                                 Moon  interrupted  again,  asking  me  which  movie  it  was.  I   Lonna  fearlessly  walked  up  to  the  tree.  She  was
                                                                 answered him with a laugh saying, 'A movie with me as the star!'
                                                                                                                             astounded to see a gravely injured fox, which seemed
                                                                 As I entered, everyone stood up and bowed to me, as I walked   nothing more than a young cub. A wise looking man,
                                                                 down the aisle. I kindly called the instructor to have a talk. I told him   sitting beside the fox, told them that the only way they   अन या महता  HALLOWEEN - RIA SUBRAMANIAN
                                                                 all about how I was a marvellous actor and could take over the role
                                                                 of the prince. Wasn't I fit for the part? I looked like a prince! I had a   could cure the fox was spit from its own kind. They set    ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા    ં

                                                                 fantastic memory, so, after hearing all that, I was there, on the stage.    off and before long they came across a mossy cave that
                                                                                                                             probably belonged to a fox, so they hatched a plan and
                                                                 Moon gave a whine. He hated stairs and stages. I patted him again                                         માટ ના પહોળા પા મા   પાણી રા   ું  ,ં   થી પ ી ઓ પાણી વગર પોતાની  વ ન  મ ુ ાવ.ે
                                                                 and rambled on.                                             went in.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       કા ય શાહ
                                                                 As  I  was  acting,  my  wonderfully  sharp  eyes  caught  a  man,  an   As they entered the cave, they saw a dead bunny rabbit
                                                                 extremely grumpy man. He looked spiteful and mean. Though, I was   that  would  be  perfect  for  their  plan.  They  ventured
                                                                 so generous, that after the movie I went over to him and bought him   further into the cave and came face to face with a vixen!   सम  क  कनार े
                                                                 some caramel popcorn. He didn't look at all grateful and stomped   Anyway, it was the perfect time to collect the spit, so
                                                                 off, in a huff.                                             they threw the rabbit on the ground and as soon as they   मरा ज म दन 7 जनवर  को ह। इस साल म    और मर  म  सम  क  कनार गए थे। हम
                                                                 Suddenly, I knew who that grumpy man was, it was Phillip! Phillip   did that, the vixen was licking and eating the rabbit.  बाल  म  थे। हम सब एक बालट  और हमारा भोजन अपने तराक  क कपड़ ल गए। हमने
                                                                 was the King before the audience met me! I was surprised to see a   Lonna pointed to a corner in the cave to distract it and   भोजन क  लए सब, ठडा दध, कक और पा ता  लया।
                                                                 note from him stuck to my shoes! I read it over and understood.   the vixen ran to the other side. The girls then slipped   जब हम पहँच गए वहाँ का नज़ारा बहत खबसरत था। पहले हम तरै ने गए। लहर  बहत ऊँ ची
                                                                 He wanted me to meet him at the Room of Choices. I shrugged
     A RAY OF LIGHT -                          ALMOST DUSK -                                                                 away with the bunny that was covered in spit! They   और पानी बहत ठडा था। हमने रग- बरगी मछ लयाँ दखीं। थोड़ समय क बाद शंख और
     KIMAYA JAGTAP                             KIMAYA JAGTAP     and went on my way.  Soon, I was at the Room of Choices. He was   dashed towards the old oak tree, where the old man   सीप इक ा  कया।  फर हमने हमारा भोजन  कया। मन   े सम  क  कनार का  च  बनाया।
                                                                 there alone. I greeted him with a cheery wave. He smiled a nasty                                           अत म  हम ग द क साथ खल। े
                                                                 smile and his lips curled. He muttered, “I was the true King! I am   and the fox were still waiting. By now the fox was in too

                   ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા            ં
                                                                 the real leader so give me your crown and throne! I am the KING!”   much pain to even move! As soon as they smeared the   थोड़ी दर क बाद हम होटल क  लए  नकल। हम नाव म  बठकर वापस गए। यह मरा सबस  े
                                                                 I was defensive. I fought. We had a Karate match, a Judo match   spit on the fox, he seemed to have been cured like   अ छा ज म दन था
         દર ક  ાણીઓ અને પ ીઓ પયા વરણને સ ં લ ુ ન રાખવામા ં મદદ પ
                                                                 and an argument. It was hours until this was done. But I suddenly   magic and dashed away into the thicket.
       થાય છ અને એટલે જ  ાણીઓ અને પ ીઓને હર   ાનગિત ન થાય એ માટ                                                                                                                                                                 अन या महता
                                                                 had a great idea! I said in a proud voice “I am King at the moment.
                           ઓછો અવાજ ક  ું  .ં                                                                                                               Ariana Desai
                                                                 I am in charge, so I say get OUT! Never enter this palace again!”
                             અવાન મહત   ા                        Phillip couldn't say anything. He just stomped out meekly, but in                                          My Bio Poem
                                                                 great rage. In the end I was King for thousands of years!
                                                                                                                                                                            Adventurous, sporty, creative, caring
                                                                 I looked at Moon, expecting admiring looks, and received some
       जब म    अकल  थी                                           too. But right after that he fell asleep. I sighed. I wished I was in                                      Son of Ashish and Vera, brother of Zahaan, friend of everyone
                                                                 charge of the World, but I wasn't. I know that because, my mom                                             Who loves to play football, go diving in coral reefs in the ocean,
                                                                 just called me for lunch. And no, it was not pepperoni pizza or                                            Who likes to eat delicious food, create things with his hands,
         म    अकल  अकल  बठ  थी,                                                                                                                                             Who grows plants and crops, is sensitive to the environment, and is caring
         सोच रह  थी अपने मन म ,                                  chocolate milk or ice-cream. I sighed again and I was, once again,                                         towards all animals.
       या होगा मरा इस अधर  रात म ?                               just normal. I got up and when I ordered Moon to get up in a                                               Who loves making friends and travelling the world.
                                                                 normal voice, neither proud or King-like, he rose and came with
           कड़क कड़क बम बम,                                        me. I was so pleased that I didn't even care that I wasn't King. I had                                     Who has experienced joy and happiness when he finishes creating something
            बादल गरजने लग, े                                     a loving dog who cared a lot about me even if I was normal.         AASHNA AGARWAL AND YAJAT NURANI        with his own hands, or when the plants he's cared for produce flowers and
          कबल क नीचे घबराकर,                                                                                                                             LOVE THEIR PETS    fruits.
        म     छप कर साँस लने लगी।                                                                        Myra Baijal                                                        Who experiences an adventure when he travels to new places and learns about
        एक ज़ोर क  चीख सनाई द ,                                                                                                                                              new cultures and people.
           भत आया भत आया,                                                   ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા           ં                                                                  Who had fears when there was a gang of robbers looting in his neighbourhood.

             म    भागने लगी।                                                                                                                                                Who is musical and loves to sing, recite poems, win football matches and get
        फर  कसी ने मर  पीठ को छआ,                                     વ છ પયાવરણ ની શ આત આપણાથી થાય છ. આ  ુબા    ું                                                         academic awards and certificates.

        आ----। म    ज़ोर स  च लाई,                                 વાતાવરણ ની સ  છતા પહલ   ા આપણ આપણા શર ર ન  વ છ રાખ   ું                                                   Who would love to go watch an international premier
           फर दखा माँ घर आ ।                                      અ યત મહ વ   ું છે.     ં ક  ું  .ં  અન ે ગરમીમા ં પ ીઓ  બ ુ  જ તર યા                                      league match, visit national and cultural monuments and
                                                                                                             ુ ૂ
                                                                    હોય એટલ   મારા ઘરની બા કનીમા તમના માટ    પાણી     .                                                     historical sites.
             नं दका रामचंद                                                                                                                                                  Who would love to live in a kind, caring, giving, and
                                      BLESSINGS FROM GODDESS                          િનવાન શેઠ                                       ANANYA MEHTA SHARES HER PAINTING      hunger free world with peace, equality and love.
                                       DURGA -  ILAAN KAPADIA                                                                                                                                                 Ilaan Kapadia
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