Page 52 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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THIMUN Singapore                                                                                                         MUN Award Winners

        THIMUN Singapore, one of the premiere international MUNs offered by the THIMUN Foundation was an insightful learning
        experience. The Chairs, Presidents and Deputy Chairs contributed to an atmosphere of mutual exchange of ideas, opinions and   ABMUN
        beliefs. Delegates were encouraged to debate and deliberate at all moments, be it amendments, resolutions or through bloc
        politics. The opportunity for developing crucial real-world skills such as public speaking, critical thinking and decisiveness with the   Best Delegate
        overall online experience was extremely enriching for all involved. The international implementation of a dedicated Web-App made   Ojas Bajaj - Cold War Summit
        the entire 5-day conference efficient, with a multitude of                                                              Outstanding Delegate
        resources effectively collated in a single location, easing                                                            Hridank Garodia - DISEC
        the processes for lobbying, viewing resolutions and
                                                                                                                               Honourable Mention
        sending in amendments. Perhaps most of all, THIMUN was
                                                                                                                               Yash Muthalia - Futuristic United Nations Office
        made successful by the presence of delegates from several                                                              on Outer Space Affairs
        ethnic and national backgrounds, leading to a wide variety
                                                                                                                               Aanya Shah - Special Economic Crisis Summit
        of perspectives presented and broadening the world view
        of all involved. It was truly liberating to interact with                                                              Saachi Gupta - ECOFIN
        several individuals with unique, diverse upbringings and                                                               Verbal Mention
        thought processes, fostering a sense of international-                                                                 Ishaan Surve - ECOFIN
           Param Davda and Aditya Ankhad, IGCSE Grade 10

                                                  Junior DAIMUN                                                                                                                         Outstanding Delegate
                                                                                                                                                                                        1.  Dhruv Kapadia       Legal Committee
                                                  Over the 16th and 17th of September, 128                                                                                              2.  Naiessha Nayyar   Legal Committee
                                                  students of Grades 7 and 8 participated in
                                                                                                                                                                                        Honourable mention
                                                  Junior DAIMUN, exposing them to the world of
                                                  MUN and Press in preparation for the                                                                                                  1.  Arhaan Desai        Futuristic African Union, 2029
                                                  upcoming DAIMUN 2022 conference. The                                                                                                  2.  Tejas Chakrabarti   Pakistan National Assembly
                                                   conference was run by the leadership team of
                                                   DAIMUN 2022 and welcomed more than 100
                                                      delegates. Three committees were in
                                                      session over the course of the conference:                               SpringMUN
                                                      the Commission on Sustainable
                                                      Development, the Disarmament and
                                                      International Security Committee, and the
                                                      Human Rights Council. These committees
                                                     tackled global issues such as the question
                                                     of the social crises in the Horn of Africa
                                                     (CSD), measures to prevent corporate
                                                                 human rights abuses (HRC),
                                                                 and curbing the increase in excessive military expenditure
                                                                 (DISEC). Delegates worked together to vote on resolutions, a
                                                                 few of which passed successfully! The Press team at Junior
                                                                 DAIMUN 2022 comprised of four main departments: writing,
                                                                 illustration, layout, as well as videography and photography.
                                                                 They worked to release two issues of the Junior Daily MUNtra
                                                                 as well as a compelling after movie made by the videography   Honourable Mention              Best Young Delegate                  Outstanding Delegate
                                                                 and photography department that beautifully summed up the     Aryana Barai - Russia UNHRC     Tiana Dalal - Delegate of Venezuela DISEC  Arjun Kulshreshtha - India DISEC
                                                                 success of Junior DAIMUN 2022!                                Tithi Agrawal - South Africa UNHRC  Pratham Jalan -  Co-delegate of Switzerland  Bose Sullivan Kaikini - Timothy Gribben - SFA
                                                                                                                                                               Shruti Swamy - CTC Delegate of Israel


                                                                                                                                  Best Delegate                            Outstanding Delegate
                                                                                                                                  Anoushka Tandon - Merchant of Venice     Riddimma Sampat and Tisha Chadda - Merchant of Venice
                                                                                                                                  Agastyaa Goradia - UNGA                  Aanya Shah - UNGA
                                                                                                                                  Aditya Padgaonkar and Naiessha Nayyar -  Rushaan Agarwal and Atishaya Gupta - Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
                                                                                                                                  UNHRC and UNHCR                          Hrishita Shah - NATO
                                                                                                                                  Sachchit Jha and Ayaan Shah - Lok Sabha and   Special Mention
                                                                                                                                  Rajya Sabha                              Tithi Agrawal and Ishaan Surve - UNHCR and UNHRC

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