Page 59 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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ROUND    DAIS Hosted Round Square Events

 SQUARE   Samaanta - A Gender Equality Global Perspectives Symposium

                                          Exploring Diversity: ‘Samaanta’ – A gender equality global perspectives symposium aimed at
                                          exploring the diverse perspectives of gender inequality from around the world. In addition to
                                          our own Indian perspective. we wanted to get participants actively thinking about the problem
 DAIS Round Square                        of gender inequality and more importantly, reflect on our role in resolving it. Aligned with the
                                          goal of resolving to make a difference together, Samaanta became a gender equality global
 Student Committee Chair                  perspectives symposium that aimed to create a change in our own attitude and inspire those
                                          around us to support gender equality. The virtual symposium was led by students from Grade 10
                                          and 11 and welcomed 215 student delegates from 36 schools worldwide.
 This year, Round Square at DAIS
 allowed  students  to  engage            Along with our keynote on the Indian viewpoint of gender inequality, we also had cultural
 with the 6 IDEALS despite all the events being virtual.  presentations by international delegations from Bangladesh, Chile, Dubai, Japan, Jordan, Peru,
                                          and South Africa, who shared global perspectives on the issue with us.
 One of the key aspects of Round Square is to break geographical barriers and form everlasting relationships
 with students from across the globe. Recreating these interactions and intercultural explorations was a   Keynote  Speech:  The  event  began  with  Keynote  Speaker,  Ms.  Vibha  Bakshi,  an  award-
 raging  success  on  the  online  platform  with  students  attending  Zoom  Postcards,  Virtual  Conferences,   winning film director and producer whose films are changing the narrative on gender inequality.
 Collaborations and more.                 Through her speech, Ms. Bakshi stressed on the importance of getting men and boys involved in
                                          the conversation of gender inequality, and our role in breaking stereotypes. The speech and
 Over the past year, students across ages 12-18 have participated in over 25 virtual events held in schools
 across  the  globe.  Students  created  new  bonds  of  friendships,  gained  cultural  knowledge  and  made   subsequent question and answers session sparked eye-opening discussions in Baraza rooms.
 memories to last them a lifetime!        Every delegate was inspired by Ms. Bakshi and her work, making it the perfect way to start our
 The Round Square Core team created events with the utmost enthusiasm, guiding their juniors to reach their
 highest potential. The core team helped mentor students from middle school to plan 3 events hosted by DAIS this year - Colours of India,   International Perspective: An important goal of Samaanta, was to explore diverse cultural
 LaughTopia Postcard and AARSA - RS virtual conference on Self-care.    perspectives, and understand how gender inequality manifested differently world over. During
                                          the  sessions,  the  delegates  engaged  in  the  presentations  and  videos  of  our  international
 Along with hosted events, we launched a publication, 'Round Square Round Up', that features articles sent by students from across the
 school. This compilation includes information and experiences of student participants in Round Square events, updates on upcoming   delegations  from  Chile,  South  Africa,  Peru,  Jordan,  Bangladesh,  Japan  and  Dubai.  In  their  presentations,  they  explored  the  causes,
 opportunities, student learnings with reflections, as well as articles based on one of the IDEALS.   implications and existing solutions for gender inequality in their own countries. These cultural perspectives provided invaluable insight that
        helped delegates understand gender inequality as a global problem and demonstrated that everyone wants a more equal world, and is
 The enthusiasm for Round Square across the student body grew at a rapid rate with students from various grades becoming empowered   willing to work toward it.
 young leaders. - Sriya Bodapati, Round Square Student Committee Chair (RSSCC), IBDP Year 11
        Baraza Groups: Delegates were divided into smaller groups through
        breakout rooms for their Baraza sessions, where they engaged in
 DAIS Round Square Representative Reflection  inspiring discussions about the keynote, cultural presentations, and
        possible  solutions  for  gender  inequality.  These  discussions  often
        featured anecdotes from the delegates’ personal experiences such as
        stereotypes they are subjected to when at home and in school. This
 Through the pandemic, Round Square activities with DAIS never ceased. Instead there was a new lease of life
 as students lead several online events, regionally as well as internationally. DAIS hosted 'Samaanta' – a   allowed us to view the issue from a series of different perspectives
 gender equality global symposium, Postcards -'Colours of India' exploring India's cultural diversity and   and understand gender inequality better, before looking for ways to
 'LaughTopia'- looking at the brighter side of life. DAIS was the only school in the region to host the Round   resolve it. Additionally, clips from various popular films, which either
 Square virtual conference for the year, 'AARSA', Service through the lens of Self-care. Senior DAIS students   demonstrated a gender stereotype or broke one, were shown in
 were selected as Baraza Leaders and delegates at the RSIC 2021. Our student were invited as guest speakers   Baraza rooms. These short videos acted as a stimulus for discussion
 at international summits on women empowerment and climate change. We also hosted Spanish and French   and  helped  enrich  the  conversation  by  pushing  delegates  to
 language exchanges online. Our success story was also shared as 'Best Practise' during the SA & Gulf   recognise  both  explicit  and  subtle  instances  of  gender  inequality
 Regional Forum. Every event hosted by DAIS created a new milestone and our students were an inspiration   around them.
 for delegates across the globe. Truly, DAIS DID NOT fact DAIS created many more avenues   The outcomes from the Barazas became both a culmination of all our
 for our students through Round Square, to explore, learn and reflect!   discussions and our promises for the future. The pledges on our
 - Manisha Nanda, Round Square Representative – DAIS  posters serve as a reminder to take this movement forward in our
        own communities. Little by little, we will soon bring change.
 King Constantine Award  Kareena  Shankta,  DAIS  IBD  Year12  student  has  been  awarded  with  the   Reflections from the Samaanta Core Team:
 prestigious  King  Constantine  Award  for  the  academic  year  2021-22.
 Her service initiatives, during the pandemic, created a positive long-lasting impact on people in distress during the lockdown.   Samaanta and the process of organizing has been   I think the symposium was a great   Being a part of Samaanta and being
           an incredible experience. It showed me the work it   success and a good experience for   able to plan an event of such a large
 Kareena’s initiative, Kayasha, generated funds through sale of her paintings. These funds helped support people who had no means of   takes  to  plan  an  event,  consolidated  skills  like   me.  I  could  see  the  delegates   magnitude gave me the opportunity
 livelihood during the pandemic. Kareena revived her passion for painting with an objective to sell them and generate funds to provide   communication, teamwork, and organization, and   wanting  to  talk  about  their   to  understand  the  detailing  that
 meals to people in far-fetched areas of Chennai, Srinagar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and other states. In Saranda and Latehar districts of   allowed me to engage directly with the theme of   experiences and offer opinions about   goes into creating an event on such
 Jharkhand, her project, Kayasha provided food ration for 163 families and 82 families respectively, while 120 families were supported in   gender inequality. -Anagha Srinivasan  gender inequality. - Annsh Navle  a large scale. - Devika Kothari
 Medinipore, West Bengal. For her efforts with Kayasha, she was recognised by the
 Hindustan Times in an article titled ‘Hues of Kindness’.   Working  to  put  Samaanta  together   Organizing Samaanta gave me first hand insight   Samaanta was a great experience as
 Birsa Munda Service Initiative: During Kayasha, she had the opportunity to meet the   helped me realise my organisation skills   into the issue of gender inequality and various   we got to explore gender equality from
 students from Birsa Munda School in Jharkhand. Majority of the children belong to the   and ability to multitask. - Dhruv Bhalla  people's perspectives on it. - Kshitig Seth  different perspectives! - Saisha Gupta
 poverty-struck  tribal  and  Maha-dalit  communities  of  Manika  and  were  taught  by
 teachers of the same community. Kareena adopted this school as part of the CAS   Planning  Samaanta  was  nothing  short  of  a  life  changing  experience  -   Samaanta was a very fun learning experience. Not only
 initiative  and  along  with  her  peers  she  conducted  activities  like  singing,  dancing,   watching  so  many  young  leaders  fight  for  change  was  truly  inspiring.  did I learn how to run and direct events, but I also learnt
 storytelling, volleyball, football, and badminton over the virtual platform every week.  It allowed me to look at the topic from lenses I had never considered before,   about  gender  inequalities  from  the  perspectives  of
          and only made me want to fight for gender equality more. - Sriya Bodapati
 Over  the  summer  of  2021,  Kareena  also  conducted  a  series  of  online  drawing  students from all around the world. - Vihaan Mangat
 classes  and  competitions  with  the  children  who  were  staying  in  the  school  due
 to  the  lockdown.  This  was  not  only  a  creatively  enriching  experience  for  the  kids  DAIS Student Leaders: Anagha Srinivasan, Annsh Navle, Devika Kothari, Dhruv Bhalla, Kshitig Seth, Saisha Gupta,
 but also a stepping stone towards promoting self-sustenance through commercially   Sriya Bodapati, Vihaan Mangat, Vivaan Turakhia, Ananya Mittal, Dev Mehta, Dhaniti Parekh, Stuti Daga
 selling artwork.
        and Rajveer Batra.
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