Page 23 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 23

Today, as we celebrate the completion of 20 years at DAIS, I   not  made  mandatory.  Temperature  testing  in  school  buses
 CONSULTANT AND   would like to express my deep gratification and appreciation to   ADMINISTRATION  was no longer required. Contact tracing reports were done
 our  chairperson  Mrs.  Nita  Mukesh  Ambani,  who  had  this   away with.
 ADVISOR TO   beautiful dream and who had the foresight to see her dream   No school is fully complete until the students' activities are fully

 become  a  reality.  We  are  now  doubly  blessed  by  the   functional.  We  take  great  pride  in  sharing  that  our  team
 THE CHAIRPERSON  commitment coming in also from our Vice Chairperson, Mrs.   provided logistical and administrative support to various events
 Isha Ambani Piramal.                                          across the year. Each event was organized with resounding
                                                               success. To mention a few- the DAIS Fete, the NGO Sports day ,
 As our perspective changes, we shift through our recollections   Primary  Sports  day,  Secondary  Sports  day,  Graduation  day,
                                                               Swimming Gala, DAIMUN, Round Square, Overnight Stay ,
 and revise our memories. How we perceive and comprehend
                                                               Class 10 and 12 Farewell, Leadership Series talks. The entire
 ourselves in the past, the present, and the future shapes our
                                                               school and staff were also taken to the NMACC to view 'The
 evolving sense of self.                                       Great Indian Musical'. Students participated in various sporting
 “We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by   events across the country, the Ski camp in Switzerland, the
                                                               Robotics competition in New York, International MUN events
 the responsibility for our future.” George Bernard Shaw  Mr. Yassir   at Hague and Rome and the list goes on…
 Keeping the above in mind, we at DAIS have never rested on   Choonawalla  Mr. Anil Chaudhary  DAIS is going a major overhaul on the academic front. The
                                  Asst. Head, Administration
 our laurels, we have always strived to achieve new landmarks   Head, Administration  school  is  poised  to  be  a  IB  PYP  and  MPY  school.  The
 and climb greater heights; and thus, we have embarked on      preparations are under way to support this change. To support
 new ways of teaching and learning embracing the IB 'Primary   'Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.   this, our IT infrastructure needed a full overhaul. 101 new ipads
 Years Programme' and 'Middle Year Programme' for both our   Every sunrise begins with new eyes.'    were  bought  for  Primary  classes  tech  integration,192  Jio
                                                               Laptops allocated to Classes 3 to 5 for hands-on technology
 primary and middle school.   Richie Norton                    teaching  and  learning.  Additional  wifi  access  points  were

 Ms. Zarene Munshi   The above has opened up many opportunities and challenges,   At the onset of the new academic year 2022-23, we had the   installed to ensure good wifi connectivity all over the campus,
 both for our young learners and our faculty; however, in true   and servers were upgraded to meet the new demands.
 Consultant and Advisor to the Chairperson  opportunity to create a different memory for ourselves, leaving
 DAIS spirit, we have soldiered on and I am proud to say that we   behind two life-changing years and setting a new normal, we   We truly believe that the School Canteen plays an important
 are achieving great success.  were  determined  to  make  the  year  memorable  for  all  our   role in providing children with nutritious food. Hence, great
                                                               effort was put into the planning of a very wholesome menu.
 Twenty long years have gone by since 2003, when we first   I would like to pay tribute to each and every individual who has   students and staff. The campus was once again vibrant with   With the support of Canteen committee, we started sending
 opened the doors of our beloved school to the laughter of our   been an integral part of DAIS – I salute your dedication, your   the cacophony of their laughter, the buzz of their activities, the   out the monthly menu to parents, so they would know what
 young ones.  commitment, your innovative approach,   your never-say-die   shining eyes above the face masks. Our top priority was now to   their children would eat in school. We also started displaying
        provide a safe and secure environment for all student and staff   the  nutritional  component  of  each  dish,  so  one  would
 We  began  our  academic  session  in  March  2003  with  640   attitude and your passion to live up to our school motto, 'Dare   as we had transitioned from the earlier hybrid mode to the in-  understand  the  healthy,  balanced  meals  they  were  being
 students from LKG to Class VIII and Class XI.  Today, we have   to Dream… Learn to Excel!'  person physical mode.  The past two years had made our entire   served.    Detailed  feedback  forms  for  students,  staff  and
 about 1096 students and classes from LKG to Class XII.  We set   Thank you for the happy memories that will always remain with   school system flexible and agile to meet any challenges thrown   parents have been shared to procure valued feedback to make
 out  to  imbibe  in  our  students  the  ideal  of  “Vasudhaiva   me,  thank  you  for  the  countless  opportunities  that  were   at us.   our children's meals more enjoyable.
 kutumbakam – the entire universe is a family from the first year   offered to me as an integral member of DAIS, and above all I   We went to extraordinary lengths to provide a safe learning   We would like to take this opportunity to thank and commend
 itself.  In our very first year we laid the foundation of a world   cherish the friendships forged over the years with you dear   and teaching environment and as always, all our decision and   each of staff member, our Support staff, students & parents for
 class institution and pledged to build upon this foundation   students, parents and my fellow faculty members.  actions  revolved  around  the  safety  and  well-being  of  our   their  wholehearted  cooperation  during  these  challenging
        students, staff and their families. To start with, we upgraded   times,  for  rising  to  the  occasion  and  for  stepping  forward
 with care and commitment.  In order to fulfil this commitment,
 I  look  forward  to  the  opportunities  and  challenges  that   our infrastructure by providing facial scanners, UV enabled air   magnificently during this time of disruption.
 we have built beautiful relationships with our students, our   purifiers, touch-free sensors in wash basins & drinking water
 await us, as we continue our journey of excellence at our new   While writing this report, we would like to take the privilege
 parents, our faculty, our administrative staff.    fountains. This ensured that contamination was reduced to the
 school, Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School, which is nearing    and  opportunity  to  express  our  sincere  gratitude  for  our
 Our  school  represents  the  vision  and  inspiration  of  Shri   completion,  and  we  are  eagerly  looking  forward  to  that   minimum. We went a step ahead and vaccinated all eligible   Chairperson Mrs. Nita Mukesh Ambani and Mrs. Isha Ambani
        students, staff, and their family members to keep our school a
 Dhirubhai Ambani, our Patriarch. Our children's achievements,   momentous day.  safe bio bubble as far as possible.  In school buses, new phones   Piramal for their trust and belief in us. Also , on behalf of
 accolades, and recognition that our school continues to receive   were  given  to  the  bus  hostesses  to  log  the  attendance  on   everyone in administration , we assure that that this journey of
 As I look back on my time spent at DAIS, I see a time well spent,   excellence will continue this year and for the years to come. We
 from all quarters, year after year, speak for themselves.  board.  Our  school  medical  team  was  strengthened  with  2
 a time filled with happiness and fulfilment.                    shall strive to continue to deliver on our core mission to provide
 I  consider  it  both  an  honour  and  a  privilege  to  have  been   additional nurses, as well as a full-time paediatrician to take   the exceptional support for having the best possible learning
 GO WELL, DAIS – MY GOOD WISHES TO ONE AND ALL!  care of the testing and emergencies if any. We had installed   and teaching environment to our students and the staff.
 involved with the school such as DAIS from its very beginning.
        upgraded software to allow access for tested persons, as per
 Together  and  collectively,  we  have  seen  amazing  things   Zarene Munshi   As we conclude the academic year 2022-23, we look back with
        protocol only.
 happen – visions have been created and realized, goals were   Consultant & Advisor to the Chairperson  gratitude for all that we could achieve and all the risks we could
        Further, as the year progressed, we could afford to relax our   avoid. We look forward to doing our best and participating in
 structured  and  aspirations  that  started  out  as  ideals,  more
        strict protocols and procedures without compromising safety.   the transformative journey of our school with the upcoming
 often than not, become tangible realities.  This was possible only due to the great team efforts by the   transition to the new campus.
 Our success as a great school, is a testimony to the efforts of   Heads, coordinators, teachers, medical team, housekeeping,   With best and warmest regards!
        security, transport, facilities staff, along with our students, who
 each  and  everyone.    We  have  worked  together,  argued   Yassir Choonawalla
        adhered to every safety protocol.   As the situation improved
 together, shared our ideas and hopes together and established   Head of Administration
        gradually, protocols were relaxed. Testing was scaled down
 ourselves as ONE TEAM – not always in agreement, but always   from twice a week to once in 10 days. Visitors were allowed   Anil Chaudhary
 willing to march ahead together  entry into school with relaxed measures of testing. Masks were   Asst. Head of Administration
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