Page 165 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 165

Dinosaur In the Backyard

          I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and went to the backyard for my
          workout. But, I saw a Styracosaurus instead of my mom! I wondered
          how it came there! The dinosaur was 20 feet long and 6 feet tall. It
          was maroon, red, orange and yellow. Its eyes were red and it looked
          like it was a male dinosaur. I was amazed to spot it in my backyard.
          The dinosaur looked petrified! It looked like it was lost!
          I approached the dinosaur and it came close to me. I patted and
          comforted it. I realised that it must have come from a nearby Dino
          park. I bolted to the park, but the head of the park said that they
          hadn't lost any Dinosaur. I was shocked and wondered where it had
          come from! I had an idea and I sprinted back to my room and googled
          about how to find a missing dinosaur. Finally, I stumbled upon an
          article which reported a missing dinosaur in Australia. I gathered all the
          details and managed to report the missing dinosaur to them.            AADAVIK KHANNA
                                               Vihaan Sanghvi

                                                                          मरा नाम इ शता ह। म    सात साल क  हँ। मझ खाने म
                                                                                                          े ु
                                                                          छोल पसंद ह । मझ बगीचे म  झला झलने का बड़ा शौक
                                                                                       े ु
                                                                          ह । म    दसर  क ा म  पढ़ती हँ। मझ अपनी क ा बड़ी
                                                                                                    े ु
                                                                          अ छ  लगती ह।
                                                                                                      इ शता गोयल
 II B                                                                    Summer of 21
                                                                         I was super excited! Do you know why? I was going
                                                                         to Alibaug with my family for my summer holidays!
                                                                         We were stuffing our luggage into the car, but my
                                                                         mom was very focussed. She tried to fill every inch
                                                                         of space, we had in the car. Soon, we jumped into
                                                                         the car and we finally set off!
                                                                         After a long two-hour Ferry ride, we finally reached
         The Day I helped Someone in Need                                Alibaug!  It  was  green  everywhere.  Outside  my
                                                                         window it was blurry, but I could see some bulls and
         "Oh Daddy! Can we go out because it is a Sunday?” I asked my Dad.
                                                                         goats.  They  looked  grumpy!  Soon  we  reached
         “Yes, Darling, anyway it is a beautiful, sunny day,” he replied. We went to the
                                                                         Alibaug and when we saw the pool, my sister, Myra
         mall and found a play area. My sister and I had so much fun as we went on many   insisted on getting in right away. Just as we were
         rides. Then, we went to a candy shop and bought a lot of candies. My Dad said,   about to get in, it started pouring! Oh, no!
         "It is time to go to the restaurant.”  Next, we sat in the car and waited excitedly
 Ecosystem is important because it has lots of diversity   to get to the restaurant of his choice. On the way, an underprivileged lady with a   However, it was fun playing in the pouring rain.
 and keeps the system healthy for all living things.   cute baby came knocking at the window of our car. She asked for money. My dad   Seven days later, we went to a beach house! I had
         turned her away. At that moment, I realised I had my savings in the car. I told my   been there earlier, and it was a blast this time too! I
 Adira Abraham
         dad to call the lady back because I wanted to help her with the money I had. The   wish  I  could  have  stayed  longer,  but  I  was  also
         lady had walked away, but we followed her. I ran up to her and gave her the   excited about getting back to school.
         money. She was so happy and smiled, thinking about all the things she could buy
         with it.                                                                                    Misha Baijal
         After that, we went to the restaurant and had a wholesome meal.
                                                            Rutva Kasi

                                                  मरा प रचय
                                                  मरा नाम अ दरा ह। म    सात
                                                  सालक  हँ। मझ अपनी बहन
                                                              े ु
                                                  रया क साथ खलना बहत पसंद
                                                  ह। मरा मनपसंद खाना पा ता
                                                  ह। म    दसर  क ा म  पढ़ती हँ  ू
                                                  और  मझ  'लगो'  स  खलना
                                                         े ु
 Responsibility  means  doing  things  that  you  are   अ छा लगता ह।
 expected to.                                                 अ दरा इ ाहम     DO THE RIGHT THING EVEN IF NO ONE IS
 Aleha Shah         YASH CONTRACTOR                                              LOOKING THEA TUREL PRADHAN
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