Page 260 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 260

Muktangan means “open air” and our                                               Abstain to Sustain
       MUKTANGAN                           NGO strives to provide a true sense of                                                                                     WELFARE FOR STRAY DOGS
                                           freedom or open air to students. This year                                       This earth we live on
                                           has been especially hard for the children                                        We need to maintain
     we try and provide this freedom to. Through the challenging times, we have found light in                              Yet its limited resources
     celebrating and cherishing the bonds we hold close. It was a sudden realisation that students                          We scurry to obtain
     at Muktangan had nothing to look forward for Christmas. It was up to us to make a change.                              From this approach
     So, my fellow peers and I came up with a project "Always here for you", where we sent cards                            We must all refrain
                                                                                                                            Or we'll be left with a life
     to students in such NGOs along with some good wishes. These cards were personalized and
                                                                                                                            We will fail to sustain
     this was our effort towards spreading happiness. We have also made worksheets for Grade 6
     students which involved puzzles, crosswords, fill in the blanks and scrambled words. These                              Oil and coal,
     were for English, Mathematics, General Knowledge and Science. The experience and the                                   Sand and gas,
                                                                                                                            Are all available
     collaborative effort was enriching and it helped us be very efficient. I realised that we still had                     If you have the cash
     to find out the socio-economic background of the students to make our lectures specific to                               If these resources
     them and applicable within their means. We also found out that such foundational soft skills                           We continue to tap
     were difficult to teach unless they were integrated since a young age. For us, we were guided                           All that we know and love           “The  Welfare  for  Stray  Dogs,  also  known  as  WSD,  is  an  organization  that  works  towards
     by our parents but these children would have it different and so our approach should                                   Will soon turn to ash.              controlling the stray dog population in Mumbai as well as ensuring their safety. Due to the Covid-19
     consider that aspect as well. We constantly tried to keep the lesson interactive. We put in a                          The industrial revolution           circumstances, we have not been able to visit the kennels or conduct any sales in person. However,
     lot of effort, and every second was a delightful experience because we were paid back in                               Altered our fate
     smiles!. It has been an experience that has ignited our flames for social work as we shall                              As factories and mines              instead of letting this limit us, we came up with an innovative set of ideas and methods through
     always continue to give back to society.                                                                               Grow at an alarming rate            which we can spread awareness about WSD as an organization, as well as the ideas they propagate.
                                                                                                                                                                We decided to conduct a series of webinars based on stray dogs – so far, we have carried out two
                                                                                                                            All that it gave us
     Aryan Gupta                                                                                                                                                sessions. The first session was on spreading awareness about basic information with regards to stray
                                                                                                                            Made us feel great                  dogs. We talked about rabies, the body language of dogs and the current stray dog population,
                                                     Tanguy: Une                                                            Without for a second realizing      amongst other issues. It was a fun and interactive webinar, conducted on Zoom. We discussed
                                                                                                                            We're approaching hell's gate.
                                                     critique de film         Sustainability: A Myth?                        Icebergs are drowning,              common misconceptions about stray dogs with our audience, while teaching them how to interact
                                                                                                                                                                with unknown dogs and also help them. The aim of the first webinar was to sensitize our audience
                                                     Aujourd'hui,  de  plus  en   Sustainability:  the  prized  possession  of  today's   Seas are rising,      towards stray dogs. Our second webinar was a question and answers session with Mr. Abodh Aras,
                                                     plus  d'enfants  ne  veulent   society. The possession desired by all, yet, attained by   The heat is soaring,   the CEO of WSD. Each webinar is conducted by 2 members of our group, while another 2 members
                                                     pas  quitter  la  maison   a select few. However, is this so-called prize just an   And the cold is frightening.   handle the technical aspects like registrations. A fifth member is assigned the task of making the
                                                                                                                            Our ozone is depleting
                                                     p a re n t a l e   q u a n d   i l s   illusion? A theory so pure that it is confined to the   And the core is bubbling,  power-point presentation for our webinars. We are also in the process of making a video for younger
                                                     deviennent  adultes.  C'est   pages of books? A concept that masks the evils and   It's only a matter of time  children which is once again, to spread awareness as we thought a fun video with animations might
                                                     peut-être  parce  qu'ils   impracticalities related to it?             Before our world comes down crumbling.   engage them more than just a presentation. Once it is ready, we will share it with the lower grades
                                                     n ' o n t   p a s   d ' a r g e n t                                                                        and then answer any questions they may have on the matter. We have also been working on blogs
                                                     suffisant  ou  à  cause   Take  the  example  of  Masdar  City,  a  city  that  is   There is water all around us,   regarding matters like animal welfare laws for the WSD website. Apart from these, we are working
                                                     d ' a u t r e s   r a i s o n s .   considered a “sustainable city.” No private transport.   But it's filled with salt
                                                     Quelquefois,  les  enfants   No  non-renewable  sources  of  energy.  No  light   Our freshwater has disappeared  on some new plans to continue raising awareness for WSD and are extremely excited to carry them
                                                     sont  émotionnellement   switches. Seems perfect, right? Is it really? The cost to   And it's only our fault   out!”
                                                     dépendants  de  leurs   each  resident  is  half  a  million  dollars.  The  lack  of   Long showers and private pools  Nishkka Thakkar
                                                     parents. C'était la situation   residents  coupled  with  high-cost  of  building  has   Just don't seem to halt                      “The  development  of  sustainable  cities  will  require  a
                                                     a v e c   T a n g u y ,   l e   made the project a heavy drain on the economy. The   Soon we will have to put                         significant transformation in the manner in which we manage
                                                                                                                            Even water in the vault.
                                                     personnage  principal  du     ignorance of costs is a serious barrier to achieving                                                    our  urban  spaces  and  in  our  ability  in  achieving  a  balance
                                                     film 'Tanguy'. Le film, qui   sustainability.                            It's not too late                                              among the three Es - Ecology, Economy, and Equity.”
                                                     appartient  au  genre  de   Balance.  The  key  is  balance.  The  balance  of   To hit the break                                                                        Ananya Mittal
                                                     comédie, passe en France                                               Take a cycle to school              Coches eléctricos
                                                     en 2001 et concerne la vie   economic, social and environmental concerns. That   You could even carpool
                                                     du  personnage  principal,   is  the  true  essence  of  sustenance.  Most  people   Use what you need     La mejor elección puedes hacer para el planeta
                                                     Tanguy, et ses parents M.   attribute sustainability to the environment purely, at   Don't splurge like a fool  ¡Buenas tardes estimados profesores y mis compañeros del club medioambiental! Para los que no me
                                                     et Mme. Guetz, les autres   a  disregard  for  the  social  and  economic   This is our last chance        conocen, me llamo Misha y soy una estudiante de grado 11 en este colegio – DAIS. Hoy quiero hablar
                                                     principaux personnages.   consequences of that particular solution. This is the   To make Earth cool.
                                                                             mask. The mask of the environment that curtains and                                sobre mi experiencia en un coche electrónico de hace unas semanas. Creo que será muy útil para
                                                     L'histoire  du  film  se                                                                   Ishika Keswani   todos  escuchar  esto  porque  no  muchas  personas  tienen  la  oportunidad  de  viajar  en  un  coche
                                                     déroule  autour  d'un   hides  the  importance  of  social  and  economic                                  electrónico y tienen muchas inhibiciones porque no les gusta el cambio. Sin embargo, es muy
                                                     homme  de  28  ans  qui   sustainability. These three areas must therefore be                              importante ser abiertos porque coches eléctricos tienen muchas ventajas.
                                                     réside chez ses parents et   taken  into  consideration  by  communities,
                                                     refuse  de  quitter  la   companies,  and  individuals.  The  ultimate  goal  of                           Una cosa que había observado es que el coche es silencioso. Ya que no tiene un motor, el viaje era
                                                     maison.  Cependant,  les   sustainable development is to find a coherent and                                completamente tranquilo. Era muy relajante y me gustó mucho. El coche también reacciona muy
     parents sont fatigués de leur fils et essaient de le mettre à la porte avec de nombreuses   long-lasting balance between these three aspects.               rápido. Por ejemplo, cuando el conductor esta acelerando, el coche inmediatamente responde.  Es
     méthodes. Finalement, la fin est ironique parce que Tanguy quitte la maison de ses parents,   The  issue  is  ambiguity.  Multiple  meanings  and           una diferencia muy importante entre los coches eléctricos y coches de gas. Adicionalmente, es
     mais il habite avec ses beaux-parents en Chine.                         definitions for sustainability and its underlying issues                            posible cargar su coche en casa y es muy fácil; no obstante, puede tomar tiempo.
     Je pense que les personnages sont très bien développés et les dialogues sont rigolos. J'aime   differ across research groups and decision makers.          La razón principal para usar coches eléctricos o otros medios de transportes ecológicos es que
     surtout Mme. Guetz. Elle m'amuse beaucoup, surtout avec son habitude de hoquet à   This  results  in  ambiguity  in  the  strategies  for                  benefician  al  medioambiente.  Los  coches  de  gas  crean  mucha  contaminación  del  aire  y  están
     chaque fois qu'elle est choquée. Mais, à mon avis, l'histoire est finie très brusquement et   sustainable  development.  Currently,  sustainability         causando el cambio climático también. Los gases de efecto invernadero se liberan a la atmósfera y
     peut-être elle aurait dû être développée un peu plus. Mais, à part ça, j'ai beaucoup aimé le   holds  out  the  promise  of  both  environmental           causan estos problemas. Para combatirlos, tenemos que usar tecnología limpia y reducir nuestra
     film parce qu'il est très rigolo et il m'informe un peu sur la vie française. Ce film m'a fait   protection and economic growth, without engaging            huella de carbono. Será beneficial no solo para nuestra generación, sino para las generaciones en el
     réfléchir sur la vie des familles Indiennes. Si la situation de Tanguy etait transposée en Inde,   in the real exchanges that happen between the two.       futuro también. Promueve sostenibilidad.
     l'histoire serait différente.  En Inde, les parents essaient de garder leur progéniture, parce
     qu'il est ordinaire pour un homme est sa femme de rester chez leurs parents. Généralement,   Generalising  the  importance  of  balance  in                Por eso, estoy pidiendo a vosotros ser mas conscientes y animar a sus familias a utilizar medios de
     trois générations d'une famille habitent dans un foyer.                 sustainability across borders and communities will be                              transporte ecológicos. Es mejor para nuestro planeta.
                                                                             able to lift the mask and showcase the true essence                                                                                                  N I
     Je recommande ce film à tous ceux qui aiment ce genre de comédie. C'est très rigolo et il   of sustainability, making the illusion into reality, and        Gracias  por  escucharme.  Si  tenéis  alguna  pregunta,  me  encantaría   T  A
     vous aidera à comprendre les perspectives des parents. Espérons, après avoir regardé ce                                                                    responder.                                                   U  S   ABILITY
     film, vous ne dérangerez pas vos parents comme Tanguy l'a fait !         theory into practise.                                                                                                                           S
                                                                                                    Vardhan Shorewala                                                                                          Misha Gupta
                                                             Ananya Mittal
                                                                                                                255                             Treya Agarwal                                                                     256
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