Page 25 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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The Academic Year 2022-23 has been a year of change, reflection, and action.
 The Self-study process began in February 2022, with the dissemination of the   DAIS is "Twenty"!
 CIS NEASC  Annual CIS Community survey. The survey results were shared with the school   And we, the DAIS family, decided to make the milestone-year memorable by celebrating   OUR PYP
 RE-ACCREDITATION   community in August 2022 at the PTA General Body meeting. The year 2022 was   "CHANGE"!   JOURNEY
 also the year DAIS embarked on the review of the Strategic Plan 2016-2021 and
 the creation of the new Strategic Plan 2023-2028.   For the past twenty years, we were on a path that had its own strength and, of course, its
 The Domain A report, which focuses on the Guiding statements of the school   own challenges. We drew on those strengths and we thrived on those challenges and at the
 and their role in driving strategy and planning was also submitted along with the   risk of sounding immodest, I must say that we - DAIS - triumphed!
 Part 1 report. These two reports contribute to the work of the other committees
 and were shared with the rest of the Domain chairs to support their work.   Our world is changing fast, throwing up new challenges relentlessly. As educationists, it is
 Between February and April 2023 committees met and prepared the structure   our  responsibility  to  empower  our  students  to  face  those  challenges.  To  fulfil  that
 for their narratives along with gathering evidence to support their conclusions.   responsibility, after examining and auditing foremost education systems in practice today
 As we approach May 2023, we expect to have draft versions of all the reports   across the world, we became convinced that the path to follow was the IB PYP Programme.
 ready. These drafts will be refined and edited with a view to completing the   The  PYP  is  a  holistic,  transdisciplinary,  and  coherent  learning  experience  that  fosters   Ms. Pritha Banerjee
 reporting process by June 2023.                                                              PYP Coordinator
            intellectual, emotional, social, and personal growth. Students develop a love of learning
 Throughout the process, Mr. Abhimanyu Basu, the Dean and CEO, has played
 an  instrumental  role  in  guiding  the  various  committees,  be  it  for  strategic   and agency to learn how to learn. This empowers them to be aware of their strengths and stretches their understanding beyond
 Ms. Swarnalatha   planning or in unpacking and understanding the new framework for the CIS   the content and the classroom. In the future, this strength will enable them to emerge as global citizens with the dream and the
 Potukuchi  Ms. Kavita Dyas  NEASC reporting.   power to change the world for better.
 Co-Chair, Self Study
 Chair, Self Study   Steering Committee
 Steering Committee  We look forward to receiving the Visiting Team in the next academic year and are   We are on a new journey with the IB Primary Years Programme. This journey aims to foster the attributes of international
 eager to hear their insights and feedback on all we do here at DAIS.
            mindedness with the goal of building a peaceful and cohesive world.
            To bring in the new, we brought in changes that we are very proud of. Our classrooms made a gradual shift from content to
            concept based learning. Learning became less teacher directed and more student centered, and a culture of inquiry was fostered.
 Thriving as a Microsoft Showcase School: Technology in Education post-COVID  We developed our own curriculum drawing from the best in the world. Teachers across the Primary School collaborated to build
 Being a Microsoft Showcase School in 2023 is a remarkable achievement, demonstrating a   the programme of inquiry which is central to the Primary Years programme.
 commitment  to  innovative  teaching  practices  and  the  effective  use  of  technology  in
 education. With 60 Microsoft Certified Educators (MCE) and 184 Microsoft Educators   Summative assessments changed to continuous formative assessments.
 (ME), DAIS has a wealth of expertise and knowledge to draw from. Every DAIS educator has   Parent involvement increased dramatically through 3-way conferencing and parent-teacher meeting, and finally culminated in
 completed the Microsoft Educator Academy and earned their Microsoft Educator trophy,   the recently concluded student-led conference.
 underscoring the school's dedication to providing a high-quality learning experience for
 our students.   The list is long and is a 'living' list. And the list will grow longer... of that I can, on behalf of DAIS, assure you!
 We have integrated a variety of digital devices like iPads, JioBooks, and students' own
 laptops into our classrooms to help students engage with educational content. With our
 educators' curated digital resources, students can learn essential skills including Microsoft
 Office,  Adobe  Creative  Cloud,  Coding,  and  Digital  Citizenship.  In  2022-23  we  have   DAIS officially became an MYP Candidate School on 11 November, 2022, and Class VI
 adopted Toddle as an additional Learning Management System (LMS) to manage online   Mr. Marc Bradley  OUR MYP   students started learning through the MYP framework in January 2023.
 learning and assessments.   Director of Technology
              JOURNEY                  During the first semester of year 2022, the Thursday in-school professional development
                                       and  collaboration  sessions  for  teachers  focused  on  helping  teachers  develop  their
                                       understanding of IB philosophy, the MYP framework and approach, and best practices
 During this academic year, DAIS librarians not only provided and managed quality print and   towards  High  Quality  Teaching  and  Learning.  In  addition,  we  had  an  in-school  IB
 NOTES FROM THE   digital resources but also acted as instructional partners who collaborated and facilitated   Workshop on "Developing the MYP" and teachers who are new to MYP travelled to New
 LEARNING CENTRE   learning  to  increase  academic  achievement,  broaden  perspectives,  and  work  toward   Delhi in April to attend subject-specific workshops guided by experienced workshop
 common goals.
 They collaboratively planned and guided engaging inquiry-based learning experiences that
 encouraged the students to think critically, select and use information ethically, develop   Through MYP, Class VI students are making deeper conceptual connections with the
 research and social emotional skills, and appreciate reading. They also promoted learners'   Ms. Barbara Bilgre  content they are learning and transferring that understanding to other subjects and
 engagement and empowerment by modelling and explicitly teaching information, media,   MYP Coordinator  beyond the classroom. They are learning in real-world contexts that make their learning
 and digital literacy and resource access and use, as well as supported students' success by   experience more authentic and relevant. Some examples of these contexts are:
 guiding them to read for understanding, breadth, and pleasure.
           •  How connections and relationships can build self-esteem
 In collaboration with the teachers, the librarians purchased and managed over 4,000 copies of
 titles to: 1. update and enrich the Primary School fiction and nonfiction collection, 2. support      •  How geometry can be used for beautiful and functional space development
 Ms. Maria Pannunzio  the PYP, Fountas & Pinnell reading program, and reading for pleasure, and 3. support faculty
 Head, Learning Centre     •  How understanding electricity and energy transformations can lead to a better future for all
 professional  development.  They  curated  quality,  diverse,  inclusive,  and  relevant  digital
 resources that also supported the school mission, curriculums, and students' interests, and      •  How the biological revolution can lead to sustainability in agriculture.
 instructed and coached curation techniques for the teachers relevant to their classroom and students' needs.
        Students are also developing agency through the approaches to teaching and learning that they are exploring in their subjects.
 DAIS librarians promoted a growth mindset in all learners by providing opportunities for exploration and cultivated discovery,   Students set their own personal growth goals related to managing their states of mind (impulse control, resilience, patience,
 creation and continuous reflective thinking through instruction. They maintained a teaching and learning environment that was   perseverance, persistence, and failing well). They also have focused on better organization, collaboration and communication.
 fun, inviting, safe, flexible, collaborative, inclusive, and conducive to learning. They engaged with learners to guide, model, and   Students got to demonstrate their agency as they led their parents through the MYP Learning Walk to showcase student
 champion academic integrity and digital citizenship including access to and ethical use of reliable digital resources and providing
        understanding of MYP concepts, skills and subject specific knowledge through engaging activities.
 instruction and modelling in adherence to copyright and fair use requirements.

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