Page 72 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 72

International Virtual Conference                                                                                        DAIS PARTICIPATION IN

                                                                                                                                 ROUND SQUARE POSTCARDS

        Our Environment: A Responsible Legacy - Newcastle Grammar

        School, Australia
                                                                                                                                  Adventure in the Centre - A Postcard from St Philip's College, Australia
        On 8th June 2022, six delegates from grade 7 along with Ms. Sushila Victor participated in a Virtual RS Conference hosted by the
                                                                                                                                  The Round Square Postcard hosted by St Phillip's College, Australia, on 24th August 2022,
        Newcastle Grammar School, Australia, on the theme 'Our Environment: A Responsible Legacy'. The aim of the conference was to build
                                                                                                                                  was attended by four DAIS delegates from Grade 11 along with Ms. Manisha Nanda. The
        student commitment towards action that leaves a positive environmental legacy for the future.
                                                                                                                                  event included 45 attendees from across India and Australia. The event started with the
        The Conference started with sharing of pre-conference task and delegates proudly shared the school wide environmental initiatives that   host students introducing the theme of Adventure, beginning spirited discussions on what
                                                                                                                                  Adventure meant to each one of them. Through the discussions, delegates learned about
        have been taken undertaken at DAIS since the last several years. After reflecting on the pre-tasks in breakout sessions, students heard
                                                                           from Cherry Sung, one of the 2021 International        the meaning of adventure and its pivotal role in our lives as students.
                                                                           Young Eco Heroes from South Korea, who                 Soon afterward, the delegates were split into breakout rooms. The delegates continued
                                                                           shared her “Greener is Cleaner” initiative and         having intense and valuable discussions in smaller groups, where they freely voiced their
                                                                           highlighted the causes of various ecosystem            opinions and shared their own experiences. The delegates returned to the main meeting
                                                                                                                                  and shared insightful learnings from the barazza conversations. The Postcard enabled
                                                                           related problems. In the next keynote speech,
                                                                                                                                  the delegates to understand the 'Spirit of Adventure', as well as the importance of
                                                                           the students learned about the significance of
                                                                                                                                  taking risks and stepping out of their comfort zones.
                                                                           building awareness and how the youth can
                                                                           contribute towards solving global problems.            Reflections: “It was a momentous event! I enjoyed interacting with the barazza
                                                                                                                                  leaders from Australia. Overall, it was a wonderful experience and an even better
                                                                           Reflection: “The conference gave the students           learning opportunity!”
                                                                           an opportunity to better understand large-scale
                                                                                                                                  DAIS Delegates: Anishka Manawat, Aneesh Kumar, Zahra Kachwala, and Ziya Sheth.
                                                                           environmental issues. The students were inspired
                                                                           and motivated to implement changes in their
                                                                           surroundings as a first step towards change.”
                                                                           DAIS Delegates: Shloka Choudhary,                      Tall Tales and Folklore - A Postcard from Rockport School,
                                                                           Siddhant Mehendale, Sanaya Chadha,                     Northern Ireland
                                                                           Ayanna Vazirani Arishka Betadpur and
                                                                                                                                  On 15th June 2022, six students from Grade 6 along with Ms. Mitali Palav participated in a Round Square
                                                                           Sohum Anand
                                                                                                                                  Postcard hosted by the Rockport School, Northern Ireland, on the theme ‘Tall Tales and Folklore’. The Postcard explored storytelling
                                                                                                                                                                   traditions from around the world and was attended by 13 schools from 8 countries. The
                                                                                                                                                                   hosts started off by sharing examples of the rich tradition of stories and tales from
                                                                                                                                                                   Ireland. They then invited the participants to share their presentations describing popular
                                                                                                                                                                   traditions from their own countries. The DAIS delegates had prepared a presentation
                                                                                                                                                                   based on one of the many stories from the compilation, 'Tales of Panchatantra'. They
          Democracy: The Power of Stories -                                                                                                                        chose the story ‘The Monkey and the Crocodile’, with a moral of how quick wit and
                                                                                                                                                                   agile thinking is the best way to survive. Participants had great fun and learned a lot
                                                                                                                                                                   about each other’s cultures. They were able to understand and grasp different methods
          Riverdale Country School, United States
                                                                                                                                                            of storytelling and how to effectively present an engaging tale.
          On 5th May 2022, five students from Grade 7 along with Ms. Sunita Nath                                                                             DAIS Delegates: Agastya Naidu, Nandika Ramchand, Hitansh Bhatt, Anika Jalan,
          participated in a Virtual RS Conference on 'Democracy: The Power of Stories',                                                                     Kimaya Jagtap and Tamanna Tripathi Kaur.
          hosted by the Riverdale Country School, New York. The conference explored how
          schools around the world approach democracy.

          The Virtual Conference started with a presentation by the host school followed by a
          keynote from Ms. Ophelia Watahomigie-Corliss, a member of the Havasupai Tribe,                                          Poverty and Women's Rights - A Postcard from Thomas More
          about her efforts to bring basic broadband access to her village which was situated                                     College, South Africa
          at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. After a brief breakout room session to                                               On Wednesday, 17th August 2022, four delegates from Grade 11 along with Mr. Sreeraman
          discuss their learnings, the delegates heard from                                                                       Ramanathan, attended a Round Square Postcard hosted by Thomas More College, South
          Ms. Antoinette Quarshie about her learnings and                                                                         Africa based on the theme ‘Poverty and Women’s Rights’. Featuring delegates from across
          experiences of growing up in four different countries                                                                   the world, including India, Pakistan, South Africa and Australia, the Postcard aimed to
          and how education could be different worldwide.                                                                         discuss the issues of women’s rights through the lens of Psychology and Economics.
                                                                                                                                  The Postcard began with a compelling performance in the form of a play by the host
          Reflection: “The conference enabled students to                                                                          school, which involved inspiring spoken-word poetry on stereotypes faced by women and
          learn and gain exposure to diverse cultures and                                                                         how to overcome them. This was followed by a stimulating keynote speech by a
          perspectives. The students had the opportunity to                                                                       renowned psychologist, who discussed women’s rights and its relation to poverty. The
          introspect upon their own privileges and                                                                                students also heard another keynote speech on Economics and the Unpaid Care
          responsibilities that come with it.”                                                                                    Economy, establishing the relationship between economics and women’s rights. These
                                                                                                                                  speeches were followed by a baraza session that consisted of delegates formulating
          DAIS Delegates: Atharv Agarwal, Riaan Mehta,                                                                            solutions to treat these problems.
          Rishab Tiwari, Jai Sachdeva and Devaryaa                                                                                In conclusion, the event provided an insightful understanding of individual, cultural,
          Makhijaa.                                                                                                               historical and demographic influences on the issues of poverty related to Women’s rights.
                                                                                                                                  DAIS Delegates: Ishani Badala, Hrishita Shah, Advait Variyar and Sumeir Walia
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