Page 104 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 104

Advay Dhoot                Arhav Thakkar places third in the                              The DAIS Science Journal, our academic publication                          Anshul Bhatt
                                      excels in chess            World Robotics Olympiad                                        announces its first student research paper !                                 wins the Junior

                                                                                                                                                     The  DAIS  Journal  of  Science  is  an  open-access,  student-led   National Bridge
                                    Advay  Dhoot  of  class  three  is             Arhav  Thakkar  of  class  9A  placed
                                    ranked  in  the  top  4  chess                  third in the World Robotics Olympiad                             academic journal exclusively publishing research by high school and   championship
                                                                                                                                                     middle school students in the fields of science, maths, engineering
                                    players  across  India  by  the                  at  the  National  Level  where  he                             and technology. Submitting a paper is a great way to experience the
                                    World Chess Federation. He is                                                                                    craft of academic writing, learn from our experts and editors and   Anshul  Bhatt  of  class  8C  wins  the
                                                                                     represented DAIS.                                                                                                     Junior National Bridge championship
                                    one  of  the  youngest  rated                                                                                    gain  recognition  for  your  ideas.  We  are  dedicated  to  helping   and also qualified in the Gold category
                                                                                                                                                     students reach their potential and dive deeper into research!
                                    chess players across the world                                                                                                                                         at  the  Willingdon  Sports  Club
                                    and  is  currently  atop  the                                                                                    IBDP Grade 12 student Manan Agarwal   publishes his research   tournament.
                                                                                                                                                     paper -  Geospatial Interpolation
                                    rankings  in  Maharashtra  with
                                    an  Outstanding  ELO  rating
                                    of 1337.                    Rounaiv Rana wins
                                                                second place in

          First Tech Challenge (FTC)                            international
        Arav  Kaul  from  IGCSE  Grade  8C  along  with  his  FIRST  TECH
                                                               Rounaiv Rana of class
        CHALLENGE  (FTC)  Team  Sigma  went  on  to  participate  in  FTC
        Mexico National Championship. The Team won Think Award,   5  won  second  place
        the second highest honour of the competition and stood 4th in their   in  the  International
        Robot run performance as well.                         Chess  Tournaments
                                                               held  in  Budapest.  He                                           Ahana Shah shines at                                  Aarna Sanghai wins the
        They  also  got  a  chance                             also placed third in the                                          Speed Arithmetic Competition                          Dean's List Finalist Award
        to  participate  in  IOWA                              Lugano  Chess  Open  in
        I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O p e n                    S w i t z e r l a n d   a n d   w a s                                                                                 Vedant Bhasin of class 8A is now ranked third in the AITA ranking in
        Championship.  They                                    mentioned in the top three across                                                                                     the U14 category. He has also been offered several scholarships for
        continued  with  their                                 India (2010) and top 5 U11 by the international FIDE list                                                             his performance at the all India level.
        impactful  performance
        and won the much coveted
        Motivate  Award  being
        the  only  Indian  Team  to
        Win  in  the  competition!
        Their  robot  was  able  to
        collect the rings from floor
        and  shoot  them  at  5  feet
        high goal posts.

          Ishaan Shah scores highly                   Keshav Mohta and team win

          at the AMC 12 exam                          at the World Robotics Olympiad                                           Ahana  Shah  of  Grade  7  B  wins  2nd  place  in  the  First  Level
                                                                                                                               in  the  Maharashtra  State  Level  Speed  Arithmetic  Competition
                                                                                                                               held at Mumbai.
                                                    Keshav  Mohta  of  class  9  and  his  team  'Greenbots'
                                                    came first in the WRO national level. They qualified for
                                                    the global level where they placed 4th                                       Minecraft Monthly Build Challenge                                   Facebook Hacker Cup

                                                                                                                               D A I S   P r i m a r y   s c h o o l                                Soumil  Rathi  of  IBDP
                                                                                                                               participated in the Minecraft                                        Grade 11 qualified for
                                                                                                                               Build  Challenge  in  which                                          Round  2  in  Facebook
                                                                                                                               the theme was "Sustainable                                           Hacker Cup - A coding
                                                                                                                               and  Attainable  Living".                                            competition organised
                                                                                                                               Aarin Punjani, Dharini Zaveri                                        b y   F a c e b o o k   f o r
                                                                                                                               and  Saketaram  Manikantan                                           professional  software
                                                  Ishaan  Shah  of  IBDP  Grade  11                                            came  up  with  their  own                                           developers  on  27th
                                                  scored  of  118.5/  150  in  the
                                                                                                                               initiatives  to  explore  the                                        August 2021.
                                                  American Maths Contest Grade 12
                                                                                                                               challenge  and  build  a
                                                  examination which places him in the                                                                                                               Qualified  among  for  top  150  nationwide  in
                                                                                                                               sustainable  world  model  in
                                                  top 5% of the world. He received an                                                                                                               Zonal  Computational  Olympiad  -  An  all-India
                                                  Honour Roll Certificate (Top 5% in                                            Minecraft, which they named 'Sustainability - the Only Elixir of Life' and Circle of Life by   high  school  competition  for  competitive
                                                  the world). He is also placed School                                         The  Green  Goblin'.  Both  builds  were  awarded  the  South-Central-West  Region  2,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    programming, 19th December 2021.
                                                  Rank 1 and Country Rank 5                                                    Beginner and Advance level Winner.
                                                           102                                                                                                                    103
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109