Page 112 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 112


                                                                         VIDEOGRAPHY CLUB

                                                                         The Photography and Videography Club's
                                                                         individuality arises from the fact that the students
                                                                         spend more time in all other clubs' classrooms than
                                                                         their own, capturing the quintessential moments of
                                                                         their learning process. The student leaders, Ishaan
                                                                         Singh and Tejas Chakrabarti from Grade 11, have
                                                                         curated an elaborate modus operandi.
                                                                         Simultaneously conducting sessions, they give
                                                                         editing tips to the younger learners. In the
                                                                         videography counterpart, the students are enriched
                                                                         with the vivid knowledge of timeline controls,          YOUR MONEY MATTERS CLUB
                                                                         keyframing, keying, modulation, vfx, animation,
                                                                         transitioning, stabilization, color correction,         Our school offers a variety of subjects, ranging from Sports Science to English Literature. However, for the longest period of time, one
                                                                         broadcasting, and much more. These technical            of the untouched topics was money. When one hears the club name “YMM” one is intrigued by it. Your Money Matters, as the
                                                                         concepts, with a hint of creativity, synthesize an      name suggests, helps one understand and learn one of the most important lessons in the world. Money. Financial education is the
                                                                         ideal learning environment for individuals wishing      most necessary skill required in the future.
                                                                         to pursue a fun-filled hobby! The Photography and
                                                                                                                                 At YMM, we learn all about financial education in a fun way. Every Tuesday, when the bell rings marking the end of the school day,
                                                                         Videography Club at DAIS is at the epicentre of
                                                                                                                                 we all race down to LR6F to get ready to learn about savings, investing, and accounting. Every class we are guaranteed to perceive
                                                                         making memories. And what better way to
                                                                                                                                 the concept of money in a different, awe-stricken way. One of the most spectacular lessons which we have learned is from the
                                                                         conserve these memories through taking pictures.
                                                                                                                                 myriads of Shark Tank videos we watch. I still remember not being able to breathe while watching the video “Scrub Daddy”.
                                                                         Having explored intricate concepts such as the
                                                                                                                                 If anyone ever wants to learn about how to manage their money, or how to double their income, YMM is the perfect place to come.
                                                                         structure of a camera, exposure triangles, photo-
                                                                                                                                 There wouldn't be a single session in which you would not be fascinated by Mr. Manoj Kumar's lectures or your friend's presentation.
                                                                         editing and photo-enhancement, and so much
                                                                         more, the students have learned to enhance the
                                                                         quality of their photos, going from amateurs to
                                                                                                                               SPACE AND ASTRONOMY
                                                                                                                               We, a group of Grade 11 IB DAIS students, came together to create the Space and Astronomy Club to feed our growing curiosity
                                                                                                                               about the infinite world beyond this pale blue dot we call home.
        POSITIVE PEACE AND CULTURE CLUB                                                                                        So far, we have given presentations based on numerous topics, conducted interactive quizzes about astrophysical phenomena and
                                                                                                                               engaged in debates about the ethics of space. We continually immerse ourselves in discussions about the Boltzmann Brain Paradox,
        Our club activities aim at creating a sound understanding of both Positive and Negative peace in the context of the contemporary   relativity in different frames of reference, and 2022's Physics Nobel Prize in Quantum Physics and Photon Entanglement.
        world as well as being appreciative of                                                                                 In the future, we want to be more actively involved in the sphere of astrophysics. We plan to participate in competitions and write
        varied cultures in the world.                                                                                          original research focused on analyzing pre-existing data, and hopefully be able to collectively publish this to the world.
        The club began their sessions through an
        introduction to conflict management- at
        a personal, local, national, or global
        scale. There were interesting team                                                                                        MATH CLUB
        activities, and it was reassuring to know
                                                                                                                                  At the Math Club, students
        that one can be optimistic at resolving
                                                                                                                                  learn to think outside the box
        many complex issues. The Culture wing
                                                                                                                                  and apply their knowledge of
        of the club introduced us to two cultures:
                                                                                                                                  mathematics and logic to
        The Mexican culture to begin with,                                                                                        collaboratively solve real
        followed by the Japanese culture.                                                                                         world problems. We spent
        In the second term we explored the                                                                                        the first semester working on
        culture of Japan. Apart from a brief                                                                                      our problem solving skills,
                                                                                                                                  working on sequences and
        introduction to the history and
                                                                                                                                  series, logarithms, complex
        geography of Japan, the most interesting
                                                                                                                                  numbers, trigonometry,
        part was the visit of a guest lecturer, Ms
                                                                                                                                  number theory and modular arithmetic. The second semester involves using these skills to find solutions to modern problems. For
        Jhaveri, who has been a citizen of Japan                                                                                  example, using logic to understand Nash Equilibrium and solving problems in economics such as the Prisoner's Dilemma, or using calculus
        for the past 60 years. Not only did she                                                                                   to solve optimization problems. Our club also focused on solving Olympiad problems. Students participated in mathematics olympiads
        answer a range of interesting questions                                                                                   such as the AMC 10 and AMC 12, from which we qualified for the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (Aneesh Kumar and
        raised by our club members, but she also                                                                                  Tanay Pachisia). Students also won 3 runner up trophies in Infinity, an international mathematics competition hosted by Aditya Birla World
        treated our students to a fabulous home                                                                                   Academy, BITS Pilani, and the University of Waterloo (Aneesh Kumar won a gold medal and Eklavea Shah won a bronze medal in the
        Japanese food.                                                                                                            individual category).

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