Page 60 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 60

Colours of India-DAIS Hosted Round Square Postcard                                                                     DAIS Hosted Round Square Postcard – LaughTopia

        Introduction: On the 20th of October 2021, DAIS hosted a Round Square                                                  Focusing on the bright side even in the hardest times,
        Postcard with the theme – 'Colours of India', where over 170 delegates in                                              we  invited  delegates  from  all  over  the  world  to
        the age group 11 to 13 years from seven different countries participated.                                              embark on a journey onboard the Laughter Express –
        The primary goal of this Postcard was to share the diverse and vibrant                                                 LaughTopia,  a  Postcard  hosted  by  DAIS  on  16th
        culture of India through the lens of colours. The delegates from Armenia,
        Dubai, Japan, Jordon, South Africa, United States (Colorado, Georgia, and                                              March 2022. The Postcard, 'Laughtopia – Expression
        North Carolina), Tanzania, and Indian shared the significance of specific                                                through  humour',  brought  together  around  150
        colours in their cultures through a riveting 60-minute session.                                                        participants from 22 schools in 7 countries including
                                                                                                                               India, Pakistan, South Africa, Argentina, Bermuda,
        This Postcard also gave the participants an opportunity to compare their                                               UK, and the UAE.
        cultures through activities and games conducted in the Baraza rooms. 37
        student leaders responsible for hosting the event were guided by the senior
        leaders and mentored by the Round Square teachers – Ms. Manisha Nanda
        and Ms. Pratima Sridhar.
        Planning: The initial planning of the Postcard started in April with young
        leaders  from  grade  6  ideating  on  the  theme  of  the  Postcard.  Students
        demonstrated their commitment and enthusiasm towards the Postcard by
        engaging  in  discussions,  proposing  various  ideas  for  activities,  strictly
        adhering to timelines, and even conducting a mock Postcard after which
        they effectively executed improvements and incorporated various feedback.
        Execution of Postcard: The enthusiastic team joined the main event on the
        20th  of  October.  After  much  preparation  the  leaders  got  to  meet  and
        interact with around 170 eager delegates. They were welcomed by the DAIS
        student hosts – Samika Khanna and Vaniya Lalwani. A video, displaying the
        vibrant, rich colours of India in context with the diversity of its culture was
        shown as an introduction to the Postcard.

        After the theme of the Postcard had been introduced, a Pre task of the
        participating schools was shared. Each school shared an aspect of their rich
        culture using the theme of Colours. The interpretation of colours in context                                                                                    Planning:  The  middle  school  leaders  embarked  on  their  planning  journey    by
        of diverse cultures was engaging and the perfect beginning to the evening!                                                                                      discussing the various aspects of humor and how it could help one look at the brighter
                                                                                                                                                                        side of life. The Planning Team had started with a couple of fun games, which would
        In  the  Baraza  discussions  that  followed,  the  delegates  first  introduced
        themselves. The first activity was 'Zoom-in, Zoom-out' in which participants                                                                                     enable the participating delegates explore the good side of every situation. Our
        had to guess the subject of an image from its zoomed in version. This was                                                                                       keynote  speaker,  Ms.  Meghana  Gandhi,  set  the  tone  for  the  Postcard  with  her
        followed by 'Image Association 'in which delegates had to use image stimuli                                                                                     introductory  session  inclusive  of  interesting  activities,  helping  the  delegates
        to connect it with something similar in their culture.
                                                                                                                                                                        understand the need to explore every situation in life through  a different perspective.
        The last activity in the main session was a reflecting session titled – 'Culture
        Craze'. The host leaders displayed a range of questions framed as – “Have                                                                                       In the Barazas, the leaders interacted with the delegates starting with a game - Riddle
        you ever...?” and “Would you like to…?” - to generate responses in the                                                                                          Ride that helped to break the ice in the groups. The game entitled - 'Larry's Laughable
        form of reflections from their learning about the Indian culture. The zoom
        meeting chat was flooded with responses to the questions by the delegates.                                                                                       Problem', presented the delegates with different situations which encouraged them
                                                                                                                                                                        to think about solutions of dealing with those situations with a smile on their face and
        Reflections of the Planning Team: The young middle school leaders were                                                                                           recognizing the one thing they would still be glad for in that situation. They had
        fascinated  with  their  own  creativity  and  problem-solving  skills  while                                                                                   a hearty laugh at some tricky situation as they came up with humorous solutions.
        planning the Postcard. This post card was selected as a case study by RS
                                                                                                                                                                        The game Laugh-O-meter allowed students to rate how funny some of the shared
        central for the efficient planning and successful outcome. A moment of
        pride for all the DAIS Middle School Student Leaders!                                                                                                           memes  were.  These  activities  helped  delegates  have  a  great  conversation  with
                                                                                                                                                                        opportunities to share their ideas, leaving everyone happy and laughing!  Back in the
                                                                                                                                                                        main meeting, delegates enjoyed playing the game – 'Never have I ever', where
                                                                                                                                                                        students related to situations they have experienced or not using emotions to share
                                                                                                                                                                        their responses.  'LaughTopia' was a super successful event, and this would not have
                                                                                                                                                                        been  possible  without  the  constant  support  of  our  Round  Square  Teachers  -
                                                                                                                                                                        Ms. Manisha Nanda and Ms. Pratima Sridhar, our senior leaders, and of course all our
                                                                                                                                                                        talented student leaders.

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