Page 100 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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AWARDS AND                                                                                                               Kiara Bangera Felicitated                                          National


        ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                Olympiad

          DAIS students win
          accolades at
          'Confluence 2021'

        Confluence  2021  is  an  online  interschool
        event  organized  by  Singapore  International
        School  where  around  50  leading  schools
        participated.  Sahil  Jaiswal  of  IBDP  Grade  11
        was  judged  the  Best  Speaker  in  the  Turncoat
        debate  competition  whereas  Sidharth  Wagle
        of  IBDP  Grade  12  won  the  Most  Promising
        Speaker Award in the Bridge Round.                                                                                                                                                        Vivaan Bhatia of 9A sure meant business when he
                                                                                                                               Kiara Bangera was felicitated by Shri Rajnath Singh, Defence Minister of India at a   clinched the Numero Uno position at the National
                                                                                                                               ceremony in Delhi for her win at Belgrade World Sports Games       Entrepreneurship  Olympiad  2022.  Vivaan's
                                                                                                                                                                                                  incredible  performance  in  the  written  exam,
                                                                                        Maanav Kothari                                                                                            personal  interview,  role-play  and  boardroom
                                                                                        and Aditya Mehta                        Aarav Nanavaty                                                    discussion  has  placed  him  first  (Grades  7-10
                                                                                                                                                                                                  category)  among  the  10,000+  students  who
                                                                                        win at                                  Excels in Art                                                     participated from over 450 schools across India.
                                                                                        Regeneron ISEF                         DAIS  grade  9  student  Aarav                                     Congratulations Vivaan!

                                                                                                                               N a n a v a t y ' s   a r t w o r k   w a s
                                                                                       IBDP  Grade  11  students  Aditya       selected  by  to
                                                                                       Mehta and Maanav Kothari score          be  part  of  their  charity  art
                                                                                       high at Regeneron ISEF!
                                                                                                                               show  and  fundraiser  for  C.R.Y.
                                                                                       Aditya and Maanav have won the          His artwork was placed alongside
                                                                                       2nd  place  Grand  Award  at
                                                                                       Regeneron  ISEF.  Their  biomedical     artworks  by  prominent  artists
                                                                                       project ‘Mouthscope’ was aimed at       such  as  Anjolie  Ela  Menon
                                                                                       autonomous  detection  of  oral         and  Jagannath  Paul.  His  work
                                                                                       precancerous lesions by flourescent      was to be displayed in the Tao Art
                                                                                       imaging.  Earlier,  they  were  the     Gallery,  Mumbai,  and  in  an
                                                                                       recipients of the Grand Award at        online gallery as well.
                                                                                       the  Initiative  for  Research  and
                                                                                       Innovation in STEM (IRIS) National
                                                                                       Fair  2022.  Their  dedication  is
                                                                                       applause worthy.                          Queens Commonwealth Essay Competition
                                                                                       A  monumental  moment  of  joy!
                                                                                       Well done!

          Global Space
          Design Challenge

        Nimaye Goradia from IBDP Grade 12 was
        the member of the winning team Keplar at
        the  Global  Space  Design  Challenge.
        The  competition  required  the  team  to
        design  a  settlement  in  the  Venusian
        atmosphere  of  12,000  people.  Nimaye's
        team  was  also  invited  to  the  Imperial                                                                            Aditya  Krishnan,  IGCSE  Grade  X  wins  Gold  Award  in  Sanika Daga IGCSE Grade 9 has won a silver award at the prestigious
                                                                                                                               The  Queen's  Commonwealth  Essay  Competition  (QCEC)  2021.  Queens  Commonwealth  Essay  Competition  2021  in  the  Senior
        College London to be a part of the final                                                                                He  was  encouraged  to  continue  expressing  his  ideas  through
        round of the competition.                                                                                              writing  and  harnessing  the  power  that  his  voice  holds  within  category. Out of a list of varied topics given, she chose to write her
                                                                                                                               the immediate and global community.                   essay on “Keeping connected through COVID-19.

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