Page 23 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 23

CONSULTANT  work to provide students with differentiated support that   ADMINISTRATION  The  House  Keeping  Teams  had  to  sanitize  the  classrooms,
                                                               offices,  corridors  and  washrooms  in  addition  to  the  school
 addresses each student's specific needs, both academically
 AND ADVISOR   and socially.  We also promote a safe and healthy lifestyle   vehicles, multiple times a day. They carried the large invisible
                                                               burden to perform beyond normal expectations.
 and  contribute  effectively  to  the  sustainability  and
 TO THE CHAIRPERSON  conservation of our environment.          To adapt to the adage that an army marches on its belly, initially
                                                               the Canteen only provided meals to the quarantined staff and to
 Back in 2019, we had initiated a feasibility study of different   a few teachers on request, while the students had to bring their
 curricula offered world wide. We called in experts from each   own meals and snacks. Open air spaces were created all over the
                                                               school, for all to enjoy their meals peacefully and safely.
 curriculum  to  give  us  detailed  information  about  each
                                                               Students had to come to school in their own cars. Hence, traffic
 programme at the primary and middle school levels. I was
                                                               management and safety protocols for students coming in and
 personally  involved  in  leading  this  self-study  with  all   leaving simultaneously had to be organized by the Security
 stakeholders connected to the primary and middle school.      Teams to prevent traffic snarls. To further enhance the security
 We  together  collaborated  and  prepared,  presented  and    at school, we now have the armed policemen and CISF teams
 analyzed each programme to figure out which curriculum   Mr. Anil Chaudhary  securing the outer perimeter.
 best suited our present needs, especially in view of the new   Mr. Yassir Choonawalla  The teaching activities were carried out in the hybrid mode and
 Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School Campus coming up,   Head, Administration  Asst. Head, Administration  students at home could join the live classes seamlessly with the
                                                               support of our IT teams. They have done a great job ensuring
 with all its flexible learning spaces to take forward 21st
 century skills development amongst our students.              that no class ever went unengaged.
        “The only constant in life is CHANGE.”- Heraclitus.   We are   As  the  Covid-19  restrictions  were  reduced,  many  changes
 After due deliberation, I am pleased to declare that Primary   living in a very fast paced dynamic world and we have to keep   ensued. We started the school bus services with additional
 Years Programme of the IB has been chosen as the new   up  with  these  dynamic  changes.  2020-21  will  forever  be   safety precautions for the students. We must congratulate the
 curriculum for the Primary School and shortly thereafter we   remembered  for  the  challenges  it  posed:  the  transition  of   Transport Team because  from day one, students were brought
                                                               to  school  without  a  hitch  or  a  glitch.  The  school  canteen
 will also be offering Middle Years Programme in the Middle   students and teachers to online teaching & learning, effect on   services  were  also  made  fully  operational.  To  bring  more
        the life of students due to the schools' closures; movement
 School.   An update has already been disseminated to all
        constraints, and the onset of unprecedented acceleration in   normalcy to the school, few class trips were permitted and
 stakeholders at our Parent Teacher Association Executive   digital adoption. It challenged the readiness of institutions to   students were allowed to commence various events such as
 Ms. Zarene Munshi   Committee  Meeting,  at  the  parent  teacher  association   adapt  and  move  forward.  As  the  year  2022  dawned,  our   Student  Council  Investiture  Ceremony,  Sports  Day,  Art
                                                               exhibition, Science exhibition, Year 10 & 12 farewell parties,
        efforts to prepare the campus to reopen the school paid off.
 general  body  meeting,  as  well  as  at  individual  parent
 teacher orientations for each grade level.    Slowly and steadily, all classes were added step by step, to bring   Longevity  Awards  Ceremony  and  the  Graduation  Day  in
 Consultant and Advisor   life back to some normalcy in the lives of students.    school. To add to these, we had the General body PTA meeting
 to the Chairperson  Parents play an important role in the education of their   Needless to mention that the unprecedented times threw up   at the Jio World Centre. When we looked at the enthusiasm
 children.  We  welcome  all  our  parents  to  be  active   many challenges, but more importantly, it was very gratifying   and excitement on the faces of the students, their parents and
                                                               the staff, we realised that providing logistic and administrative
 “Children are the priority,   participants in our school life. We always strive to build a   to  see  our  ability  to  move  swiftly,  together  as  a  team,  to   support  to  these  events  was  rather  emotional  and
        overcome these challenging circumstances. We welcomed our
 change is the reality and   parent-teacher relationship, which is very important for the   staff and students back to school in a very safe, healthy, and   overwhelming, instead of tiring and challenging. It was a very
 success of our students.                                      satisfying and fulfilling experience and we take pride in sharing
 collaboration is the strategy.“  secure  environment.  All  our  decisions  and  actions  revolved   that all the events were organized safely and successfully.
        around  and  centred  on  the  safety  and  well-being  of  our
 We are very sure that with the help of all the stakeholders,   students,  staff  and  their  families.  We  have  gone  to  great   We express our profound gratitude to Reliance Industries Limited,
 we will be able to take our school to the next highest level of   lengths to provide a safe learning environment by devising a   HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Seven Hills Hospital, Jio World
 Education  is  a  shared  commitment  between  teachers,   excellence.  careful strategy to smoothen the transition of children and   Centre and Swadeshi Complex, which wholly supported us to
 students, and parents.  Today, the role of a school is not only   teachers back to school. It has been a great year of learning, of   commence full operations at the school, ensuring the safety of our
 to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and   'Insignia', is a magazine that encompasses a wide spectrum   enhanced vigilance to avoid disruption in the smooth workings   students, staff and their families at all times.
 empower students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers   of creative skills ranging from writing to editing and even   of the school's academic and co-curricular activities.   We  would  also  like  to  take  a  pause  and  convey  our  deep
 and members of an ever-growing global society.   designing the magazine. There is something for everyone   Re-opening schools, even in a phased manner, required the   gratitude  and  appreciation  to  all  our  Support  and
 here. My congratulations to the entire Editorial Team for   establishment  of  various  new  protocols  to  reinforce  old   Administrative Staff, who have shown incredible resilience and
 Educating  the  mind,  without  educating  the  heart  is  no   their  hard  work  and  dedication  that  has  resulted  in  the   systems.  We  had  to  double  our  efforts  to  build  a  resilient   good spirit while stepping up magnificently to keep the school
 education at all.  We, at DAIS, pride ourselves to help our   publication of this issue of the school magazine.  system for handling the new normal. The school was equipped   running efficiently in these challenging times, always ensuring
 students grow and develop into sensitive and responsible   with UV enabled air-purifiers, UV systems in air-conditioning   the best safety and hygiene standards. We are proud of you all
 citizens. Success for all students is ensured at our school by   Let  me  end  my  report  by  stating  I  am  truly  honoured,   ducts, sanitizing equipment, signages, masks and other such   for what you have accomplished.
 the delivery of an enriching, child-centered, and balanced   humbled,  and  privileged  to  be  a  part  of  this  wonderful   important aspects that ensured safety.   We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank and
        To  start  with,  basic  maintenance  teams  from  transport,
 curriculum.    There  is  a  whole  school  focus  on  student   organization  and  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to   housekeeping,  security,  IT,  plumbing,  electrical,  air   express our profound gratitude to our respected Chairperson
                                                               Smt.  Nita  Ambani  and  Vice-Chairperson  Ms.  Isha  Ambani
 welfare at all times.  thank  our  Chairperson  Mrs  Nita  Ambani  and  our  Vice-  conditioning, gardening, canteen were quarantined.  Piramal  for  their  inspirational  and  visionary  leadership,
 Chairperson  Ms  Isha  Ambani  Piramal  for  creating  and    invaluable guidance and for constantly motivating us to strive
 After two years of being online, DAIS has slowly but surely   sustaining  this  wonderful  temple  of  learning  called   As public transport for staff was not permitted, our Transport   beyond the impossible. We also want to thank them for their
        Team pitched to bring in as well as drop staff to all four corners
 made the transition to regular on-school campus days.  It is   DHIRUBHAI AMBANI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.  of the city. The team ferried 5074 staff, fronting the risk to keep   unconditional and continued support during the pandemic.
 truly an exhilarating feeling to hear the laughter and excited   everyone safe.  With optimism, wishing for better and safe times to come, we
 voices  of  the  children  in  the  corridors  and  on  the   With best wishes,  The Medical Teams had to test staff and students multiple times   sum up this report with a prayer and a promise in our heart that
 playground, as well as see the shining and twinkling eyes of   and hence we had to bolster the medical team with a doctor   this journey of operational excellence will continue for years
 Zarene Munshi
 the students as they happily go about their work.  WELL-BEING  and  2  more  full-time  nurses.  They  were  supported  by  the   and years to come.
 Consultant &   Administration Team as our school organized the periodical   With best and warmest regards,
 Teachers at DAIS are highly qualified and experienced and   Advisor to the Chairperson  RTPCR and RAT testing of students and staff, which has been a   Yassir Choonawalla  WELL-BEING
 are  committed  to  supporting  each  student's  learning   major initiative that we had undertaken. We also facilitated the   Head of Administration
 experiences through high-quality instruction and guidance   vaccination of 431 students and 428 staff and their family
        members,  and  administered  558  booster  doses  since   Anil Chaudhary
 that addresses the needs of the individual child. Teachers
        reopening school.                                      Asst. Head of Administration
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