Page 196 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 196

The Terrible Trek                                             मरी भाषा िहदी
                                                                                                      V                                                She put up her grumpiest face, her face nearly red from anger. She was   सबको लगती ह ब त  ारी!।
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       िहदी भाषा ह  ारी,
                                                                                                                                                       still processing how they tricked her into going trekking. She muttered a
                                                                                                                                                       thousand curses under her breath. After somehow cooling her down   िहदी ह हमारी रा  भाषा,

                                                                                                                                                       they went ahead. All she saw was the dirty, muddy and hard ground.   जगती ह, हर भारतीय क मन म आशा।

                                                                                                      B                                                Everyone around her nearly burst out laughing, when a tiny spec of dirt   िहद ान का गौरव ह िहदी,
                                                                                                                                                       touched her skin. No one could see it even with binoculars. They went
                                                                                                                                                       on without a word. Unfortunately, she sat down on a rock, no one saw   जीवन का मह  ह िहदी।


                                                                                                                                                       her do so, and they continued walking. She was left behind near a cold,   िहदी न िकया ह रा ीय एकता का माग  श ा।
                                                                                                                                                       dark waterfall. The only sound was the crashing of the water. Then   िहदी बनाती ह सबको सश ।।
                                                                                                                                                       suddenly there was a dozen ghosts flying overhead. She nearly fainted   िहदी ह दश का स ान,
                                                                                                                                                       when  they  unmasked  themselves,  however,  it  was  just  her  friends   यह ह हमारी आन, बान और शान!
                                                                                                                                                       playing tricks on her again.                              क ीर स क ाकमारी तक का ताज,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Aahana Bothra      िहदी ह हमारा कल और आज!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                िहदी स ह  ार, इस करती    म सादर

                                                                                                                            A Trip To The Fish Market                                                                     नम ार!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        आहाना शाह
                                                                                                                            Troy  slowly  trotted  into  the  brightly  lit,  but
                                                                                                                            vacant  shop.  He  took  notice  of  the
     What is Sustainability?
                                                                                                                            monumental sign saying `Peters: Sydney's fish
                                                                                                                            shop' which was a bit reassuring for him to buy
     Inter House Creative Writing Competition Winner – Tiger House
                                                                                                                            what  he  needed.  He  was  at  once  pulled
     “Grandpa Eddie, please can you tell us a story.” said Rob and Molly. “Of course, what do you want to hear              towards the salty aroma that wafted through
     about?” asked grandpa. “Oh! About how the fish and other aquatic animals got extinct… I want to hear about              the air that came from the lobsters. He decided
     that.” said Molly excitedly. “Yeah! Please tell us about that. I'd love to know about these creatures.” said Rob.
                                                                                                                            to have some lobsters and a few anchovies. He
     “Ok, enough now. Anyways, this story is quite old so I might forget some parts.” said Grandpa. “It was about           felt the lobster's hard, but glistening   shell. He felt his hand   ઘરમા રહ ને
     2036, I was as young as you little munchkins are right now. I was walking across the beach, holding my mother's        move along its tiny prickles that stung his skin. He could feel its

     hand and eating some ice popsicles. I finished the popsicle and threw the plastic wrapper in the ocean. My mom          crispy, meaty taste in his mouth (which was watering buckets   પયાવરણ ને મદદ
     picked up the wrapper and explained to me why I shouldn't be throwing garbage in the ocean or any other                full of water ! ). Soon after the bantering of an angry shop
     water body. But whatever my mum was saying went into one ear and came out the other. I didn't care about the           keeper stomping away, emanating steam came out of his nose        મારા ઘરની દર ક વ    ુ
     aquatic animals as we always eat them. As I grew older, I still didn't realize the importance even though we learnt   Meera Ankhad                                         ફર થી વાપરવી શ  હોય, તો
     about this in school. I loved the beach and went there with my friends almost every weekend. We used to get            reminding him that he should not stare at the lobster but get    રસાયકલ કર ને વાપર શ. અને
     some soda, while watching the waves clash against one another. We always left the bottles or cans of the drinks        anchovies too .While looking for anchovies, he saw some puffy   એક સાથ વ  ઓ મગં ાવવાથી
     in the ocean. At that moment, I didn't realize what I was doing wrong until one day, we went to a museum and I saw an art piece.  It was called “Under   and stubby  prawns, a few shell-less oysters and “aha” he said   પે ોલ ઓ  વપરાય છ. ે
     the water, over the sea.” It was a blue coloured room with a bunch of trash hanging from the sky. When you looked up, it made you feel like a helpless   when he spotted non disguise little light, brown anchovies. He
     fish. Stuck in a massive puddle of trash and filthy water. At any moment, any fish could get stuck in the filth or eat it too, there were unlimited   took some of them with joy! He bought them for 62 dollars and   અયાન નાણાવટ
     possibilities that they die accidentally. Since that day, I swore that I wouldn't throw any trash in any water body. I informed my friends and extended   briskly walked out of the sea food market .
     family members. “But it was too late,” said grandpa sadly. “What! Why? Grandpa, why'd you kill all the fish?” said Molly in an irritated voice. “Well                          ટ     ુ પેપર ન વાપરતા ં
     Molly, it wasn't only me who had made this mistake. There are millions of people who did and are still doing the same thing as me. Teri Sweringen once     Neil Agrawal
                                                                                                                                                                                  કપડા અથવા  રસાયકલ
     said, “We are living on this planet as if there is another one to go.” I never understood that quote until that day. And now I live upon a pledge that I will
     never hurt any animal, bird or any living creature,” said Grandpa Eddie.                                                                                                   કાગળનો ઉપયોગ કર શ. અને
                                                                                                                                                                                  નહાવા માટ  ફ ત ડોલનો
     “There's never been a day that I haven't craved fish. I  wish that I was more compassionate towards these kinds of things. If I had listened to my mother,                       ઉપયોગ કર શ
     maybe I could've saved fish. Anyways kids, it's time to go to bed. Goodnight,”  said Grandpa, “Goodnight,” said the kids.   THE DAY A MIRACLE TOOK PLACE!
                                                                                                                                                                                      ઈક ર ૂ   ગલ                    Global Warming - Tia Vasa
                                                                                                         Navya Shaha
                                                                                                                            Adventure & Fantasy!
     कोरोना को हराना ह!                                       ઘરમા રહ ને પયાવરણ ને મદદ                                                                                                                  The Beauty Of Nature

                                                                                                                            Ring, Ring, Ring! It was my alarm. I jumped out of bed, I was late for my school math exam! I
      कोरोना एक भयकर वायरस ह,   कोरोना        જયાર  પણ બહારથી ખાવા   ું મગં ાવીશ  યાર  તેઓને ખાસ કહ શ ક  સાથ ચમચી અને કાટા ન   bolted towards the closet, pulled out a wrinkled uniform, skipped breakfast and squeezed into   Nature is  a  beauty  all  by  itself.  The  trees

         इसस हम न घबराना ह,                મોકલે. અને ઘરમા પડ લી  લા  ટક બોટલોનો ઉપયોગ ઘરમા છોડ ઉગાડવા માટ    ુંડા તર ક  કર શ.   the elevator.                                                          dancing,  the  birds  chirping,  the  flowers
           हाथ न िमलाना ह,                                               સોહરાબ દાવર                                        My driver, who was sweating profusely, apprised me that my car had broken down! Huff Puff, I   spraying perfume all over the forest display the
        नम  स काम चलाना ह।                                                                                                  sprinted towards the school. I wasn't even halfway there yet and to add insult to injury… rain   soothing site of nature. Ben went camping in
                                        The Fun Fair!                                                                                                                                                   the dense forest. The blazing sun shone on him.
       मा  का उपयोग करना ह, ै           This sensational fun fair is held on a lucid night                                  came bucketing down! I reached school at the eleventh hour and asked the teacher if I could have   The fragrance of the flowers was helping him
          दो गज दरी रखना ह, ै  हम कोरोना                                                                                    the exam sheet. My aching body had goosebumps all over. Tall as a skyscraper she mounted over   stay motivated. The sights and the animals were

        काढ़ा का सवन करना ह, ै  को हराना ह! ै  and  is  like  a  grand  exhibition.  The  lively                             me and replied “Are you sure you can complete the exam on time?” I could not believe my eyes, I
         कोरोना स न डरना ह l            atmosphere is filled with remarkable activities                                      rubbed them with my cold icy hands. It was ENGLISH and not maths! I shrieked and my knees   just gorgeous. Ben loved nature. A deer's cress
                                        and thrilling games for kids. The fairground is                                     started wobbling like jelly. Everyone around me were hissing like snakes, shuuu! Poof! Just then   just  crossed  through  trees  almost  unnoticed.
                                        illuminated with fluorescent lights. People and                                                                                                                  Ben found some fruits which were a bit sour as

        घर म रहकर मत हो बचन,                                                                                                                      an angel with blonde hair and a shimmery, white gown appeared in
                                        children in flamboyant and colorful clothes are
         तोड़ो कोरोना की चन,             seen  in  an  ecstatic  mood.  There  are  a  few                                                          front of me! My eyes popped out of their sockets. “Can everyone   well  as  sweet.  They  tasted  just  like  natural
          बस यही एक नारा ह, ै           diminutive  merry-go-rounds  which  are                                                                    see the angel?”, I exclaimed. The boy adjacent to me quipped,   chocolate.  The  flowers  pricked  his  skin  as  if
          कोरोना को हराना ह! ै                                                                                                                     “Did the rain ruin your brain!?”. The angel waved her magic   there were spikes inside them. When it started
                                        singing  and  dancing.  The  towering  Ferris
                                        wheel looks like a glossy, white ring. The food                                                            wand and chanted 'Abra Ka Dabra'. In a wink of an eye, my   to turn dark, he had to light a campfire to keep

            सिमका ख ा   घर म रहो,                                                                                                                  thoughts  flew  and  my  pen  ran  at  the  speed  of  lightning.  My   himself warm and protect him from animals.
                       सरि त रहो!       stalls are selling scrumptious, appetizing food
                                        with its luscious aroma attracting a large crowd. There were a million people standing in the line for the   teacher tottered towards me and her jaws dropped as I completed   The smell in the night
                                        rollercoaster ride. Sitting on the roller coaster ride with the cool breeze hitting your face is an exhilarating   my sheet.                                    was  odorous  as  a
                                        and enthralling experience. Children are also seen at the entertaining, attractive game stalls. The octopus                                                     spectacle  bear  had
                                        shaped 'orbiter', with its arms rotating, has a fleet of cars attached to it. A visit to this fair is a delight to   I hopped out of the examination room with a smile plastered on   slept beside him.
                                        everyone's eyes.                                                                                           my face. It was a day that a MIRACLE TOOK PLACE!
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Yuvansh Shah
                                        Sanaya Chadha                                                                                                                                  Samika Khanna
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