Page 243 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 243

Remnants of Recollection   “Rodolfo”  Blog on Recollection

 Recollection: a bittersweet affair  Cuando tenía tres    Recollection is a powerful mental process that allows individuals to retrieve
 It takes one back to the years gone by  Escuché una canción increíble    memories of past experiences, events, and information. This process can be either
 A journey evoking scent and scene  Cantada por un cantante muy   intentional or unintentional, and it involves the reconstruction of past experiences
        from stored information in the brain. Recollection is important for several reasons,
 Allowing one to reminisce the sun-kissed day.  amable   as it plays a vital role in our cognitive and emotional well-being, personal growth,
 Recollections come and go,  No era alto    and learning. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of recollection and its
 Like waves that ebb and flow  No era guapo   impact on various aspects of our lives.
 They are the laughter and joy we shared,  Era un poco feo    First and foremost, recollection is crucial for our cognitive and emotional well-
 The moments for which we truly cared  y muy gordo    being. When we recall past experiences, we are able to relive positive memories
 Llevaba los pantalones cortos
 Our hearts are filled with longing,  and emotions, which can have a positive impact on our mood and mental health.
 Nos gustaban sus ojos
 For those we loved and for belonging,  For example, thinking back to a happy memory can help us reduce stress and
 Tenía una casa grande y era
 To a time when life was simpler,  anxiety, and improve our overall sense of well-being. Moreover, recollection can
 muy rico
 And our worries were much fewer.  help us process negative experiences and emotions, allowing us to gain closure
 Pero era viejo   and move on from them. By reflecting on past experiences, we can gain a better
 As the bell rings, and the sun fades  Era muy tonto   understanding of ourselves and our emotions, which can ultimately lead to
 And as things take on a dreary shade,  Se llamaba Rodolfo   greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence.  Hrishi Shroff
 Let us appreciate this gift we're given
 Vansh Aggarwal and   Recollection is also important for personal growth and learning. By reflecting on
 A quality only we possess as human.
 Azad Parikh  past experiences, we can identify patterns and behaviors that may have led to
 But as we look back and reminisce,  positive or negative outcomes. This self-reflection allows us to learn from our
 Tarini Arora
 We realize that life is a series of twists,  mistakes and make better decisions in the future. Additionally, recollection can
 And though our recollections may be   help us recognize areas where we may need to improve, whether it be in our   Musical Math
 bittersweet,  relationships, work, or personal life. By analyzing past experiences, we can identify   The price tag, off the charts,
 They remind us of the moments we've had the   कछ यादगार पल .....  areas for personal growth and take steps to develop new skills or habits.  Selling prices, they're a lil' bit too high,
 pleasure to meet.  हमम  से कई लोग  के   लए  व यालय हमारे जीवन का एक मह वपण   भाग होता है, जो   Furthermore, recollection is important for building and maintaining relationships.   The cost prices, they're real low,
 Atishaya Gupta and Vikram Karra  हमार  दल  म  एक  वशष  थान रखता ह। यह ं पर अपने जीवन क मह वपण और सनहर   When we recall past experiences with loved ones, we are able to strengthen our   For that pause greater profit for the shops
                                                                              So now a customer approaches,
 पल  बतात ह , जीवन कौशल सीखत ह , जीवन भर साथ  नभाने वाल  म  बनात ह  और साथ   bonds and deepen our connections. Sharing memories with others can help us
        feel more connected and provide a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Additionally,   They want a snack for family,
 म  कछ ख ी-मीठ  याद  भी सँजोत  े ह ।
        reflecting on past experiences with friends or colleagues can help us resolve   The price tags really leave them speechless,
 Roots and Wings   व यालय क सबस यादगार पहलओ म  स एक ह दो ती। हम अपन सहपा ठय  क साथ  नह   conflicts and misunderstandings, and build stronger relationships.  And jaws drop,
 और  म ता क अटट बधन क साथ सहयोग क  भावना सीखत ह,    जो हमार जीवन म  सदव आग  े  All that gst on the bill,
 Twenty years have come and gone,  बढ़न म  सहायक  स  होती ह।    चाह वह साम हक प रयोजनाओ पर काम करना हो, पा य तर   In conclusion, recollection is an essential mental process that allows us to reflect   Robbing them of their money,
 Our school began with a dream and drive.  on our past experiences, emotions, and information. It plays a critical role in our   Income tax on their job pay,
 ग त व धय  म  भाग लना हो, या खान क अतराल क समय  व यालय म  साथ घमना या खलना
 A seed that grew and blossomed with time,  हो, या दो त क  सहायता करनी हो, इन सबस ह  तो दो ती प क  होती ह।   cognitive and emotional well-being, personal growth, learning, and relationships.   NO PLEASE STOP
 Like a tree with branches spreading wide.  By taking the time to reflect on our past, we can gain greater self-awareness,   Profit, it's no sweat, just
  व यालय म  ह  हम समय  बंधन और संगठन स लकर मह वपण और खल  सोच रखने क   improve our decision-making, and build stronger connections with others. So,
 Our school's roots run deep, holding strong,  साथ सम या समाधान तक, जो हम अपने  व याथ  जीवन म  सीखत ह , िजनस हम अपने   subtract cost price from selling price,
 Like a ship anchored during a storm.  take a moment to reflect on your past experiences, and see how it can positively   And to convert to percentage,
 We've learned to fly like birds just learned,   यि तगत और पशवर जीवन म  आने वाल  चनौ तय  का सामना करने क  लए तयार होत  े  impact your present and future.  Divide by cost price, multiply by 100
 In classrooms, labs, and fields unturned.  ह । इनम  स कई कौशल समह प रयोजनाओ,   त तय  और पर  ाओ जस  यावहा रक   Angad Tathgir  Shopkeeper, don't get it all,
 अनभव  क मा यम स  सखाए जात ह ।
 Like a book, our school's walls tell a story,                                Pays income tax on his profit
 Each room a chapter, every class a tale.  वा तव म ,  व यालय म   बताया गया   येक  दन रोचक और रोमांचक घटनाओ ं से भरा   Government, they take it all,
 Each student a character with a unique detail,  रहता ह, िजस हम कभी नह ं भलत।  व यालय  वारा आयोिजत श  क या ाएँ, और खल,   Lettre a un ami  They take up to 30%

 Where students shine like stars, and their tales of   संगीत, नाटक आ द  व भ न अतसदनीय   तयो गताओ स लकर  व याथ  प रषद क सभी   Thinking, chinking,
                                                                              The coins ain't enough
 triumph prevail.  सद य  का शपथ  हण और १२वीं क ा का द  ांत समारोह तक, य सभी ग त व धयाँ और   François Smith
 समारोह ह  हमार  व यालयी जीवन का म य आकषण होत ह । य अवसर दत ह , अपनी   118 Boulevard Saint-Germain  The bank they go, for cash to borrow,

 We've explored the world with wide-open eyes,                                Cause it aint a lot, all that money,
 उपलि धय  पर उ सव मनाने का और ऐसी याद  बनाने का, ता क इ ह  हम अपनी  म तय    75006 Paris
 Soared high up and touched the skies.                                        Too much, interest,
 We've overcome obstacles aplenty  म  सदव सँजोकर  रख सक   ।        France     Bankers gonna make us go
 And emerged from challenges, resilient and steady.   व म करा   Mumbai, le 17 février 2023   Bankrupt, the rates keep on increasing
 Through it all, we've stayed the same,  Cher François ,                      Great inflation, value of money decreasing,
 A community with a common aim.  Comment ça va? Ça fait si longtemps que l'on ne s'est pas contactés. Je te   Money, it has all these complications yeah
 To educate, inspire, and empower,  Reminiscence  raconte un peu ma vie récente. Moi, je vais super bien.   Profit, loss, its percentage (woo)
 To make a difference in everyone's lives, hour by hour.                      Cost price and selling price (woo)
 A memory etched in my mind,  Tout d'abord, j'ai beaucoup cuisiné avec ma famille, ensuite j'ai fait pas mal de
 So here's to twenty years gone by,  Of a safe space within my child.  sport avec mes amis, Le weekend dernier, nous avons fait un grand festin   Types of interest on money (woo)
 And all the memories we'll never deny.  For as I recall everytime,  consistant de fruits de mer et de frites dans un restaurant local.  Cause all this stuff, useful for you
 Here's to our school, with roots and wings that bind,  When in need of a solace,   A propos de ma pizza que tu aimes tant, voici la recette secrète: prépare la pâte   Cause all this stuff, useful for you
 Guiding us through our journey of heart, soul, and mind.  The reminisince of the conscience,  en mélangeant l'eau, la farine et la levure. Puis, garnis selon tes envies en   Cause all this stuff, useful for you
 And in remembrance of fond moments,                                          When you see these formulas, don't avoid,
 Our teachers helped us "dare to dream, learn to excel,"  commençant toujours par étaler de la sauce tomate et en finissant par une   just learn!
 With dedication and passion that words cannot tell.  Etched in my mind stays the reminder of the pleasant constant,  pincée d'origan. Finalement, fais cuire 20 à 30 minutes à 210 degrés C et sers la   Ooh, simple interest,
 And the flashback of those glorious fragments.
 With the light of our teachers, forever we'll ignite,  As I take back a souvenir from my childhood,   pizza avec un bon pain à l'ail. Et voilà!  It's when interest doesn't add up over years,
 Inspiring and making the future ever so bright.  As a token to be remembered,  Cet été, je voudrais faire un stage de cuisine professionnelle en France puisque   Just multiply p by r and t,
 So let's raise a toast to our school, old and new,  And mementos to be treasured.   c'est un pays reconnu mondialement pour ses mets raffinés. Si on pouvait se   And then divide the whole thing by 100,
 To the friendships we've made, and the lessons we grew.  This association of my memory,   voir à Paris, toi et moi, ce serait tellement chouette!  Yeah you got that straightforward formula,
 To a place that gave us roots and wings to propel,  I recall,   Je t'embrasse.   It has just three components,
 With gratitude in our hearts, we reflect upon   Will keep my thoughts installed,  P is principal, r is rate
 In retrospection.   À bientôt,                                               And t is time (ooh)!
 memories that we'll forever tell.
 Kiana Fernandez   Atishaya Gupta
 Keyaan Shah                                                                                           Jiana Shroff
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