Page 18 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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MIDDLE &                                  offered us reasons to celebrate and provide avenues for honing   Ermitage on the history of their town, Maisons-Laffitte. Our   they would have their board exams as the pandemic was not

                                                               the  presentation  and  leadership  skills  of  students.  Grade  6   students presented a panorama of Indian culture, costumes,   permitting them to be back in physical school. Eventually the
                  SECONDARY                                    explored  the  concept  of  ‘Relationships’  through  a         and wildlife. They evidenced exceptional leadership skills and   CISCE  (Council  for  Indian  School  Certificate  Examination)
                                                               transdisciplinary  approach,  wherein  they  collaborated,      handled the interactions with élan.                     decided to compute their board results based on their school
                       SCHOOL                                  investigated  and  researched  the  concept  central  to  various                                                       assessments in Grades 9 and 10. The effort that the students

                                                               subjects including Dance, Drama, Music and Yoga. This was                                                               had  put  in  through  the  years  was  rewarded.  Of  the  31
                                                                                                                               Our students were enthusiastic participants in many Robotics
                                                               hosted virtually and comprised performances and display of                                                              students, 26 students scored 95% and above, 29 students
                                                                                                                               competitions. A team of 12 students across grades 8-12 took
                                                               individual  projects.  We  were  glad  that  we  had  a  happy                                                          scored 90% and above, 2 students scored below 90%. The
                                                                                                                               part  as  Team  Ignite  and  won  the  Indian  National  Space
                                                               gathering of students and parents on the virtual platform!                                                              highest  aggregate  score  of  99.6%  was  scored  by  Manit
                                                                                                                               Settlement Design Competition. They worked for 5 months to
                                                                                                                                                                                       Tanwar  (with  a  perfect  score  of  100  in  4  subjects).  The
                                                                                                                               submit  a  650-page  proposal,  which  was  ranked  second
                                                               Children looked beyond their virtual horizons to add happiness   runner-up out of 30 others sent from India. The team also   Second  highest  aggregate  score  of  99.4%  was  scored  by
                                                               to  the  communities  they  have  grown  to  love  and  support.   competed against teams across Asia in the Asian Regional   Lavanya Iyer (with a perfect score of 100 in 3 subjects). The
                                                               Virtual  service  programs  surmounted  the  barriers,  as  our   Round where they bagged the runners-up prize. There were   Third  highest  aggregate  score  of  99.2%  was  scored  by  2
                                                               Grades  5  and  6  connected  with  learners  from  our  NGO    spectacular achievements by students of Class 9A and 10A   students – Advit Ranawade and Pramiti Sriram (with a
                                                               partners  -  ‘Advitya’  and  ‘Jai  Vakeel  Foundation’.  Through                                                        perfect score of 100 in 3 subjects). The School's average score
                          Ms. Anjana Roy                                                                                       who  participated  in  the  FIRST  World  Championship  in
                                                               cleverly crafted game shows and skits an everlasting bond was   Houston,  in  the  IOWA  Open  Championship,  First  Tech   was 96.5%.
                      Head, National Curriculum
                    (Middle and Secondary School)              created that we would nurture and cherish for years to come.    Challenge FTC 2020-21 and in the World Robot Olympiad,
                                                                                                                               WRO2021.                                                The happiest event of the year was the physical re-opening of
                                                               Even during their virtual journey, students kept their wits about                                                       school. We began in a hybrid mode following strict Covid
                                                               them  and  5  students  secured  the  Lenovo  SmarterEd                                                                 protocols.   It was a joy to see the corridors fill with happy
                                                                                                                               DAIS #7539 Team Elev8 that comprised some of our students,
                                                               Scholarship: an initiative launched by the Hindustan Times.                                                             laughter,  giggles,  and  high  energy.  Not  only  the  physical
                                                                                                                               participated in the Sacramento Regionals and the Central
                                                               This was no mean feat, as the competition had over 61,000                                                               reopening of the school but the journey through the year was
                                                                                                                               Valley  Regionals.  At  Central  Valley,  the  team  won  the
                                                               entries  from  all  over  the  country.  From  writing  an  essay  to                                                   monitored and guided by our Chairperson Ms. Nita Ambani
                                                                                                                               Entrepreneurship Award that celebrated their entrepreneurial
                                                               interviews, our students succeeded through each phase and                                                               and  our  Vice  Chairperson  Ms.  Isha  Ambani  Piramal.  Their
                                                                                                                               spirit and comprehensive business plan which was a display
                                                               brought laurels to their school.                                                                                        kindness  in  dealing  with  every  member  of  the  school
                                                                                                                               of vital planning and business skills to ensure a self-sustaining
                                                                                                                                                                                       community during these difficult times touched many hearts.
                                                               Regular ROUND SQUARE and MUN activities kept the students                                                               With them at the helm, we are geared to forge ahead into the
                       Ms. Shiney Varghese
                                                               engaged  meaningfully  in  barazza  sessions  and  committees                                                           academic year with passion and perseverance to accomplish
                  Deputy Head, National Curriculum                                                                             The year saw students faring brilliantly in some National and   our goals.
                    (Middle and Secondary School)              where they collaborated, conferred and communicated with
                                                                                                                               International level Olympiads. A student from Class 9A won a
                                                               delegates  across  the  globe.  These  initiatives  ensured  that
                                                                                                                               Silver  Medal  and  was  ranked  18th  in  the  country  in  the
                                                               participants could execute and build on their leadership skills,
        Our new academic year 2021-2022 began on a happy note                                                                  American Mathematics Olympiad. He secured 3rd rank in   With best wishes,
                                                               research, writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills.
        even though the pandemic had continued to rule some parts of                                                           Mumbai in Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan- one of India’s largest
                                                               Students of Grade 8A, 9A, and 10A participated in various
        the world. We were in the second year of virtual schooling and                                                         Science Talent Search. He also won a Gold Medal and secured   Anjana Roy
                                                               National  and  International  MUNs  through  the  year  and
        the children and teachers had adapted themselves well to the                                                           the 45th rank in Maharashtra State for the Akhil Bhartiya Hindi   Head, National Curriculum
                                                               brought laurels to the school.
        new teaching and learning platform. We tried our best not to                                                           Olympiad. A Class 10 A student received the Bronze Award in   (Middle and Secondary School)
        let the pandemic diminish our aspirations. Our priority was to                                                         the Global finals of Hong Kong International Math Olympiad.
        ensure  the  well-being  of  the  students  by  providing   Though physical Exchange Programs could not be arranged
        them a safe and engaging environment. The focus was on   due to the constraints caused by the pandemic, a rapport was                                                          Shiney Varghese
                                                                                                                               A team of two students from Class 10A and Class 6B made   Deputy Head, National Curriculum
        building their resilience, giving them short term goals to stay   created amongst Grade 5 students of our school and that of
                                                                                                                               it  to  the  Maharashtra  State  and  National  Quiz  finals  of   (Middle and Secondary School)
        healthy, hopeful and happy. Teachers worked on strategies to   Wenceslao  Fenandez  Flores  School  in  Spain.  Our  Grade  5
                                                                                                                               the  Association  of  Schools  for  Indian  School  Certificate
        bring the joy of learning into the classes through a plethora of   students exchanged Xmas cards to share traditions and the
                                                                                                                               (ASISC)  Quiz  Competition.    This  quiz  competition  had
        activities and innovative ways of teaching.            country’s culture. It was a moment of great excitement when
                                                                                                                               students participating from ICSE schools across the country.
                                                               big boxes came to the school filled with joyous greetings from
                                                                                                                               The  student  from  Class  10A  secured  Silver  Medal  at  the                   WELL-BEING
                                                               the students in Spain.
        Registration time became a hub to exchange news and views.
                                                                                                                               National level.
        Assemblies were organized to ground the students in their
        cultural identity and also appreciate other cultures. The virtual   Grade 6 French students had a virtual exchange programme
        assemblies on Earth Day, Gudi Padwa, Ganapati, Teachers’   with  Ermitage  International  School.  It  was  an  enriching   Our sixteenth batch of ICSE, the Class of 2021 was probably
        Day,  Navratri,  Diwali,  Children’s  Day  and  Christmas   experience for the students who enthusiastically participated   one of the first batches to have done their preparation for
                                                               in  the  sessions  that  began  with  a  cultural  presentation  by   their board examinations online. We weren't sure whether
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