Page 57 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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        DAIS Alumni Impact

        Program Powered by


        DAIS students are special – open minded, self-driven, confident,
        and thoughtful. One of our mission this year has been to support
        and recognize our students of yesterday and today beyond school
        years. Therefore, we decided to formally launch our DAIS Alumni
        Network. Our alumni form an integral part of our school        DAIS Alumni Stall at the FETE
        community. They include professionals working in diverse industries
        from fields of law, medicine, entrepreneurship, graphic design, and
        the list goes on! Their unique journeys are inspirational, their
        experiences are reflective and thought provoking. There are 1200+ active alumni members in the community.
        While the Alumni connect to their roots and journey at DAIS, we want our DAIS high school students, right from Grade 9 upwards, to
        benefit from engaging with our Alumni Connect network. Students can seek advice from the DAIS Alumni, have their queries answered
        for their career pathways and gain insights on relevant internships. The power of Alumni Stories and their experiences shall provide an
        informed space for our current DAIS students. We look forward for this to grow from strength to strength!

 DAIS students from Grades 6-8 along with Ms. Nausheen Sheikh and Mr. George Juma
 attended the International School Theatre Association (ISTA) festival in Mumbai at the
 Oberoi International school on March 3-5, 2023. ISTA aims at bringing together young
 people, artists and teachers from different countries and settings to create and learn
 about theatre and arts. The event brought together students from various schools and
 countries. The theme of the event was 'Cultures create
 timeless narratives'.
 I got an opportunity to be a part of this event. The event
 started with some 'ice breaker' activities as there were
 students from multiple schools (both from India and
                                                                                            *As on 15th May 2023 & growing
 abroad) at the event. We got to know each other through
 these activities. Later, we explored how traditional art forms
 enrich individuals and communities by visiting a tribal village   ALUMNI Stories
 in a forest reserve, where we got a chance to learn about
 story telling through Warli paintings. We engaged into very
 interesting theatrical activities. For example, we were told a                              2019 DAIS Alumni
 story and were asked to enact it simultaneously while it was                                 Navadha Malpani
 being narrated. Group of students were divided in smaller                                  debuts with her song
 ensembles and each ensemble prepared a performance to                                      Wajahh. It was written
 present to our families on the final day. The theme of this                                 and composed by her,
 performance was 'A celebration of differences and identities'                               while pursuing her
 and it concluded the wonderful three day event. Through this                                Master's degree in
 whole event, I learned how to express myself without using                                finance. She is a trained
                                                                                            pianist who graduated
 words and only gestures. - Ranbir Dhall
                                                                                            from Trinity school of
                                                                                            Music & learned Music
                                                                                               Composition at
                                                                                             Berkeley School of

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