Page 262 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 262

Musical Fundraiser: In the light of covid-19 our village trip was cancelled
     however,  our  quest  to  save  the  village  of  Kumbhalgarh  remained   THE VILLAGE PROJECT                                                                                                     JAI VAKEEL
     undeterred. The roof of a school in Kumbhalgarh village broke during the
     Nisarga Cyclone which disrupted the learning process for the students. Our
     CAS group had to raise over 5L rupees to help rebuild the roof again and so, DAIS                                                                                                                Our CAS Service began quite ordinarily - we did not
     Village Project students decided to host a musical fundraiser – A live online concert !                                                                                                          know  how  we  were  going  to  take  this  journey
                                                                                                                                                                                                      forward.  The  introductory  session  was  very
     The music concert performers hailed from various Mumbai schools, including our                                                                                                                   welcoming, and we were introduced to the children of
     own. These performers would sing and play instruments in order to appeal to our                                                                                                                  the JVF. That first session was handled by them so that
     audience. Our viewers were able to view this performance after donating 500                                                                                                                      we  could  accustom  ourselves  to  the  new
     rupees towards our efforts to rebuild the roof of the school in Kumbhalgarh. In                                                                                                                  environment, and they could get used to new people
     order to garner a large enough audience to raise the required sum of money, we had                                                                                                               before we took initiative.
     to market our concert through word of mouth, Instagram, and Whatsapp groups.                                                                                                                     We planned worksheets and compiled videos for
     We were able to be extremely creative with our posters, messages, and videos. The                                                                                                                the students. We had unknowingly assumed this
     decision of having a zoom concert was the perfect way to not only showcase the                                                                                                                   would be like any regular activity, but our outlook
     talent of so many young artists but also use this to our advantage to collect funds to                                                                                                           completely  changed  upon  meeting  with  the
     rebuild the roof. We narrowed down a list of about 20-25 participants. Putting                                                                                                                   students. We were helping a group of 18-year-old
     them  into  groups,  we  encouraged  them  to  perform  the  song  of  their  choice                                                                                                             gifted  children  through  their  vocational  training
     together. Before the recordings started, we got in touch with 'penn masala' band,                                                                                                                process. 6 months later, we can certainly say that
     to get a clearer idea carrying out recordings and hosting the concert.                                                                                                                           we learnt more from them than they did from us!
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The  highlights  of  our  sessions  were  celebrating
     Overall, by finding a popular and innovative way to raise money and tackling each of                                                                                                              festivals  together  and  learning  more  about
     our hurdles step by step as a team, we were able to successfully host a musical                                                                                                                  traditions and culture. While we taught them how
     concert which received a lot of positive feedback and was able to raise money for                                                                                                                to make dandiya sticks, they taught us how about
     the roof of the school in Kumbhalgarh.                                                                                                                                                           pooja arti rituals and make a Saraswati symbol. We
     Esports: Starting out with a goal of raising Rs. 1.5L would be no easy feat. After our                                                                                                           connected with each other with discussion about
     first meeting, we decided to proceed with Among Us and FIFA 20 tournaments – the                                                                                                                  Indian culture during some lessons. We also spoke
     most popular games at the time according to us. Then began a long process of                                                                                                                     about etiquette and academics during others. As a
     planning these events in a virtual space over approximately 5-6 CAS sessions before we could actually conduct them. We decided upon an amount                                                    group,  we  were  always  enthusiastic  to  put
     people would need to contribute to register, setting up a Wix website to ease the registration process, and then advertised it on Instagram, WhatsApp                                            together  a  script  for  our  service  –  and  often
     and by Word of Mouth.                                                                                                                                                                            enacted plays about good manners and empathy
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for others.
     We conducted the Among Us tournament on the 10th of January, 2021 with over 10  registrations. We were able to raise Rs 7000 for the village                                                     However, the takeaway of this entire experience is
     support project. We coordinated via WhatsApp groups and decided the winner based on a point-based system. We conducted four rounds, and the                                                      that  we  learnt  to  interact  with  children  with
     person with the greatest number of points at the end of the rounds received a cash prize. Subsequent to the Among Us competition we conducted a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      disabilities.  We  learnt  to  respect  the  sensitivity
     FIFA tournament on the 16th of Jan, where we had around 10-12 participants. We managed to raise close to Rs 9000. We had a single elimination                                                    required  and  adapted  to  a  method  of
     tournament format, with each person choosing their own team. The winner of the tournament decided to donate the cash prize to the village support                                                communication  easier  for  them.  Moreover,  we
     fundraiser too.                                                                                                                                                                                  became genuine friends who ask each other about
                                                                                                                                                                                                      their  interests  and  passions,  gossip  about  their
     Among us and FIFA raised a substantial amount of money which helped make donations to the village of Kumbhalgarh. Even though we went
     through a lot of rough patches throughout the events such as deciding the dates or gathering people for the tournament, we resolved all the problems                                             favorite  places  to  visit  and  compliment  each
     as a group.                                                                                                                                                                                      other's immaculate sense of fashion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      This CAS Service became a platform to not only
                                     Esports: Nimaye Garodia | Musical Fundraiser: Shanay Ambani, Tarini Mehta and Aadit Tibrewalla
                                                                                                                                                                                                      cooperate and incorporate our ideas, but also to
     Mes dernières vacances                                                                                                                                                                           learn the value of inclusion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Natisha Shah
     Je visite les pays différents chaque année
     avec  ma  famille  mais  à  cause  de  la
     pandémie,  je  n'ai  pas  pu  aller  en
     vacances.  Pendant  mes  dernières
     vacances, j'ai visité le Canada. Je suis allé                                                                          La Sostenibilidad                            Profil De L'Apprenant Du
     à  Toronto  et  à  Vancouver  pour  quinze
     jours. Le Canada est un très beau pays                                                                                 S:  SALVAR el ecosistema                     Baccalauréat International
     touristique.  Les  Canadiens  sont  très                                                                               O: OÍR los sonidos de la naturaleza          Selon  moi,  il  est  très  important  pour  une  élève  du  BI  d'avoir  certaines  qualités,
     gentils.  Le  temps  est  froid  et  j'aime  le                                                                                                                     comme: être réfléchi, informé, et intègre. Et moi, je pense que je remplis quelques qualités
     froid.  J'ai  dû  porter  un  manteau  mais                                                                            S:  SEMBRAR esperanza                                                           comme  équilibrée,  ouverte  d'esprit,
     j'étais  content.  Toronto  est  une  ville                                                                            T:  TENER CUIDADO con nuestras acciones                                         altruiste et, le plus important, une bonne
     d'affaires  mais  elle  a  beaucoup  de                                                                                                                                                                communicatrice.  Cependant, il y a aussi
     destinations  touristiques.  L'horizon  de                                                                             E:  EVITAR la extinción de las especies                                         des qualités que je ne possède pas, mais
     Toronto est très beau. La Tour CN est la                                                                               N:  NO MALGASTARI:IR en bicicleta                                               j'espère  qu'en  faisant  le  BI,  je  les
     plus haute tour de l'Amérique du Nord.                                                                                                                                                                 développerai, comme être curieuse. Ces
     J'ai  dîné  au  sommet  de  la  tour  CN  et                                                                           B:  BUSCAR soluciones                                                           qualités,  je  crois,  sont  extrêmement
     c'était  magnifique!  J'ai  aussi  fait  une                                                                            I:  INVERTIR en nuestro futuro                                                  importantes  pour  réussir  son  BI.  Par
     promenade  en  bateau  dans  le  lac                                                                                   L:  LIMPIAR nuestro planeta                                                     exemple, quand on est réfléchi, on peut
     Ontario. À Vancouver, je suis allé au parc                                                                                                                                                             remarquer les erreurs et aussi les corriger.
     Stanley.  J'ai  fait  du  vélo  et  de  la                                                                             I:  IMPACTAR positivamente                                                      Alors, j'espère que nous posséderons tous
     randonnée  au  parc.  J'ai  aussi  fait  un                                                                            D:  DISMINUIR nuestro impacto negativo                                          ces qualités à la fin de nos deux années
     pique-nique.    Je  suis  allé  observer  les                                                                                                                                                          scolaires.
     baleines dans l'océan pacifique. C'était                                                                                A:  AHORRARD:DEPENDE de nosotros
     très intéressant.                                                                                                                           Treya Agarwal                                              Mira Dasgupta     S  T  A  N I
     J'adore  voyager.  Après  la  pandémie,  je                                                                                                                                                                             S  U   ABILITY
            vais voyager partout.
                          Ryan Awal
                                       Tamanna Sanghavi                                                         257                                             Adya Rohira                                                       258
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