Page 201 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 201

Mon ami                                                                                     ाणी सवधन

 VI  Mon ami s'appelle Neil. Il a 13 ans. Il aime jouer aux jeux                             भीमतन माकड सकाळीच यतात
     vidéo avec moi. Il a un frère, Mihir. Neil habite à côté de
                                                                                                  घरात  वशतात
     chez moi. Ses yeux sont noirs et il porte toujours un t-
                                                                                                 ध चकड करतात
     shirt blanc et vert avec un short bleu. Ses cheveux sont                                        करतात सवदा !

 A   courts, raides et marron. Il joue au tennis, au tennis de                                       करतात सवदा !

     table, au football et au cricket. Son anniversaire est le 27
     février. Il est très gentil et il est comme un frère pour moi.                         गसवरच पापड कडमकडम खातात
                                                                                           िश ावरच लोणी सगळ फ  करतात
                                   Arjun Dhavse                                                      करतात सवदा !

                                                                                                     करतात सवदा !
                                                                                             मामाची टोपी डो ावर घालतात
                                                                                             भावाचा सदरा टराटरा फाडतात
                                                                         Priyaana Jhaveri

                                                                                                     करतात सवदा !

                                                                                                     करतात सवदा !
                                                   Brotherly Love                             बाबाची गाडी  तः चालवतात
                                                   Montgomery lay asleep when he felt someone   घरा ा ग ीवर ध  ध  नाचतात

                                                   cover his mouth and say good luck. He bolted         करतात सवदा !
                                                   straight  up,  but  found  no  one.  He  whispered         करतात सवदा !

 The Outhouse  મ  યો ની આદતો,                      “Moriarty” in a serious and lay down in his bed,   Arjun Dhavse
 It was a Sunday evening when my brother James and I, along with     પયાવરણ ને બગાડ    deep in thought.

 our Uncle Ben, came back from the trek and retired into Uncle Ben's   Sanaa Malesra  “Facts  go,”  said  Montgomery,  rocking  in  his
 old chalet. This was an all-wood house. The wooden flooring of the   અને બચાવે   chair.
 chalet would give a squeaky noise every time we walked. The chalet
 also  had  an  outhouse.  Uncle  Ben  was  a  short,  stout  guy  and   સરકાર  બનાવલે ા િનયમો   ું પાલન   िवपदा ह या बीमारी  “The  first  body  was  found  in  a  house  on   મ  યો ની આદતો,
 extremely friendly with kids. He had read our minds and persuaded   કર એ તો પયાવરણ બચે,   कोरोना न  ा िवपि  दिनया म लायी,  Devonshire  street,  second  on  Hallam  Street,

 our parents to allow us to spend the night at the outhouse alone.   third on Leadenhall Street and fourth on Brick     પયાવરણ ને બગાડ
 વન બચ,  ાણી તથા પ ીઓને      िक रह गया इसान हर ख़िशयो स खाली।
 The outhouse was dimly lit. Adorning the walls of the outhouse   પોતા   ું ઘર મળે, અને સૌથી   Lane. The victim in Leadenhall Street had the   અને બચાવે
 were stuffed heads of various animals which were a result of Uncle   મહ  વ   ું ક  સમ  માનવ િત ને   मच गया हाहाकार जगत भर,   number 51 engraved on the left hand and the

 Ben's hunting expeditions. As James and I walked into our rooms,   इसान डर गया हर हालत पर।   victim in Hallam Street had the number 5138   પોતાના  વાથ માટ  ઝાડ ન કાપવા
  વ થ અને  િનરોગી  વન મળ.                          engraved on the same.” Watson was reading
 we were terrified with all those hung heads.   म त स घर पर कोई आया न गया,                 અને ખોરાકનો બગાડ ન કરવો. અને
                                                   out  from  his  phone.  Just  then  Montgomery   જો ખોરાકનો બગાડ થાય તો એનો
 James grabbed his bunk, and before I could say good night he was   સના મલેસરા    फ़ोन स ही हाल पछा, बलाया भी न गया।  received  a  text.  “Four  more  innocent  for  the   ઉપયોગ ઘરમા રહલ   ા બાગકામ મા  ં
 already snoring. As I was cozying up in my bed, I felt someone's   Kiara Shah  गर कोई सामन भी आया तो आलम यह रहा,   wanted,” it said.   ખાતર તર ક  કરવો જોઈએ.
 breath against my ear and a strange voice whispered, “Good luck.“
 Terrified, I tried to wake up James. Suddenly, I started to hear the   तो तरी काय क  शकतो?   Ma Famille  दरी छह फट की, हाथ भी िमलाया न गया।   “Listen I have to go out, won't be back for a    કયારા શાહ
 voices of various animals squeaking and howling. I decided to go   वाघ हा आपला रा ीय  ाणी,   घर स बाहर िनकलना, नाममिकन ही बना रहा,  while.  If  anything  happens  just  send  me  a
 and find the source.      J'ai  une  petite  famille.  Mon   message okay?” Watson suspiciously obeyed.
 तरी ही आपण  ाला मारतो?  मा  चहर पर रहा, वो भी हटाया न गया।
 I  was  stunned  to  see  animals  with  stuffed  heads  and  bloodied,   père s'appelle Gaurav. Il a 40   करोना न कर दी दहशत भरी हालत हमारी,  Montgomery put on his coat and took off. He

 deformed  bodies  moving  around.  The  moment  they  saw  me,   आप ा गज आिण इ  साठी,   ans et il est dentiste. Ma mère   arrived at St. Paul's Cathedral, entered a small
 I heard saying a voice, “Ben killed us, now you will pay the price.”    ाची िशकार करतो .  a 39 ans et elle est femme au    डर गया इसान, इसान स, िवपदा ह या बीमारी।  room and saw Moriarty. He said with a smile,
 I was trembling with fear as they got closer. I kept on screaming and   आप ा मनोरजनI साठी,   foyer. Le nom de ma mère est    आशना िसह  “We finally meet… brother. What's new?”
 shouting for Mom, Dad, James and Uncle Ben but no one seemed to   Chaitra.  Elle  adore  lire.  Mon   “Unfortunately, I didn't call you here to chat.
 hear. The deformed animals were now all over me. A very scary    ाच जग िहरोऊन घतो.   nom  est  Aryan.  J'ai  12  ans.   Any explanations needed?”
 animal pounced on me and bit my hand off.. ”AHHHH,” I screamed .  ह सगळ कर ा आधी,
 Mon  anniversaire  est  le  6                     “The  four  bodies  were  found  on  the  cardinal
 “Wake up! Looks like you had a terrible nightmare,” James was   एकदा तरी िवचार करतो ?  juillet.  J'adore  les  jeux  vidéo.   directions  of  London  —  the  body  found  on
 shaking me up with Uncle Ben by his side. “What is that mark on    ाचा स ा एक जीव आह,  े  Le nom de ma grand-mère est
 your hand?” asked James. I had no clue how I got a deep open    ाची स ा एक भावना आह .   Leadenhall Street, which is on the North End of
 wound in my hand which had gone unnoticed. “Must have gotten   Dr.  Jamuna  Pai.  Elle  est  la   London, had the number 5138 engraved and the
 hurt during our trek. We will bandage it,” said Uncle Ben.   पण तो शवटी एक मका  ाणी,   fondatrice de Skinlab. Elle a 68   body  on  Hallam  Street,  West  End,  had  984,   Rudrakshi Suryawanshi
 ans. J'adore ma famille.                          51.5138° N, 0.0984° W, the coordinates for this
 I realised that the wound was no coincidence but a sign of the   तो तरी काय क  शकतो ?  cathedral. You killed innocent souls to send me this
 terrible times to come. The animals’ ghosts had chosen me to finish     ा ी सयवशी  Aryan Pai  message.

 their job. It is time for me to avenge their kills….
                                                   “Exactly!  Been  getting  bored  lately.  Now
 Arjun Dhavse   कोरोना वायरस और भारत क  ौहार       enough of this chit-chat.” Here Montgomery
                                                   punched Warren, locked his arm and sprayed a
 भारत म लोग  ोहारो को अपन प रवार और दो  क साथ मनाना पसद करत ह।

                                                   toxin in the eyes. Warren fell dead.
   क भारतीय  ोहार का उ व मनान का अपना अनठा तरीका ह और लोग उसी
                                 Saphyra Khanna

 उ व को मनात  ए परपरा का पालन करत ह। भारत क लोग दश क रा ीय   Moriarty took out his gun and shot towards the


  ोहारो क िलए ब त स ान रखत ह। व हम हमार दशभ  नताओ की याद   पयावरण सर ण  window  behind.  Watson  had  followed



 िदलात ह िज ोन िन ाथ भाव स दश की सवा की। रा ीय  ोहार बड़ उ ाह क   Montgomery out of curiosity.




 साथ मनाए जात ह। परा माहौल इन  ोहारो क दौरान दशभ   की भावना स भर   सौर पट  पयावरणासाठी चाग  आहत कारण ज ा आप या ा   “Looks like our trusty dogs are no more, only
 जाता ह। ै  थोडा   का   आव यक  अस   तर  आप या ा  जीवा म  इधन   the two of us, yayyy! Oh wait, we're not alone!”


 2020 का वष कोरोना वायरस महामारी क कारण सबको घर पर ही रहना पड़ा।   जाळण आव यक आह आिण त पयावरणासाठी चाग  नाही. सौर   Moriarty  snapped  and  laser  sighted  target



  ोहार सभी भारतीयो क िलए मह पण ह, चाह उनका धम कछ भी हो। कोई भी   पन  ा  काही  सय का   आव यक  आह    यणा या  िप ा,या   Montgomery.   Varenyaa Jain




 इस तरह की महामारी क चलत  ोहारो को मनाना बद नही करग। कवल हम ज    िप ासाठी ह दखी   ा  नाही की आपण बयाच जीवा म इधन   “Shoot already!” Moriarty thundered. As these

 स मनान क अपन तरीको को बदलना चािहए, और सोच म प रवतन लात    ए   वापरत  आहोत  आिण   ा ासाठी  परस  सोडत  नाही.   णनच   words came out, Montgomery took out his gun

 िव ास रख िक अ ी श आत हमार जीवन म आन वाली ह। सबकी भलाई इसी म     एकणच सौर पट  पयावरणासाठी खप चाग  आहत कारण त  े  in a flash and shot. Five bullets came shooting



 ह िक 'सोशल िड   ग' और   ता को  ान म रखत  ए यह सिनि त कर िक   जीवा म  इधन    त  रोखतात  आिण  यणा या    िप ासाठी   through the air towards him. The two dropped



 इस वायरस की रोकथाम क िलए सभी एक होकर िनयमो का पालन कर।  जीवा म वाय वाचिवतात.
 अनीशा गोयल                          Shiv Mehta                            Anisha Goyal
 Reeva Agrawal  195                                                                                       196
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