Page 166 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 166

The Surprise Gift                                                                                             Conflict Resolution

                                                       I saw my mother lighting Diyas, I was quite confused about why she was                                        One sunny day, I invited my friend over for a play date. I was super happy to see Isabelle.
                                                       lighting  lamps.  I  checked  my  calendar  and  realised  it  was  Diwali,  my                               First, we painted pictures. Then we went to the garden and played ball for some time.
                                                       favourite festival of the year. Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the                             Suddenly, our tummies began to growl and we realized that it was time to have lunch.
                                                       door and there was my neighbour, holding a colourful sequined bag. He                                         We ran up and told mom that we were hungry. Mom had made our favourite spaghetti.
                                                       handed it over to me and said, “Happy Diwali! This is for you, use it to make                                 After lunch we played Monopoly. Isabelle won the game of   Monopoly. Later we
                                                       something for your  front door.”
                                                                                                                                                                     decorated some cupcakes and made buttery popcorn. We also watched a scary movie
                                                       ” Thank you!” I replied                                                                                       called Spooky Buddies. After all this, we went into my room to play with my dollhouse.
                                                                                                                                                                     Isabelle picked up my favourite toy and started to play with it. Accidentally, it fell out of
                                                       I jumped up and down with joy and smiled from ear to ear. I opened the gift                                   the window. I was heartbroken and tears rolled down my eyes.
                                                       and saw a Rangoli kit. I wanted to use it, but didn't know how to do it.
                                                                                                                                                                     Mom came and asked, “What is going on?” We told her about what had happened.
                                                       I called my mother and took a few hours to learn how to draw the rangoli.
         SPACE EXPLORATION DEVICE BY A YOUNG ASTRONAUTS                                                                                                              She said that it was an accident and that it was fine. “Alyssa, I will get you one more,
                                                       After several attempts of trying I made a rangoli outside my house with a                                     confirmed my mother.” Eventually, we ended the evening on a good note.
                                                       snowy white, blue, mustard yellow, magenta and emerald green powder.
                                                       My doorway looked best of all; it was eye catching. I decided, that every                                                                                         Alyssa Pradhan
         म    कौन हँ                                   Diwali, I would decorate the entrance with colourful and intricate patterns
                                                       of rangoli.
         मरा नाम  लोक ह। म    सात साल का ह। ँ  मझ नीला रंग बहत                                  Sharanya Agarwal                                                     मरा घर
                                        े ु
         पसद ह। म    दसर  क ा म    पढ़ता ह। ँ  म ै खब पढ़ाई करता ह। ँ  मझ े ु
         पीज़ा खाना बहत पसद ह । म    बहत तज़ साइ कल चलाता ह। ँ                                                                                                         मरा घर बड़ा ह। मरा घर साफ़ ह। मरा घर बहत अ छा ह। मर घर का रग सफ़द ह। मर घर म
                                                                                                                                                                     म    पाठशाला क  पढ़ाई करती हँ। मझ अपना घर बहत  यारा ह। ै
                                                                                                                                                                                              े ु
                                          लोक रावत
                                                                                                                                   AAYUSH KANODIA EMPHASES ON                                                                  रया पारख
                                                                                                                                     WE DON’T HAVE PLANEET B
         My Snapshot Moment -When I lost a tooth                                                                                 My Family Vacation                                                       Sharks-  Informative
         On a Monday morning, I lost my tooth! “Mom! Mom! "I said. “I have                                                       Chirp! Chirp! The birds woke us up. It was early morning, and we were ready to go to Pench
         lost my tooth.”                                                                                                                                                                                  Writing
                                                                                                                                 Tiger Reserve. I went to the airport. Mom surprised me and told me that Anaishaa Murarka, my
         She said,” Oh Nivaan! You lost your tooth!” She asked me to put it in                                                   cousin was also coming with me. We flew to Nagpur, had a three-hour long drive and finally   Sharks  are  in  every  ocean.  Did  you
         a bowl. I waited and watched it the entire night.  But I didn't get any                                                 reached the jungle. We were overjoyed to see that our cottages were next to each other's. I   know  that  sharks  are  different  in
         gift. So, I put my tooth under my pillow. The next day, I waited to see if                                              was extremely excited, as the next day we were leaving for a Tiger Safari at 5:00 am.  shape, colour and size? But they are
         I would get something. But there was nothing!                                                                                                                                                    alike  in  some  ways  too.  Sharks  use
                                                                                                                                 After the cold night, we woke up and Mom layered me with so many woollen clothes, as   their  tails  to  steer  themselves.  They
         I felt sad! I asked my Fairy Godmother, “Where is my gift?” The next                                                    the temperature was going to be very low. We sat in an open jeep and icy cold winds were   cannot  swim  backwards  like  other
         morning, I got a present. It was a science kit!  I jumped with joy!                                                     smacking our shivering faces. At first, my father spotted an Indian wild Boar with enormous   fish.  Instead  of  bones,  sharks  have
                                                 Nivaan Mistry                                                                   tusks. Then, we spotted a Mud- Pecker, an owlet and many other beautiful birds!  cartilage  in  their  body,  which  helps
                                                                           KAVYA VERMA URGES EVERY ONE                           Sadly, we didn't see any tigers, but we had a fantastic holiday!         them to stay afloat.
                                                                            TO BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER                                                                                  Vihaan Purohit    Sharks have a keen sense of hearing
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and smell. They have another sense
                                                                                                                                                                                                          which  most  animals  do  not  have.
                                                                                                                                                            Design a planet                               They  feed  on  small  bites  of  electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                          energy  coming  from  other  fish.
                                                                                                                                                            Crash! I landed with a thud! We have no fuel. Oh,   Sharks have almost 3000 teeth. The
                                                                                                                                                            where am I? such a mysterious planet. This planet is   scales on their body are very spiky.
                                                                                                                                                            pink and blue. Every 24 hours it changes colour to red     If  you  try  to  pet  a  shark,  you  will
                                                                                                                                                            and orange. The size of it is like four Earths. The planet   realize that it feels like sandpaper. Did
                                                                                                                                                            is made of rock, soil, and water. It is full of oxygen and   you know, some sharks have an extra
                                                                                                                                                            75% water too.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          eyelid to keep dirt out of their eyes?
                                                                                                                                                            There is one confirmed moon. The air is breathable, and the   Sharks are an incredibly special kind
                                                                                                                                                            sky, a beautiful turquoise. I look around and see a shop with   of fish. I hope you think so too!
                                                                                                                                                            all kinds of fuel. So, I run there and see rocket fuel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Anaishaa Murarka
                                                                                                                                                            I buy some rocket fuel. I put it
                                                                                                                                                            in  my  rocket.  Oh,  friends!
                                                                                                                                                            Before  I  say  goodbye,  this
                                                                                                                                                            planet  is  named  Ruby!  I
                                                                                                                                                            better  be  going  now.  Bye!
                                                                        AMISHA TREHAN TREAT TREES WITH CARE                                                 321 Whoosh!
                                                                                                                                     LAQSHYE  GOYAL               Ivanka Deshpande
          A Friendly Letter to an Astronaut
          Dear Sunita Williams,                                                                                                  यासा कौआ
            I am Shanaya from Dhirubhai Ambani School. At school, we are learning about space and I am your greatest fan. I have a few questions
          for you regarding your space adventures.                                                                              एक  दन एक कौआ  यासा था। वह पानी ढँढ रहा था। उस एक घड़ा
                                                                                                                                 दखाई  दया। उसने घड़ म  झाँककर दखा। उसम  पानी था पर कम।
          Why did you want to be a space astronaut? What training did you need and what is it like to walk in space?
                                                                                                                                उसने अपनी च च घड़ म  डाल  पर च च पानी तक पहँच नह ं पाई। उसने
          When will you take me to space?
                                                                                                                                इधर उधर दखा। उस एक तरक ब सझी। वह ककड़ उठाकर घड़ म
          Hoping to hear from you soon.
                                                                                                                                डालने लगा।  फर पानी ऊपर आ गया। उसने पानी  पया और उड़ गया।
                                                                                                Shanaya Thirwani
                                                                                                                                                                         रया पा रख        STUDENT LED PLAY - ‘LUNA HAS NOTHING TO WEAR’
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