Page 162 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 162

Dinosaur In The Backyard

                                                                                                                                 One Sunday morning I woke up and saw a dinosaur in my backyard. She was a big
                                                                                                                                 one! I walked towards her, and I touched her, she did not bite. She opened her
                                                                                                                                 wings and asked if I wanted a ride and I said yes. When the ride was over, we
                                                                                              HRISHA BADHEKA‘s                   became friends. I asked if she could blow fire and she said no! I wondered why?
                                                                                               LETTER TO SANTA                   She said it was her birthday on Sunday and she was turning seven it was only after
                                                                                                                                 that she will be able to blow a fire. We had a sleepover. Next day I woke up and saw
                                                                                                                                 her jumping up and down. We became good friends and she visits me every day.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Inara Trehan

                                                                                                                                                                                                       AARUSH KHANNA - MY SALAD BOWL

                                                                                                                                                                                                     मर  सहल
                                   GREEN EARTH HEALTHIER EARTH!
                                                                                                                                                                                                     मर  सहल  का नाम मायरा ह। वह मर  प क
                                                                                                                                                                                                     सहल  ह। हम दोन  एक दसर क साथ बहत खलत  े
          Personal Narrative                                                 मरा घर                                                                                                                  ह । मायरा को नाचना बड़ा पसंद ह। उस पीला रग
                                                                                                                                                                                                     भी बहत पसंद ह। मायरा क पास एक बड़ा अ छा
          My favourite family vacation was when we went to Germany. We went in 2019   मरा घर बड़ा और  यार स भरा ह। मर घर म  मर  मा
          and had lots of fun as it was before the pandemic. My family and I went for my   और  पताजी क साथ म    रहता हँ। मर घर क बाहर एक                                                              दल ह। वह मर  प क  सहल  रहगी।
          birthday on the 14th of March.                                                         ू                                                                                                                             नेवा महता
                                                                             सदर बगीचा ह िजसम  गलाब के  फल लग े ह।    मरे े घर
          Knock! Knock! I wondered why my mother was knocking at the room door.   म  एक म दर भी ह। मझ मरा घर बहत पसद ह।
                                                                                             े ु
          I  looked at my clock wearily and realised that it was 4:00 in the morning! I then
          realised that it was one hour to go to Germany. I woke up my older sister, Anaya            अ भनव शमा                  NITYA VASHI - I HAVE A SUPER POWER.   NAEVAH MEHTA’S IMPACT OF HUMAN
          and told her. Once my sister and I were ready, we got the luggage filled with                                                   I AM A TEACHER              ACTIONS ON THE ENVIRONMENT
          clothes, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, games, and lots of other things. We planned
          to pick up some food at the airport. Meanwhile, my mother told me to put our                                          The Three Little Pigs – My Solution
          passports and tickets in our pockets. My family and I sat in the car and travelled for
          half an hour to the airport. When we reached, we handed in our passports and                                          In the story 'The Three Little Pigs' the problem was that the big bad wolf blew up the
          went to get some food. We sat in the aeroplane at 12:00 noon.                                                         houses of two pigs. If I had to change the solution of the original story 'The Three Little
                                                                                                                                Pigs', I would write that they set up a trap for the wolf. The pigs covered the trap with
          When we reached, we booked an Air Band & started to unpack. After unpacking                                           leaves and rocks. They tied the trap with vines and put it outside the house. When the
          my family and I went to a pool park in the town of Berlin, Germany's capital city.                                    wolf came, he stepped on the trap and got caught. He cried for help, but the pigs did
          My father said that we could go to a water park with a ‘Black and White hole’. I
                                                                                                                                not help him. They were happy living together in their brick house.        SUVIR VERMA‘S VACATION
          didn't know what that was, I was curious.  I wanted to explore more about this                                                                                                                   WITH HIS GRANDPARENTS
          Black hole. My father took the car and told us that we would reach in sometime. In                                                                                          Keya Parekh
          ten minutes, we were there!  He led us to the changing room where we changed
          into our swimming costumes. We went to the White hole. Together as a family, we
          waited for the green light to show up. Red, Yellow, and Green! Finally, we jumped                                      मोर                                                  खीर कस बनी
          in. It was the best experience of my life. Once we came out, we got up and went to
          the Black hole. Red. Yellow. Green. And jump! When we were midway, there was                                           मोर हमारा रा   य प ी ह, जो बहत ह  संदर ह। उसक  सर पर कलगी   म    आहान हँ। मझ े खीर खाना पसंद है। मन   े दध  लया  फर चावल और
          a big upper shower flowing over us. After the experience, I was really planning to                                      होती ह। मोर को वषा  ऋत बहत पसंद ह। भगवान  ी क ण अपने मकट   चीनी डाल । कसर,  प ता और बादाम भी डाल। मर  खीर बहत मीठ
                                                                                                                                                                               ु ु
          change my mind about the best birthday in my life.                                                                     म  मोर का पंख लगात ह । मोर नाचता हआ बहत संदर लगता ह।   और अ छ  थी। सबने खब खाई।                 ु
          After the park, we went to a Dino Museum. It was amazing. We saw the bones of                                                                                 इशानी मंगल
          a Tyrannosaurus, a Stegosaurus and a Spinosaurus, the fearsome dinosaur that                                                                                                                                      आहान दशमख ु
          killed the Tyrannosaurus. And of course, a Brachiosaurus and a Diplodocus. We
          took pictures with the bones of the of the dinosaurs. Once the pictures were done,                                     I lost a tooth
          we  went  to  see  the  extinct  sea  creatures.  We  saw  the  Frilled  Shark  and  the
          Horseshoe Crab. We also saw the mouth of the fearsome shark Megalodon.                                                 Wiggle! Wiggle! My first tooth started to shake. I
                                                                                                                                 wiggled it with my tongue until my mum said,
          We used the first cable cart in the world to go to an ice cream shop. I was so   VIANA SHAH - PLANT MORE TREES
          excited to sit in it. I asked my father where we were going in the cable cart. He told                                 “No” since it will grow crooked. I could not wait
          me it was a surprise. We headed towards the ice cream shop onto the main road.                                         for it to fall. On a Saturday night I was chatting
          When we reached, I was excited because we were going to have the best ice   म    और मर  माँ                            with  my  parents  when  I  heard  a  sound  as  if
          cream. Yum! I chose Vanilla and my sister chose chocolate. My parents both chose                                       something had dropped. I looked down on the
          to have strawberry flavour.                                          मर  माँ बड़ी ह   यार  ह । कभी म    रोती हँ तब माँ   floor but could not see anything. I looked on the
                                                                                                                                 table and I saw that my first tooth had fallen. I was
                                                                                                            े ु
                                                                                े ु
          And that, my friends, was the best birthday of my life.            मझ अपने संग बाज़ार ल जाती ह ।  माँ मझ बहत            so excited that I ran into the bathroom, washed it
                                                                              यार करती ह । वे मर  पता और  मआरा को भी
          Thank You!                                                                                                             clean and put the tooth under my pillow, for the
                                                                             बहत  यार करती ह ।  मआरा मर  छोट  बहन ह।             tooth fairy and fell asleep. Thank you.
                                                        Ahaan Deshmukh
                                                                             म    भी माँ को   यार करती हँ। ू
                                                                                                                                                           Myra Parekh
                                                                                                     रनाया लखानी                                                                         BOOKS TAKE US TO MAGICAL PLACES!
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