Page 111 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 111


 Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R) truly is the one hour we get each
 week to sit down with a book, a clear mind, and a group to share our
 learnings and ideas with. This has been a phenomenal experience and
 has provided us with the opportunity to enhance our reading skills and
 venture into new and unusual genres that would generally be unknown
 to us. The club aims at acquainting us with different genres of books and
 articles. Over the course of these nine months, we have been able to
 explore the genres of comedy, memoirs, non-fiction and thriller, whilst
 also developing our language skills in a creative manner. A few of the
 fascinating books that we recollect include 'Born A Crime', Trevor Noah’s
 memoir, and 'Ruskin Bond' and his short stories like 'The Night Train at
 Deoli'. The discussions we had after 40 minutes of reading would allow
 us to get an understanding of each other's perspectives. Through
 collaboration and discussion we would build on each other's thoughts   MUSIC CLUB
 and aim to answer a question that related the story to real life
 experiences. We felt encouraged and supported in this journey of   As a CAS initiative, the Music Club is a diverse programme run by the 11th grade. It is a free-flowing musical environment where we
 reading and discovering different cultures and people.  are encouraged to pursue our interests by exploring several instruments or honing a specific musical talent. We learn to sing, either
        solo or with the instrument of our choice. There are no restrictions on what we can learn. We are divided into groups based on unique
        set of talents to foster collaboration. At the end of each session, the supervising teachers give feedback and identify areas for
        improvement. This ensures that the students leave each session knowing more about music than they did before. It culminated into a
 DESIGN THINKING  performance at the DAIS CAS festival.
        The main objective of the club is to improve the students' skills based on the chosen instrument over the duration of the course. By letting them
 Our club's initial focus was a mashup of AI and engineering, and how the inventive design   set their own pace for learning, we ensure that no student feels pressured and instead enjoys the experience of exploring the musical world.
 thinking process could be applied to create a novel solution to a problem. Based on our
 supervisor's instruction, we used the "5 Why's" method, in which we questioned why a
 problem was occurring to determine their fundamental causes. We decided to analyse water   PERSPECTIVES
 samples and tested them for pH, conductivity, water hardness, and suspended particles. We
 tabulated our results and examined them in relation to the secondary variables. Then, we chose   This year Perspectives released three
 to embark on a new route, launching an online STEM magazine with engaging articles and   editions: Footsteps, Dimensions and
 videos on areas that are generally not covered. As we write this article, we are completing an   Comfort.
 abstract for our first article and have recorded an interesting video about angular momentum.
          Our first edition, 'Footsteps,' was proposed
 We're excited to see where this goes.
          by the team to map how the past led us to
          this moment and where the present might
          lead us to in the future. Emotional journeys
 MUN CLUB   were documented, amusing experiences
          were shared, and overall, this edition brought out what we had been hoping for:
 As an avid MUNner, MUN Club has truly been an enriching experience   exploration of the years gone by, and hopes for the future that would come.
 for me. Whether it was having fierce debates with other delegates,   For our next issue, we decided to explore the theme of 'Dimensions'. We explored the
 guiding other delegates throughout the committee process, or chairing   multifaceted nature of everyday life, investigating ignored and underrated aspects of our lives, academia, science fiction, and physics,
 a committee of my own, this club has allowed me to better my MUN   from coral reef bleaching to ethnomycology. We received a variety of submissions bringing out unique angles and insights on a variety
 skills, as well as given me more confidence in my abilities to speak   of subjects, demonstrating the nuanced lives we all live.
 confidently on any platform. Having been part of this club for over 2
          Our last edition, 'Comfort', while initially proposed to help forget the last two years, now serves as a heart-warming symbol of closure
 years, I love that this club is a student-led activity, as it allows us to
 think critically and exposes us to new experiences in committee.   following a largely uncertain period, offering a vulnerable window into student life. This edition aims to offer an opportunity for
          students to feel comfortable with their own selves.
 After the session starts, we as delegates research our agenda and foreign
 policy for 30 minutes, before commencing with committee. As a club, we
 can adopt both HMUN and THIMUN procedures, often alternating   CHESS CLUB
 between both to give delegates maximum exposure. Our committees are
 filled with resolutions, amendments, GSLs, crises, and fierce debates in
 the form of 1v1s and 2v2s, making it all the more interesting. After the
 debate, we are given feedback by our chairs on our speeches and
 research, an element that helped me greatly in the MUNs I went to.
 Furthermore, chairing a committee was my favorite part of a MUN, as it
 allowed me to learn a variety of skills, which I can implement in future
 MUNs I go to. For example, it helped me establish organizational skills (as part of keeping track of the committee) and creative
 thinking skills (while recording a communique video with my co-chair). Watching delegates present their (often contrasting) ideas
 about the agenda and argue on the same was a fascinating experience to watch, and it was truly a rewarding experience to end
 formal debate and announce awards.
 Eagerly waiting for MUN Club has become a weekly activity for me as I hope to continue this co-curricular for the years to come!

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