Page 20 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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INTERNATIONAL                                    two choices. These university acceptances have included 93      offering support to students, and English-Vinglish, teaching   Project by the British Science Association and an “Outstanding
                                                               acceptances to 19 of the universities listed in the QS World's
                                                                                                                                                                                      Achievement  Award  -  Engineering  Category”  at  the  British
                                                                                                                               basic  English  to  the  support  staff  at  DAIS  were  a  valuable
                 CURRICULUM                                    Top 30 Universities. This group of university includes the Russell   addition to the life of the school.               International  Education  Association  (B.I.E.A.)  for  creating
                                                                                                                                                                                      innovative packaging material from food waste. in Grade 8
                                                               Group in the UK and the US Ivy League.
                                                                                                                               Special thanks are due to the Student Council. Their goal is to
                                                               These students are our ambassadors in the wider world, and      make  sure  that  the  student  body  is  actively  engaged  with   Ayaan Shankta was named an International Young Eco-Hero
                                                                                                                                                                                      2021 by Action for Nature, a San Francisco based NGO, which
                                                               we are confident that they will represent all the virtues which   various activities in the form of inter-house events - aiming to   honours  young  environmental  activists  globally.  Ayaan  has
                                                               we seek to engender in our students. Our objective has always   encourage  students  to  explore  new  hobbies  and  find  their   designed a water pollution sensor, 'Hydrus'.
                                                               been to help develop principled, reflective, and self-directed   passion through them. From the beginning of the year, the
                                                               leaners  who  enrich  the  country  and  the  world  by  their   Student  Council  has  conducted  online  events,  for  students   In the creative sphere our students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 have
                                                               contributions. Our Alumni have always done so, and we are       from Grades 1-12, including the Indian Music Competitions,   won gold and silver awards in the Queens Commonwealth
                                                               confident that the class of 2022 will continue this tradition. The   Art  and  Photography  Competitions,  Spoken  Word   essay competition 2021 in the senior category and a group of
                                                               Alumni have continued to engage with our students and offer     Competition and more. It was with great pleasure that Student   Grade  9  French  IGCSE  students  won  the  prestigious  Jury's
                                                               valuable guidance and support. This has included a number of    Council was able to restart in-school events as we returned to   award at the National Cinerama competition organised by the
                                                               internship opportunities, an area we are looking to further     physical school. The joy on the faces of students as they took to   French Institute and French Embassy of India.
                                                               develop in coming years. It was a great pleasure to have an     the  playing  fields  in  interhouse  sports  events,  including   The  abatement  of  the  pandemic  has  given  the  school  the
                                                               Alumni speak at the TedXYouthDAIS event in September on         football, throwball, and basketball is something that energised   opportunity  for  in-person  events.  Beginning  with  the
                                                               Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Neil Satra, an alumnus of the   the whole school community.                           graduation of the Class of 2021. Indeed, this was a year of
                                                               class of 2011 spoke with great insight on what he has learned                                                          multiple graduations, a total of 12 mini graduation ceremonies
           Mr. Michael Shields        Ms. Sonali Bajaj                                                                         That excitement was even more evident during our first Athletics
                                                               on his journey from product manager at Google to recently       Meet since 2019 as the students and staff took to the field to take   took place in the school Auditorium and served as a fitting
            Head, International         Deputy Head,           securing a place at Entrepreneur First to build his own start up,   part  in  a  festival  of  sports.  Long  contained  energy  and   finale  for  the  class  of  2021.  A  further  highlight  was  the
                Curriculum         International Curriculum    Magi Metrics.                                                   enthusiasm was allowed to finally find a suitable venue in an   opportunity  to  conduct  Student  Council  Investiture  for
                                                               Round Square (RS) continues to be a key part of the school and   outstanding day of friendly, but intense competition in our 18th   Academic Year 2021-22 in the school grounds in the presence
                                                                                                                                                                                      of  our  Vice  Chairperson,  Ms  Ambani  Piramal.  The  further
        As we come to the end of the academic year, we have the   this  year's  Round  Square  King  Constantine  medal  winner,   Annual Athletic Meet. In the week before a staff versus Grade 12   easing situation allowed us to celebrate in school with our
        opportunity to reflect on an extraordinary year in the life of the   Kareena Shankta, richly deserves her recognition. Kareena is a   football match brought the whole school on to the field to savour   grade 10 and 12 students as they came to the end of their
        school. From beginning the year online, we have been able to   student  who  has  an  attitude  that  supported  her  service   a great match. Experience was no match for Youth in the long run   IGCSE and IB studies. Student Council members and students
        move back to in person schooling safely as a consequence of   involvement in school and outside the school community. She   and as the game wore on the students were able to get the upper   from  grades  9  and  11  provided  wonderful  evenings  of
        the great efforts of our medical staff and the wise guidance of   has taken her passion for the arts forward through her Kayasha   hand and claim a well-deserved victory.    entertainment which were greatly enjoyed by the students and
        our  Chairperson  and  Vice  Chairperson.  Our  COVID  testing   charitable initiative which connects buyers with disadvantaged   DAIS students have made their mark in sports as diverse as chess,   staff  in  attendance.  It  has  been  heartening  to  see  the
        protocols and programme of supporting vaccinations for staff   groups who sell their art as a lifeline to survival. She consistently   where we have a State Champion, table tennis and golf (where a   resumption of so many in school events as the year progressed,
        and eligible students have been driven by Mrs Ambani and Ms   involved the CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)   team and has   grade 12 student has been selected to play for the University of   including our first university representative visit, students being
        Ambani-Piramal and have made our school an outstandingly   taken feedback to further improve her projects and continues   Akron's  women's  golf  team  with  a  100%  scholarship)  and   able  to  undertake  fieldtrips,  an  excellent  Group  4  science
        safe  learning  space.  This  has  allowed  us  to  deliver  an   to contribute to the school community by guiding her juniors   Equestrianism where we have a National Equestrian Competition   project exhibition, and Earth Day celebrations.
        educational experience which has combined the best of what   to take on and pursue her project. Round Square continues to   silver medallist. We even have a Guinness World Record holder in
        we did in the online world, the use of Microsoft teams as a   be  an  avenue  for  international  and  cultural  exchange  and   the niche area of Airline identification!     Where there were benefits in staying online, we continued to
        platform  that  allows  remote  learning  for  those  who  must   many  students  have  enjoyed  and  benefited  from  the  RS   Our  students  have  continued  to  excel  in  competitions  both   use the microsoft teams platform as a way of allowing wider
        isolate  and  serves  as  a  repository  for  students’  learning   Postcard  sessions  and  the  RS  India-Peru  Virtual  Cultural   extracurricular and academic. Robotics has always been a great   participation. DAIMUN 2021 offered the experience of sharing
        materials, with the joy of in person learning and co-curricular   Exchange events on a variety of themes. It is very pleasing that   strength of the school and our team, Elev8, competed in the First   views and opinions on important issues in our global world
        activities. The resilience of students, parents, and the faculty   6 of our Grade 11 students have volunteered to participate in   Robotics  competition  regionals  at  Sacramento  and  Central   with students around the world online. As well as enjoying our
        during this period of remote learning has supported our shift   Expani-  Teaching  English-  a  service  initiative.  They  will  be   Valley, USA from 22 March to 03 April 2022 where they won the   students excelling in their pursuits, we have benefited from the
        back to in person schooling. At the heart of all of this activity   teaching English language to under privileged children in Peru   Entrepreneurship Award in the Central Valley Regionals. Special   wisdom  of  speakers  in  our  Leadership  series  who  have
        has  been  the  school's  concern  for  the  students,  their   (Online) through weekly sessions with the Peruvian students,   mention goes to Aarna Sanghai from grade 11 who won the   themselves exceled in their fields. This year, for the first time,
        opportunities to grow and their wellbeing.             for a period of 2 months. DAIS hosted the Service-In-Action     Dean's List Finalist Award. This award recognizes the individual   we  extended  the  invitation  to  take  part  to  Middle  School
                                                               virtual Round Square conference 'Service through the lens of                                                           students during the Questions and Answer session which was
        The cancellation of the IGCSE and IB examinations for the class   selfcare” where over 260 participants comprising delegations   efforts, leadership, and dedication of FIRST's most outstanding   held with Olympian, Ms. Saina Nehwal.
        of 2021 was a source of great disappointment to our students   from 38 schools from Dodoma, Armenia, Australia, Canada,   secondary  school  students.  In  the  field  of  computing  and   We  are  very  grateful  for  our  students,  parents  and  staff
        who  relish  the  opportunity  to  demonstrate  their  learning.   France, India, Oman, Thailand, and Pakistan, focused on what   programming a grade 9 student who was a National Winner in   completing the CIS survey. The survey is a useful tool which we
        However, the students were rewarded for their efforts by the   has been a key theme for the school over the year. The whole   the Google Code to Learn 2021-22 competition.   use  to  assess  how  we  are  meeting  the  needs  of  all  of  our
        examination  boards  who  used  information  on  student's   DAIS team can take great pride in the feedback given by the RS   In  Mathematics  we  have  had  winners  in  the  AIMO  (Asian   stakeholders and will assist us as we prepare for our upcoming
        performance to award grades. The Class of 2021's average   regional co-ordinator that this has been “the only event from   International Mathematics Olympiad) and HKIMO (Hongkong   CIS/NEASC re-accreditation visit. The school staff have continued
        score was 41.1 points, which ranked us once again among   the South Asia & Gulf region this year, and has made the whole   International Mathematics Olympiad) and students who have   the process of curriculum review and self-reflection which is at
        the  Top  IB  Schools  in  the  world.  Seventeen  students   Region proud of your students”                           competed  in  the  WIMO  (World  International  Mathematical   the heart of the process and your inputs are vital in this.
        earned  the  perfect  score  of  45  points,  compared  to  1351                                                       Olympiad) from both the IGCSE and IBDP cohort. We have had   Our sincere gratitude and appreciation go to our Founder and
        worldwide.  73%  of  our  candidates  achieved  40  or  more   CAS activities and charity work have continued to be delivered   students place in the top five nationally in the American Maths   Chairperson, Mrs. Nita Ambani and Vice Chairperson, Ms. Isha
        points.  This  is  our  best  performance  at  IBDP.  Our  IGCSE   online and have made a difference to the lives of all of those   Contest Grade 12 (AMC 12). Our mathematicians continue to   Ambani Piramal for their visionary and inspirational leadership,
        students also continued to earn excellent results. 92.6% of all   involved,  student  volunteers  and  those  who  are  the  target   represent the school with great success, and this was further   and to our Board of Governors. Heartfelt gratitude also to our
        grades achieved were A*and A grades, which is our highest   group  for  the  projects.  The  Workout  Warriors  project  has   reflected in the triumph of our senior team in the Infinity Math   IGCSE  and  IBDP  Coordinators  and  Assistant  Coordinators,
        ever. Fifteen students earned 11 A*'s in all the subjects they   supported  elderly  citizens  get  active  during  the  physically   Competition in January 2022.            Ms. Mukherjee, Ms. Dhawan, Ms. Basu, and Mr. Makwana; our
        appeared  for  and  Six  students  achieved  10  A*'s.  One   sedentary time that has been the pandemic by a combination   Further success was enjoyed by Maanav Kothari and Aditya   Curriculum Coordinator, Dr. Potukuchi; our RS Coordinator, Ms.
                                                               of online sessions and interactions. The ongoing Menstrual
        student topped one subject in the world (Dhruv Bhalla;   Movement  works  towards  breaking  the  taboo  surrounding   Mehta  of  Grade  11  who  won  the  GRAND  AWARD  in   Nanda; our Heads of Department and Subject Coordinators; to
        International Mathematics) and one topped 1 subject in   menstruation and mitigating 'period poverty' in India.        Biomedical  Engineering  Category  at  the  IRIS  (Institute  of   our Student Care team, our College Counselling team, The IT
        India  (Devika  Kothari;  Hindi).  Our  great  results  and                                                            Research & Innovation in STEM) national fair 2022. They will   support team, administration, security and support staff, and
        reputation for producing students who are well equipped for   We had ten Y 12 CAS projects running this year.  These ranged   now  represent  team  India  at  the  Regeneron  International   especially to all our faculty colleagues, who work closely with,
        further study has resulted in our students being accepted in the   in  focus  from  Environmental  protection  and  awareness  to   Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), USA in May 2022. As part   guide, and mentor students on a daily basis and work tirelessly to
        best universities across the world. The Class of 2022 has had an   those that concentrated on need for financial literacy among   of  their  research  project,  they  have  designed  an  innovative   inspire them to excel.
        acceptance rate of 45%of their applications and 44% of the   female  domestic  workers  in  the  informal  economy  in  an   product -MOUTHSCOPE. It is an autonomous detection device   Michael Shields
        class receiving funding from 75 scholarships, totalling US$   increasingly cashless society, to those with a focus how the arts   for oral precancerous lesions using fluorescent imaging and   Head, International Curriculum  WELL-BEING
        5,543,355 over four years. 22% of the Class of 2022 have   can be leveraged to support animal charities in the city. The   Artificial  Intelligence.  Our  students  have  also  excelled  in
        been offered a place by their university of first choice and 45%   focus was not always out of the school community however,   environmental  areas  with  awards  of  the  prestigious  GOLD   Sonali Bajaj
        of them have been offered a place by the University of their top   and two projects had an impact in school. Peerhelp, focused on   CREST AWARD for a Water Contamination and Purification   Deputy Head, International Curriculum
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