Page 50 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 50


        NATIONS (MUN)

        THIMUN Hague

        The THIMUN Hague 2023 Conference was held
        from 23 - 26th January'23 at the World Forum, in
        the Hague, Netherlands. There were 21 student
        representatives from DAIS serving as delegates,
        ambassadors, student officers and members of the
        MUNITY Press Corps. Students represented two
        delegations: Barbados and Serbia. On the first day,
        the students commenced the invigorating
        experience of debate and discussions. DAIS
        students met other student-delegates from around
        the world. This was a platform for lobbying where
        discussions centered under the broad theme of
        “The Future of Borders.” A spirited Opening
        Ceremony showcased a choir, opening speeches by                                                                        RIMUN
        dignitaries from THIMUN, the United Nations, the
        Mayor of Den-Haag as well as key-student                                                                               Team DAIS performed brilliantly at 16th
        speakers. The ceremonial display of students
        bearing flags from all countries marching forward                                                                       Edition of the Rome International Model
        with the background of drum rolls and music truly                                                                      United Nations (RIMUN) which took
        turned the atmosphere electric. The day ended                                                                          place from 24th to 28th March 2023.
        with an evening spent exploring the Hague city
        centre. The second day called for intense debate                                                                       The DAIS deputation of 15 students represented
        and insightful discussions. Delegates worked                                                                           more than 3 delegations- UK, Lithuania,
        together to create collaborative resolutions to                                                                        Luxembourg, ICJ and Press.
        address pertinent issues at hand. The THIMUN
        Hague Press representatives from DAIS worked                                                                           The day after the Opening Ceremony, the
        creatively to ensure that nuances of the conference                                                                    students of the Dhirubhai Ambani International
        were highlighted and the delegates' activities were                                                                    School arrived at the Liceo Farnesinia School in
        showcased in the newsletter. Student Officers also                                                                      Rome. There were around 600 delegates from
        efficiently moderated committees ensuring that all
        the delegates have a memorable experience.                                                                             various places including Mexico, USA, Sweden,
        Students engaged in stimulating debate on day                                                                          Germany, Turkey, Mauritius and their partner
        three, especially the Chairs who experienced a full                                                                    schools from Italy. Students began lobbying with
        day of moderating committee. The Press delegates                                                                       each other for the rest of the day, forming blocks
        wrote articles and published illustrations for                                                                         and discussing agendas. Then delegates marched
        MUNity, the THIMUN newsletter. When they got
        back to the hotel in the evening, all the students                                                                     into their committees armed with resolutions. All
        reflected on their experience so far at THIMUN and                                                                      around there was a tinge of nervousness in the
        shared their learning experience. With that, came                                                                      air. Delegates constantly were on their toes as the
        the final day of the conference which began with a                                                                      best of plans could be ruined by a single misstep .
        visit to the Peace Palace before all the delegates                                                                     They were frantically learning their main
        headed off to their respective committees. In
        committee, the students were able to pass a large                                                                      submitter speeches, correcting them over and
        number of amendments, solidifying the progress                                                                         over again. Excitement was the emotion that
        they had made throughout the conference.                                                                               dominated three days of vigorous debate.
        Additionally, they passed several resolutions,                                                                         Committees discussed resolution after resolution,
        furthering their efforts to bring about change in
        the simulated international community. The                                                                             and all around one could see students hard at
        Closing ceremony was an awe-inspiring experience                                                                       work supporting each other in their common goal
        as ambassadors from each country walked around                                                                         to make the resolutions perfect. The hard work
        the hall holding their country flags. The conference                                                                    did pay off, when the resolutions submitted by
        ended with a bang of the gavel, marking the end                                                                        some of the students from our school were
        of a successful event for the DAIS students.
                       Naviya Gupta, IBDP Grade 11                                                                             passed in their respective committees.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Students won the Best Delegation Award - UK

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