Page 124 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 124

KARATE                                              CHESS
          I have been perusing karate for the past 10 years of my life.                                                                                                               DEV SHAH
          Attaining a black belt in karate was a great achievement
          and it is one that I am very proud of. I started karate when I                                                         RAAHIL MULLICK
          was four years old thinking it was going to be very easy and
          I could master it in no time. But as I perused it, I realised the
          immense discipline and hard work needed to master it.
          The black belt exam was very tough and required a lot of
          preparation and practice. The practice started about a year
          before the exam where we slowly built on the intensity of
          training and exercises needed in the exam. The exam was
          12 hours long from 3am to 3pm with no water or food. It
          consisted  of  many  things  like  8  kilometres  of  running,
          500m  of  crawling,  numerous  sets  of  exercises  and
          variations of pushups, sit-ups, squats etc followed by and
          intense conditioning session after it.
          Karate has been an integral part of my childhood and is                                                                                         ADITYA PATIL
          one of the main factors that make me which made me who
          I am today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ROUNAIV RANA
                                          Shlok Agarwal

         SHOW JUMPING                                                    The COVID19 restrictions eased in 2021 enabling
                                                                         me to participate in more competitions through
                                                                         out the year. I was able to train harder and for
                                                                         longer periods of time as school was online for the
                                                                         majority of the year. I did not have to travel a lot for
                                                                         different  competitions  since  most  of  the  major
                                                                         events were held in Mumbai. This benefitted me as
                                                                         I  was  able  to  concentrate  on  school  work  and
                                                                         compete in many events at the same time. The FEI
                                                                         World Jumping Challenge took place in November                               SIDDHANTH LOHIA
                                                                         and I placed 6th in India. After this, I placed 2nd in
                                                                         the Preliminary round at the National Equestrian
                                                                         Championship. I also won a team silver medal in
                                                                         the  Junior  category  at  the  Junior  National
                                                                         Equestrian Championship. It has been a great year
                                                                         for  me  and  I  am  thankful  to  school  for  their
                                                                         support in my journey.
                                                                                                     Arjun Kanoi

             GO KARTING                                                                  SKATING                                                                I am so happy to share that Ahana and I participated at the International
                                                                                                                                                                 Gymnastics Competition at Expo 2020 Dubai .
                                                                                                                                 TIA VASA
          Karting towards Formula One.                                                                                                                            I  won  a  Gold  in  the  under  14  category  at  the  International
                                                                                                                                                                     Trampoline  Gymnastics  at  Expo  Dubai
          Motorsports  is  my  passion.  This,  coupled                                                                                                                 2020  held  in  2021.  Ahana
          with my deep-rooted love and knowledge for                                                                                                                    represented India in the under 12
          cars  has  driven  me  into  taking  Karting                                                                                                                   category  at  the  International
          seriously. I have completed my professional
          level of training from Indi Karting, Mumbai,                                                                                                                    Trampoline Gymnastics at Expo Dubai
          practiced on my home track and gone for                                                                                                                             2020, and secured the 4th place.
          weekly physical practices too. Participating in                                                                                                                           We each represented India and there
          the  Pune  Motorsport  Competition  and                                                                                                                                     were 50 participants in each age
          competing with national level racers in the                                                                                                                                  category  from  more  than  75
          under 18 category opened many doors for                                                                                                                                       countries.  It  was  the  most
          me. I managed to get the 2nd place podium                                                                                                                                     a m a z i n g   a n d   b e a u t i f u l
          at  the  Interschool  Karting  Competition,  in                                                                                  DYIA GHADIALI                              experience.  During  the  opening
          Mumbai,  and  qualified  4th  in  the  CRA                                                                                                                                ceremony,  we  marched  with  the
          Motorsports Race in Bengaluru this year. I've                                                                                                                         Indian flag. There were 6 huge screens
          clocked  a  timing  of  1.16  minutes  recently.                                                                                                                      showing aerial, front and back views of
          The  road  to  formula  one  edges  me  on                                                                                                                            our routines. It was mesmerising!
          towards the finish line as I continue to hone
          my skills, perfect my lines, and build on my                                                                                                                           I am extremely grateful to the school
          fitness. My Five Ps for success are Prepare,                                                                                                                             for supporting and encouraging us
          Pursue, Practice, Persevere and Postmortem.                                                                                                                              throughout.
                                                                                                  PRISH HEMANI
                                Krish Puthran                                                                                                                     AHANA SHAH       Anoushka Shah                     ANOUSHKA SHAH

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