Page 27 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 27

 The IGCSE Section of the school was abuzz this year as the faculty and
 FROM THE   students  sprung  back  to  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  in-person  school  on  a   DAIS completes 20 years. All students from Classes 1 – 12 were invited to send their
 IGCSE DESK  consistent basis. In short, we were a happy school as we journeyed back to   design entries for the INSIGNIA magazine. The theme “Reflections”  was used by students
 the dynamic energy of classrooms having learnt some valuable lessons of   to create art work based on the title “The School in my perspective”.
 sustainability and explored nuances of online learning over the last two years.
 The buzz in the classrooms is ample evidence of the bond between the
 students  and  the  much-loved  Class  Teachers!  As  the  year  progressed,
 classroom engagements building knowledge, understanding and skills were
 accompanied by planned outdoor activities like PE Hill Walking, a Geography
 Coursework trip to Matheran, and the Snow Leopard Adventure trip. Lessons
 were  planned  and  scaffolded  to  maximise  academic  rigour,  integrate
 Ms. Pritha Mukherjee Ms. Richa Dhawan  inclusion, and focus on the appreciation of arts and culture to ensure holistic
 IGCSE Coordinator  Assistant IGCSE Coordinator  development. Both Board and Internal examination sessions were points of
 intense preparation and performance by students and faculty. The Batch of
 2022 did us very proud indeed as Pranaaya Jhaveri and Hrishita Shah won the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards (2021-22
 Session) given to high performing Cambridge students in a ceremony in Hyderabad in January 2023. Many opportunities were   Abhiraj Singh - 8 C  Ronav Shah - 2 B  Advay Dhoot - 4 B  Dhrish Shah - 1 B  Ritvik Sikaria - 5 A
 available for talent building and showcasing student agency in international forums like MUN, Round Square and Robotics this
 year. We congratulate students who won accolades in RIMUN and FRC Long Island in March 2023. Individual and group
 achievements are both special to us as we watched with pride students who performed individually at sterling levels in Inter-
 House competitions as well as in national and global competitions. On Sports Day in December 2022, students cheering for their
 houses with abounding enthusiasm was proof of how much the Sports Day was missed during the pandemic. We bid farewell to
 the Batch of 2023 in April in a “Masquerade” theme party lovingly organised by Class 9. Our good wishes will pave the path of
 students as they pursue the next level of their academics in DAIS and beyond. This batch has completed the IGCSE program in
 differential forums- online and in person. It was heart-warming to get back to in-person orientations and parent teacher
 meetings with our most supportive partners in the educational journey – our parents. We are grateful for the support of the
 Heads, Student Care, Medical, IT and Administrative teams, without whose support and guidance our efforts would have had no
         Evanya Chudgar - 5 A  Dhruv Parikh - 2 B  Vihaan Purohit - 3 B Taarush Choudhary - 4 B  Veronica Sridharan - 2 B
 outcome! Most of all, we are thankful for the most energetic, persevering and value-driven body of students who 'Dare to Dream
 and Learn to Excel' every day of their lives!

 Working with young adults focused on attaining high academic goals is a
 challenging yet exciting journey. Our IBDP Year 11 and Year 12 students   FROM THE
 have engaged themselves in the high standards of teaching and learning   IBDP DESK
 involved in the IBD Programme and worked at augmenting their personal
 and interpersonal development through experiential learning.   Tiana Dharia - 2 B  Aliya Agrawal - 4 A  Shanaya Jhaveri - 4 A  Pranaaya Jhaveri - G11  Anaishaa Murarka  - 3 B
 The  IBD  students  immersed  themselves  actively  in  varied  events  and
 activities this year. Year 12 learnt to be responsible with the meeting of
 deadlines. They understood the importance of owning their own work
 against the challenges faced by AI. They also overcame their apprehension
 about  appearing  for  their  Board  exams  in-person,  as  they  had  never
 appeared for their Class 10 Board exams due to the pandemic. The IBDP
 Ms. Soma Basu  Mr. Sunil Makwana
 Year 11 CAS projects in association with NGOs strengthened their learning   IBDP Coordinator  Assistant IBDP Coordinator
 beyond the classroom and immersed them in improving the life of their
 community at large. Year 11 students also showed exceptional teamwork in their collaborative Group 4 projects.  The purpose of
                  Soumya Sanghai - 10         Inaaya Amin - 4 B  Mehar Arora - 1 A Renaya Lakhani - 3 A Twisha Choudhary - 4 A
 this project was to integrate the Group 4 sciences in an interdisciplinary approach to resolve prevalent environmental problems
 and address issues of personal, local, and global significance. We had IBDP students who were finalists in the IRIS National Science
 Fair'23. Students scored laurels in Robotics too. The highlight of this year was the DAIMUN'22 event and IB students greeted their
 first offline and in-person event with enthusiasm and delight. Their efficient focus on this student-led event displayed excellent
 planning and organizational skills. A big ongoing task that we processed this year is towards the upcoming IB evaluation. The
 policies were refined, and the handbooks were updated, all these reflected our practices since the last review. Our IBDP students
 were successful in the inclusion of many fundraising ventures at the Fete and for this effort, they are congratulated. They have
 thoroughly experienced the core of the IBD Programme. The Class of 2023 has graduated and secured placements in universities
 of their choice. We congratulate them and wish them all the success in their future education journey.
          Avika Poddar - 4 B    Viaanraj Singh - 2 A          Naysha Shah - 1 A            Vedika Sheth - 2 B
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