Page 265 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 265


 12  Year 12


 By viewing land as a commodity, we often abuse
 its privilege. Rather by seeing it as a community
 we may begin to treat it with love and respect.  Electronic waste is emerging as a serious environmental and public health issue in the world right now, especially since the recent shift to virtual
 Mrigank Das from Ms Nisha Maniar's Tutor Group  Ms Anandita Dutta’s    platforms by businesses and educational institutes has led to a surge in electronic devices purchased. As a result, we are presently generating more e-
 Tutor Group  waste than ever before. India is on track to produce over 3 million tonnes of e-waste this year. What is worse is that an average Mumbaikar produces
     seven times the electronic waste generated by an average India. These shocking statistics, coupled with the team's collective love for the environment,
 Practice actions that minimise the impact on the environment so   inspired the idea of an e-waste club. As a part of the We Recycle E-waste project, we had two goals- the first was to start conversation and create
 that you can tell your grandchildren that you are their superhero.   awareness, not only among the youth but also among Indians as a whole. After raising awareness, we wanted to provide solutions, by facilitating the
 Conserve more than you use, create before you think it's waste,   process of e-waste collection and disposal.
 and think of economically and environmentally viable services.
     Carrying out extensive research on collection, disposal and recycling of electronic waste, our team was able to gauge the problem and the steps
 Vidusshi Hingad from Ms Kavita Dyas' Tutor Group
     required to be taken. In addition, we sent out surveys to understand the extent and root of the issue. We communicated with EcoReco (a licensed
     recycling agency) and made posters and fliers to promote our drive. We collaborated and formulated e-mails requesting permission from our societies.
 In a world challenged by the rising demand of falling supplies,   We also drafted messages to be sent as whatsapp forwards to inform people about the drive. While some of us worked on preparing a list of all valid e-
 the future calls for sustainability: Mitigate the wants, and adapt   waste that people could donate, others were incredibly busy making last minute changes to the posters. We wanted everything to be perfect. This
 the needs.
     initially tedious seeming task bore fruit when we saw the number of people who showed up to enthusiastically participate in the drive. As a team, we
 Vasav Jain  from Mr Harry Martin's Tutor Group  were incredibly successful throughout the drive. We managed to collect an average of 55 kgs of E-waste per member of the team. In total, we have
     collected over 350 kgs of E-waste in a 2 day drive across 7 different parts of Mumbai. A few members of our team were also able to develop regular
     contracts between their societies and the e- waste management organisation for monthly disposal.
 The unfortunate truth is that we want far more than we can have,
 and  that's  destroying  our  planet.  Consuming  and  producing   Looking back on this experience, we believe we learnt a lot. We made a tangible impact in our communities and for this we conclude that the
 Mr Raja Sen’s    Mr Harry Martin’s
 Tutor Group  within  limits  is  the  only  way  to  ensure  that  we  can  continue   Tutor Group  campaign was a success. This entire process was quite rewarding for all of us, and we genuinely felt as if we had made a significant difference and
 meeting our needs sustainably.  played our part to contribute to helping the environment.
 Ishaan Goel from Mr Raja Sen's Tutor Group

 At  the  precipice  of  irreversible  climate  damage,  the  need  for
 adopting responsible consumption and production patterns only
 heightens.  The  choices  we  make  today  are  fundamental  in
 preserving the abundant resources we have been blessed with,
 and restoring them to their former glory
 Isha Mati from Ms Pamela Colon's Tutor Group

 Responsible consumption and production forms the bedrock for
 sustainable development: the future we all want.
 Vikram Sivashankar from Ms Anandita Dutta's Tutor Group
 Ms Pamela Colon’s    Ms Kavita Dyas’
 Tutor Group  Tutor Group
 What you own isn't as important as why you own it. Identify
 the essential, eliminate the rest, stay blessed and consume less
 Nakul Khambhati from Mr Raja Sen's Tutor Group
                                                               Dépliant touristique sur l'Inde
 Consumption and production processes encompass everything     L'Inde est un beau pays de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Bénéficiant d'une riche
 from  infrastructure  development  to  efficient  resource     culture couvrant plus de 4500 ans d'histoire. L'Inde, officiellement la
 management.  In  a  rapidly  progressing  world,  making  these   République de l'Inde, est un pays d'Asie du Sud. C'est le septième plus
 processes responsible is integral for sustainable development.  grand pays par zone, le deuxième pays le plus peuplé et la démocratie la
 Barkha Seth from Ms Pamela Colon's Tutor Group                plus peuplée du monde .; chaque partie du pays a sa propre attraction
                                                               particulière. L'Inde a toujours été un centre d'attraction touristique à
                                                               travers le monde pour sa diversité, sa beauté naturelle et sa culture.
                                                               Alors que les États comme Goa sont connus pour leur beauté balnéaire,
 The only thing fuelling unsustainable production is our undying   le Kerala et le Cachemire pour leur beauté naturelle. En dehors de cela,
 demand for consuming it. The choice is ours to make           Kanyakumari a une attraction spirituelle différente. Si le Rajasthan est un
 Ms Shama Shaikh’s  Ms Nisha Maniar’s
 Tutor Group   Arjun Pawar from Ms Shama Shaikh's Tutor Group  Tutor Group  État du patrimoine historique de l'Inde, le Taj Mahal est devenu une
                                                               identité de l'Inde. La diversité, la beauté et le charme répandus dans
                                                               toute l'Inde attirent des gens du monde entier. Visitez Mumbai pour voir
 “Responsible consumption and production forms   As the next generation, coming from a position of privilege,   l'Inde métropolitaine, ou rendez-vous à Agra
 the  bedrock  for  sustainable  development:  the   it is our responsibility to ensure that our consumption and   pour voir la belle architecture Mongole. Chaque   T  A  N I
 future we all want.”    production practices are as ethical as we can afford them to   coin de l'Inde vous montre quelque chose de   S  ABILITY
 be.                                                                                                  S  U
 Shanaya Piramal from                                          beau, quelque chose de nouveau. Venez visiter
 Khushi Vora from                                              l'Inde incroyable aujourd'hui.
 Ms Anandita Dutta's Tutor Group
 Ms Kavita Dyas's Tutor Group
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